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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 07-17-14

When I was born, my father was 71 years-old and my mother was 36 years-old. When I was only two weeks old, my mother was taken to an insane asylum for 21 years! I would visit her occasionally and she was so insane that I would leave crying. One day[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Baby Elijah: 7-16-2014 6:00 PM

Today baby Elijah was transferred from the hospital in Port-au-Prince to a very good hospital for children’s intensive care called Hospital Bernard Mevs. They will be able to treat Elijah’s condition of hydrocephalus that means water on the head. He is doing better, and we are praying that baby Elijah[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Shalken: 7-16-2014 – 3:30 PM

Great news! We serve a very big God! Some new partners have stepped forward to sponsor the immediate need of $750 worth of medicine for little Shalken, who has a rare disease that requires very expensive medicine. His father loves the Lord and has put his trust in God to[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-16-2014 10:00 AM

Look at these adorable new shoes that were purchased for the poor children in Haiti by one of our closest friends Tim and Angela Griffin. They are our singers and musicians for our Love A Child Luncheons. She found them at Wal-Mart, marked down from $10.00 to $1.00 each! She[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 07-16-14

I woke up this morning at 3 AM with this thought and scripture on my heart from the Lord. Some of you are standing before the Red Sea right now, and it looks impossible to cross. Yet God has made you a promise, you know what it is and he[…]

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Love A Child

Lourdes and team update – 7-15-14

God bless our wonderful friends – Lourdes, Frank, their daughter and the team that came to Haiti with them! They blessed our clinic with maternity gift bags, clothes, shoes, flip-flops, and school supplies for the orphanage!!! You guys have done so much for Haiti and for the children!!! You will[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-15-2014 4:00 PM

On September 19th we will hold a big Dedication Day for the Love A Child Miracle Market Chicken Co-Op Project. This is a Sustainability Project helping Haitians to help themselves. A very special thanks goes to Mike Welch, Larry and all of his friends, and also the USAPEEC International Poultry[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-15-2014 2:00 PM

It’s amazing what God can do when we share our food with others. When you partner with Love A Child, we share that food with many other wonderful missions in Haiti that struggle to feed the poor, such as Hope for Life Children’s Outreach. This is the end result –[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Dimilia: 7-15-2014 10:30 AM

We want to praise the Lord for providing the sponsoring of Dimilia’s trip to Maine for her surgery, and someone to travel with her. It is amazing how fast the Lord provides. God bless you! Bobby and Sherry  

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-15-2014 8:30 AM

The Dominican Republic Youth Outreach Programs have exploded with the power of God. Our Love A Child team has held five Children’s Outreach Programs where they distributed 1,000 school backpacks. They also handed out a blend of rice and beans donated by Feed My Starving Children. They distributed Bibles and tennis[…]

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