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Love A Child

Volunteers needed in Haiti 04-03-14

As Love A Child continues to grow, we need experienced missionaries to train and eventually lead in several important areas of our ministry. One area of need is a “Medical Administrator” for the Jesus Healing Center. This position requires a registered nursing degree, and the ability to speak French or[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 04-03-14

“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.” Proverbs 3:27 – When it is in the power of our hand to help someone, let’s do it! Bobby

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Love A Child

Visitors to Haiti 04-02-14

Joel Trimble, our good missionary friend of many years, came in this afternoon and will be here tomorrow to help us with some technology issues. Mark Crea, Executive Director of Feed My Starving Children, and his team are here as well to distribute thousands of meals this week. We also[…]

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Love A Child

Le Roche Food Distribution

We are on our way now to distribute food in Cotin, Haiti. We had a wonderful food distribution early this morning in Lastik. The people from La Roche walked up to Lastik to receive their food. We gave food to nearly four hundred families during this distribution, and later we[…]

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Love A Child

Food Distribution in Lastik

Today, we were in Lastik with the Feed My Starving Children and Builders Without Borders teams. They helped us distribute food to hundreds of children and their parents in that village! If you would like to help “feed the children,” you can give now by clicking here. God bless you[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Le Tant Church 04-02-14

The poor village of old Le Tant will soon be getting a new church and school! These people lost their church and school years ago due to the earthquake aftermath and rising lake. God bless David George and his partners for all their help with this project! Sherry

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Love A Child

Schedule for 04-02-14

This morning, the Feed My Starving Children and Builders Without Borders teams are traveling with us to Lastik and La Roche to distribute thousands of meals to hungry men, women and children. The Haitian people are so sweet in those areas. Mark Ostrander and our Haitian workers will be pouring[…]

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Love A Child

Food Distribution in old Le Tant

We had a food distribution in the old village of Le Tant this afternoon. Fre Sorel began singing and praising the Lord and the children joined right in! What a blessing. Sherry

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Love A Child

Haiti Afternoon Update

Love A Child and Feed My Starving Children are passing out thousands of meals today. The Builders Without Borders team is also working in the hot tropical sun putting a roof over our Agricultural Training Center. We have also had Mark Ostrander and our Haitian crew pouring concrete foundations for the[…]

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Love A Child

Sharing Food 04-01-14

Today we have volunteers loading lots of meals for many hungry Haitian families. There are many trucks here that still need to be loaded. Some groups will receive a few boxes of food, and some will receive up to 300 boxes that include 64,800 meals! Love is something you do![…]

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