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Love A Child

Schedule for today 04-01-13

This morning, we will have over 60 organizations coming to our Food Distribution Center to pick up their food for the month. Over half of these organizations are orphanages with many hungry children to feed. This afternoon, we will be in old Le Tant giving those families their monthly supply[…]

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Love A Child

Fre Sorel prays for lady

Today, we had food distributions in several villages. Fre Sorel, a former voodoo witch doctor, is now a deacon in our Miracle Village Church. He will soon become a pastor in our new church in old Le Tant. This afternoon during a food distribution, Fre Sorel prayed with a lady[…]

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Love A Child

Builders Without Borders 03-31-14

Our Agricultural Training Center is being built in the back of Miracle Village by this wonderful team from Builders Without Borders.  Wow! This team is awesome! Bobby

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Love A Child

FMSC team in Haiti 03-31-14

The team from Feed My Starving Children has just arrived here at Love A Child! We will be doing food distributions in many villages this week! God bless them for donating their food to us! Sherry

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Love A Child

Welcome FMSC team 03-31-14

Today, we welcome the Feed My Starving Children team along with Mark Crea, Executive Director/CEO, to Haiti. It will be a wonderful week of sharing thousands of meals with hungry children. Love is something you do! Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Ti David 03-30-14

This is Ti David, which means “Little David.” He is called Little David because we already have a David here at our orphanage. He was brought to us by the Haitian Department of Social Services. He loves soccer and also loves all of his new brothers and sisters! Thank you[…]

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Love A Child

Morning service at our Miracle Village Life Changers Church

This morning we had a great service at our Miracle Village Life Changers Church. It was ministered by Brother Dodo, the former witchdoctor for Haitian President “Papa Doc” Duvalier. Brother Dodo is now an evangelist, preaching the word of God. Click here to see a short video. Blessings, Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 03-30-14

“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear…” Isaiah 59:1 – My mother prayed for my father for many years. When most women would have left, she stayed with him. Shortly before he died, he gave his heart to[…]

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Love A Child

Builders without Borders lend a helping hand

The Builders Without Borders team is working on our Agricultural Training Center and Chicken Farm Co-Op buildings today. These two projects will create jobs for the poor in Haiti! Thank you, Builders Without Borders! Bobby

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Love A Child

Blessings come with sharing

When we share what we have with others, God blesses us. God cannot bless those who do not give and share. We are “blessed” to share the food we receive from Feed My Starving Children with wonderful missionary friends like “Real Hope for Haiti.” Look at these babies!! Thank you,[…]

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