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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 01-03-14

Bobby and I were up for hours last night and wide awake at 2:13 AM with a new “unction” from the Holy Spirit.  Everything we do in 2014, every meal we give, every person we treat in clinics, every school child we educate, every one we see, touch and help[…]

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Love A Child

Pastor Bernice needs prayer 01-02-2014

Prayer Request: For those of you that know Pastor Bernice from Haiti, we have a serious prayer request for him.  He is the pastor over our church and school in both Lastik and La Roche.  A few years ago, he had a tooth pulled by a dentist in Haiti who nearly[…]

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Love A Child

Distribution of clothing, shoes and food

God bless Carlos, our Love A Child Team Host, for doing such a great job.  Recently, he and a special team distributed shoes, food, toys and more to the poor.  We especially want to thank World Vision for the donation of beautiful new clothing, tennis shoes and so much more![…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 01-02-13

“Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.” Psalms 112:1 – Please read the next two scriptures after this one.  You will be blessed!  The best is yet to come!  Bobby

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Love A Child

Sherry goes to Baptist Hospital of Miami

I just left the emergency room of the Baptist Hospital of Miami. I had muscle spasms in my back from lifting a heavy object, but thank God it was not a deteriorated disk. They did find an old fracture that caused back pain, but I am so happy and thankful[…]

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Love A Child

Sherry goes to Baptist Hospital of Miami

This morning, we are on the way to the Baptist Hospital of Miami to have a doctor look at Sherry’s back.  We have plans to be back in Haiti by the weekend. By faith! Today everyone that can will have pumpkin soup in Haiti! Thank you for praying for Sherry. […]

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Love A Child

Dominican Republic Outreach

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16 – Be sure to see Sherry’s Journal today and read about the special outreach to children and families in the Dominican Republic.  Bobby

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Love A Child

Happy and Blessed New Year

We wish to thank everyone for their prayers and support this past year and we want to wish you all a Happy and Blessed New Year!   “The best is yet to come!” Be looking for Sherry’s new journal recapping what God has done in 2013.  Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Kite Flying

Here are some of the Love A Child children flying their kites today!  When I was a kid, I loved flying my kite!  Bobby

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Love A Child

Update on Sherry’s back pain

Sherry felt like she was doing better through the night.  This morning way before daylight, she went into our small living room to pray and the pain with horrible spasms hit her again.  Right now, she is doing a little better while lying in the bed, but she is really[…]

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