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Love A Child

Builders without Borders lend a helping hand

The Builders Without Borders team is working on our Agricultural Training Center and Chicken Farm Co-Op buildings today. These two projects will create jobs for the poor in Haiti! Thank you, Builders Without Borders! Bobby

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Love A Child

Blessings come with sharing

When we share what we have with others, God blesses us. God cannot bless those who do not give and share. We are “blessed” to share the food we receive from Feed My Starving Children with wonderful missionary friends like “Real Hope for Haiti.” Look at these babies!! Thank you,[…]

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Love A Child

Welcome Home Robert

We are blessed to have our missionary Robert returning home to Haiti today after intensive back surgery. Thank you for all your prayers! We serve God the “great physician,” who guides our physicians and provides for all our needs. Welcome home Robert and Durkje!

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Love A Child

Haiti Update 03-28-14

Mission accomplished! This afternoon, Pastor Randy Landis and the Life Church team left Haiti. Tomorrow, we welcome “Builders Without Borders.” They will be working on roofing for the Agricultural Training Center, the Chicken Co-Op and the Marketplace Chicken Building. They will be rocking! Thank you! Bobby

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Love A Child

Firefighter emergency response training

Today, the Firefighters from Life Church gave certificates to our Miracle Village Firefighters for completing their Emergency Response training. The man pictured here with a smile is “Brother Sorel.” He has had a voodoo circle burned in his head since he was a child. Now, he is a very blessed[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 03-28-14

If you go around doubting, you will do without. If you go around believing, you will receive. “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.” James 1:6 – Bobby

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Love A Child

Update on church and school in old Le Tant

This is the site of the new church and school that is being built in the old village of Le Tant. We are told that it will be finished in only thirty days! What a blessing for these poor Haitian people. God bless you David George and all of your[…]

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Love A Child

Firefighter training

Frank and John from Life Church are training our Miracle Village Firefighters! Thank you Pastor Randy and Life Church for sponsoring the Firefighter Project! Bobby and Sherry

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Love A Child

Update on Nelson 03-27-14

What a Miracle! This little guy was placed on the ground with hogs and had never walked! He was malnourished and his legs were like spaghetti. Click here to see more, but be prepared to cry. Sherry

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field 03-27-13

Jesus talks about the two greatest Commandments in Matthew 22:37-39. The first is that we love God with all of our heart, mind and soul. The second is to love our neighbor as our self. But, who is our neighbor? You might be surprised. Read Luke 10:29 today. Bobby

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