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Love A Child

Sharing Food 10-21-2013

10-21-2013 – 6:30 PM A Haitian Creole Proverb says, “Those who share their food never eat alone…” Notice the man on the ground feeding the child who is hungry.  Psalms 41:1-3 tells us that when you share with the poor, you will never go hungry. We share our food with[…]

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Love A Child

Sarah is growing up

10-21-2013 – 12:30 PM Sarah is growing up! When she was brought to us, she had “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition.” This type of malnutrition kills so many babies and toddlers because they are bloated from retaining water! Their grandmother or whoever is keeping them, think that they are “fat and healthy,” when[…]

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Love A Child

A Word from the Mission Field 10-21-2013

10-21-2013 – 6:30 AM Someone once said, “The true gospel is a call to self-denial. It is not a call to self-fulfillment.”  “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”  Luke 9:23 – Bobby

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Love A Child

Jonas 10-20-2013

10-20-2013 – 7:30PM Jonas is a little boy from our Love A Child Orphanage.  He was “snuck” into the orphanage by “you know who.” (Me!)  At the time his father brought him to us in the mountains, we were renting a very small building and it was over-crowded with kids.[…]

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Love A Child

Are these kids really orphans in Haiti?

10-19-2013 – 5:15 PM Are these kids really orphans in Haiti?  They look much too happy!  Robert and his wife Durkje are Love A Child Missionaries and they help us with our orphans. Tonight, they are teaching the children how to make special pancakes like they make in Holland.  The[…]

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Love A Child

Box of food has 216 meals

10-19-2013 – 8:15 AM This box contains 216 meals for this poor Haitian woman’s family.  As long as she can feed her family, she will not be tempted to do the “unthinkable,” which is to sell one of her children to feed the others. See Sherry’s Journal today to see[…]

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Love A Child

Dedication Service of the new FDC

10-19-2013 – 7:15 AM On Thursday, October 24th at 9:30 AM, we will be dedicating the new Food Distribution Center in Fond Parisien, Haiti.  Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Mark Crea from Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) and others will be at the dedication service.  Pastor Jentezen Franklin and his partners sponsored[…]

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Love A Child

Jonas 10-18-2013

10-18-2013 – 9:30 PM This is Jonas, he came from Demesseau, Haiti. We have had him since he was born. His mother died in childbirth and his father brought him to our truck, as we were getting ready to leave the mountains. Bobby and I were having a “parenting moment,”[…]

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Love A Child

Breaking News 10-18-2013

10-18-2013 – 10:15 AM Breaking news!!  All of the borders between Haiti and the Dominican Republic are closed! More later.  Bobby

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Love A Child

Max Care Prosthetic and Friendship Church Teams

10-18-2013 – 9:30 AM Special thanks to our two great teams!  We are so thankful for the work done by Max Care Prosthetic Team and Friendship Church Team.  Max Care Prosthetic Team worked with many amputees and Friendship Church Team worked on several special projects like pouring a concrete slab[…]

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