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Love A Child

Delivered food to a brand new area called Mont Oregue.

9-27-2013 – 5 PM Today we delivered food to a brand new area called Mont Oregue.  A local pastor gathers women and children to try and help them.  These women and children were all sitting under a torn piece of tarp waiting for some food.  Thanks to our partners, they[…]

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Love A Child

Truck full of our orphaned boys headed to Miracle Village

09-27-2013 – 3 PM Today, a truck full of our orphaned boys headed to Miracle Village to gain knowledge on how to make “raised seed beds” during our agricultural training.  Mark Julian and Wilner are teaching these boys all about gardening.  They did a great job!  May God bless Mark[…]

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Love A Child


09-27-2013 – 6:45 AM “Focus!” “And when Peter had come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.  But when he saw the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.”  Matthew 14:29-30 – Staying focused[…]

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Love A Child

God bless our friend Reverend Jim Whittington.

09-26-2013 – 12:00 PM  God bless our friend Reverend Jim Whittington for his ministry under our huge Gospel Tent Crusade in the Dominican Republic.  He provided a powerful ending to the crusade with a great service and a harvest of souls!  Be sure to see Sherry’s Journal coming soon for[…]

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Love A Child

We wish to thank David George.

09-26-2013 – 9 AM We wish to thank David George for his wonderful ministry during our Dominican Republic Crusade last week.  He really “kicked it off” with the power of God!  Thank you so much David and Angie!  God bless you for the wonderful things you have done in Haiti! […]

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Love A Child

Jovanie passed her entrance exam.

09-26-2013 – 7 AM Jovanie passed her entrance exam to enter a nursing college in Leogane, Haiti later this month.  We pray that every one of our children here at Love A Child can grow up to serve the Lord, and to serve their country.  Thank you to our sponsors[…]

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Love A Child

But God has given each and every one of us something.

9-26-2013 – 6:30 AM “And the Lord said unto Him, (Moses) what is that in thine hand?”  Exodus 4:2 Sometimes, we may think that we have nothing to offer the Lord – no special talent, not much education, not much money and the list goes on.  But God has given each[…]

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Love A Child

Love A Child older girls.

09-25-2013 – 4:30 PM We are the Love A Child older girls and we have worked hard in the depot all day packing food for the villages.  We will be going to school next week and we want to thank all of our wonderful sponsors!

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Love A Child

Now distributing food to fourteen locations.

09-25-2013 – 11 AM We just had a meeting with our Love A Child missionaries about all of our “Food Distribution” outreaches.  We are now distributing food to fourteen locations for children and families.  We also feed all of our school children, and we share food with many other missionaries[…]

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Love A Child

Ye are the light of the world.

9-25-2013 – 6:15 AM “Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.”  Matthew 5:14 That’s what we do!  We are the “lights” here in Haiti.  God has called us to this “very dark country” to shine the Gospel.  It is[…]

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