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Stanley… He Can’t Stop Growing!

This big, burly man is nothing but a “teddy bear!” He came to us from  “a run-down orphanage” in Haiti. His relative called and begged us to take him and we are glad we did. He came from the Cape Haitian area, and their Creole is a little different. When[…]

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Happy Birthday, Bobby!

To my husband, you are a wonderful father to our children, Jonathan and Julie; a grandfather to Anthony, Aidan, and Braden; a father to 85 Haitian children; a great missionary! Bobby is the most wonderful, kind, thoughtful, and humble person that I have ever known. A man of faith who[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Best Medicine for Sleep…” Anything that you can think of to help you “sleep better” is advertised wherever you look… from melatonin, to vitamins, to a “special mattress,” or even a better “pillow.” Some people can’t sleep because of worry… worrying about bills, about what the doctor will say,[…]

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Food Delivered to Flood Victims in South Haiti

South Haiti, along with many other areas of Haiti, has suffered greatly due to the floods. But, because of wonderful partners like you, we were able to again purchase rice, beans, and cooking oil ($20,000 worth) to bless the poor here in Haiti! As you may know, in Haiti there[…]

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Our Sweet Job!

You can remember the story of Job. He is 14 and very, very intelligent. He developed a rare bone infection in his leg from his knee down to his foot! This has been getting worse, and the Haitian doctors did nothing to help him. We had to send him to[…]

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New LAC TV Program “A Country in Crisis” Begins Today!

Haiti has gone through so much instability in the last several years, from the assassination of their president, to natural disasters, to gang violence, all of it combined has created a massive food crisis. The poor are hurt the most. Mothers’ hearts break as another day passes with no food[…]

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Now is the Time to Give…

When I think about the poor, there is one little girl that tells their story… You can see the sadness, despair, and hunger in her eyes… Her hair should be black, but it is turning red… Her skin does not have good color… She is dirty and has no shoes,[…]

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Graduation Day!

We traveled to Lake Arrowhead, California, for our two grandsons’ high school graduation! They have graduated and are now preparing for college. They are Christians and will be helping in a church camp next week. They were in Haiti last Christmas with their parents. Before they start college, they want[…]

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Helping Others

People have helped us all our lives, so it’s important for us to help others in need. Today has been a privilege as well as a heartbreak for us, the Love A Child family, to help these people who have been hit very hard by the disaster.

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