We want to thank those who have been giving to our new “Food for Life Jobs” outreach. These are the villages of Fond Bayard, Boulaille, Old Letant, and Nan Plezi. Some of you gave $150 per person, for a poor mother to have the chance to sell items and make a living! Most of the...
Sherry and I left Baltimore this morning at 5 AM for our Board Meeting in Fort Myers, Florida. The Bible says in the Book of Proverbs, “We have safety in the multitude of council.” Please pray we have safe travels. Thank you for your prayers and support. We love you... Bobby and Sherry
“…and this is but a light thing in the eyes of the Lord…” 2 Kings 3:18 So, you think your problem is too big for our “big God”? You don’t know any way out? Maybe you think that God cannot do what He says He will do… This message is from the Lord, for someone in...
Ever since we heard the story about “Baby Lovely,” we knew that the Lord wanted us to bring her into our home and our hearts. Lovely had a disease and had been abandoned by her father and mother. Her aunt, “Madamn Cheap Cheap,” told us about her. Lovely is frail and under a doctor’s care...
Dear Friends and Partners, thank you for your love and devotion to our work here in Haiti. The greatest sacrifice we have made has been “being away from our two children and grandchildren” on Holidays, Birthdays, etc. This sweet letter is from Widlene, one of our older girls at our Love A Child Orphanage, to...
“Helping God Out.” In Genesis 15, God spoke to Abraham and gave him a promise that he should have a son and his heirs "shall be as stars in heaven." But, in the next chapter, Sarah, seeing she had no child yet, decided that Abraham should have a child with her Egyptian handmade, Hagar, and...
Little Zachary knows he’s not supposed to be near the Christmas tree, especially, if it has candy canes on it!! I think one of the kids took his picture! Looks like he was “caught with his pants down,” as we used to say when we were kids… getting in trouble!! Zachary is our youngest Love...
Sherry and I landed in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, yesterday afternoon. Today we will be attending the funeral of Reverend Dr. Roy Smith, the pastor of Shrewsbury Gospel Temple. Dr. Roy was a long-time dear friend and was on the board of directors of Love A Child. He was such an inspiration and man of God. He...
“I set my face as a flint.” “For the Lord will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded; therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed.” Isaiah 50:7 This prophecy came forth out of the mouth of the Messiah through the Lord’s prophet, Isaiah....
Hi Everyone! These are some more of the children’s pictures doing their “Christmas Skit”! They “loved” doing this as you can see!! Even the donkeys were happy! Haitian children are very artistic! They are gifted in being given “nothing” and making “something beautiful” out of it! Thanks to Dieuferly for all his work! Love, Bobby...