Today, we loaded up Roselyne with an Uber account here in the Dominican Republic. We met at a motel and helped her set it up. She has to attend a French college here in the D.R. for about a month in order to pass her French test. She has already applied to a medical college...
“Lord, What do You Want Me to Do?” How many times have we not taken the time to “ask the Lord His advice and His guidance?” When Bobby and I were first married and I would try to give him a little “wife” advice, he would say, “Honey, I know what I’m doing…” Through the...
Roselyne… We first saw Roselyne in one of our Mobile Medical Clinics, in the mountains. She was a young girl with badly crooked legs. We thought we could get some type of therapy for her, so we brought her back with us. Her parents were very poor, and since she needed therapy, we brought her...
All over Haiti, the heavy rains have flooded many streets and villages. Philemond, our driver, just contacted us! He was en route to the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, with Job, one of our orphan children who just had surgery on his leg in the D.R. He could not even make it across the...
At 7:00 a.m. today, we got to see Job and “Touta,” his nurse. Philemond, our driver, was taking him from the Dominican Republic, across the border to Haiti, our Children’s Home. Philemond has to turn around and go right back, to pick up Mark Ostrander and Pastor Loudis, to take them back to Fond Parisien...
We are not afraid! Moses had sent out spies to spy on the land which the Lord had promised Moses and the Israelites. The spies had seen many things in the land, which gave them great fear. They even came back to Moses to give him a report. “And there we saw the giants, the...
Latest update: Good news!!! Jesse just picked up Job at the hospital. The doctor said Job could return to Haiti tomorrow. PTL! He will return in four weeks to the doctor if all goes well. Tomorrow, we’ll send pictures with a report. Thank you, for your prayers for Job. Bobby and Sherry
At 14 years old, Rebecca grows prettier and sweeter every day! We can remember what she looked like when she was first brought to us. Our Haitian Director heard about a little three-year-old that was going to be sold to a man! Our director paid the man and brought her to us. She is now...
We have arrived in Santo Domingo! Thank you for your prayers for safe travel and for little Job. Jesse just told us it looks like he will be checking Job out of the hospital this afternoon! PTL!!! The hospital costs are more than we had planned. PTL for a donor family who met the need...
Just passed through the border into the Dominican Republic. Sherry, Monica, Roselyne, Philimond and I are all traveling to visit and pray with Job who is still in the hospital. Plus, on Monday Roselyne will attend a special French school for 10 days to prepare for her test in French to enter college in Canada....