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Word from the Mission Field

Are you the tail or the head? “And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to[…]

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Update: Food for Prisoners in South Haiti

Yesterday, the Love A Child team in Anse-à-Veau fed all the starving prisoners pumpkin soup with meat, celebrating Haiti’s Independence Day! Haitians love to eat pumpkin soup on the first day of each year. This is a tradition for the Haitian people. Thank you, Hubert, your wife, and the Love[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

NOTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD! “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27 No matter what we may be up against this week, the Lord is greater! “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew[…]

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Update on Jackson

Jackson is doing well with his physical problem. Even though he has kidney disease, he still tries to function and have a normal life. We found Jackson in the mountains of Savann Pite, Haiti, with a huge bloated stomach. Trying to pick him up was very difficult. We knew he[…]

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Haiti, to all our Love A Child friends! This is the biggest holiday for Haitians in addition to Easter! All Haitians believe that the coming year will be better than the last. No matter how poor, they try to save enough money so that they can[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Thou Shalt Recover All.” 1st Samuel 30 shows the heart of David. He was a warrior, he could have killed King Saul twice but would not touch his life because he was “God’s Anointed.” Now he and his men have returned from the country where he had been helping King[…]

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Latest News

Container update: Good news!   As you know, we’ve had 28 (mostly Feed My Starving Children food), containers in customs at Port Lafito now for three months. There are so many gangs outside the port on the road. Bringing any containers out is much too dangerous. We were facing late[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God’s Ways are Still Higher” Bobby and I have been through a terrible trial of having four of our older Haitian children and 14 workers kidnapped en route to our Love A Child campus. As I was walking this morning, with this heavy burden on me and Bobby, I looked[…]

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My Ways Are Higher Than Your Ways

To all our friends and prayer partners, our children and employees have still not been released by the gangs. Two different gangs are fighting for control of the area between us and the next major town. Today, as I was walking and praying and thinking about our kidnapped Haitian children[…]

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Latest Updates from the Mission Field

Kidnapping update: We were praying and believing for our four college children and our employees to be returned yesterday. One person is from Dr. Ted Higgins’ the Higgins Brothers Surgicenter for Hope hospital, which is just down the road from us. We were disappointed they were not returned. Please, we[…]

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