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Word from the Mission Field

Oh, what a wonder you are Lord! “Ah Lord God! Behold, thou hast made heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee.” Jeremiah 32:17 Today, no matter what you are facing, God is bigger! While I’m praying every morning[…]

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The Natives are Restless! 

You are looking at just some of our Love A Child kids who had a bonfire and marshmallow roast! We bought hot dogs at the Dominican Republic border and the girls fried them! It is too dangerous for the Haitian children to cook hot dogs in the fire… the wind[…]

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Latest Updates from the Mission Field

Update on the Love A Child Kidnapping: This will be the ninth day that our four college children and ten employees have been kidnapped. This has been the most trying time in our lifetime. We are believing in the Lord for a miracle today! Please pray… Important container update: The roads are[…]

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LAC TV Program “A Light in the Darkness” Begins Friday!

With the help of Pastor Jentezen Franklin, we created the Grand Miracle Marketplace to provide a safe space for Haitians to work and to promote our sustainability initiatives. Though the gangs, natural disasters, inflation, and political unrest threaten the stability of each person’s life here, we remain a light in[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God will use “whoever He wants…” Isn’t it amazing how God will use someone to “bless you” or “to open a door for you,” and it will be someone you least expect? The “door” you need to get that job or to get into a university or whatever your need[…]

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Sarah Graduates!

In January, Sarah will have her official graduation from beauty college. She is the best manicurist and beautician you could ever imagine. Sarah and her brother came to us when they were very young. Their mother had died and both toddlers had severe malnutrition. Children in Haiti take their own[…]

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Latest Updates from the Mission Field

Update: Kidnapping of Love A Child’s four children and employees Please pray; we are expecting a miracle starting today and tomorrow. We have a window of hope!… Container update: Yesterday, Nelio, our director, started moving — by barges — our containers from Port Lafito to the Port-Au-Prince Port. The road[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The trial of your faith…” We all love to praise and worship God, but when it comes to “the trial of faith,” we feel that God has let us down, abandoned us, and doesn’t love us. “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that[…]

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Happy children at Christmas from the neighborhood!

Update on the kidnapping: No good news yet. Please pray. Sorry for these late pictures from Christmas. The internet here will try your patience and faith! Our older children from our Children’s Home wanted to do something special for the children here in our neighborhood who had no Christmas tree[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The God of My Mercy” For many years, David was chased and hounded by King Saul, his “number one enemy.” Although David had done nothing wrong, he was hated by King Saul simply because of jealousy. Twice, while King Saul was hunting David, Saul fell asleep in two different caves[…]

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