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New LAC TV Program “Desperate Faith” Begins Today!

New LAC TV Program “Desperate Faith” Begins Today!

Love A Child travels to the regions beyond to provide medical relief to desperate people with nowhere else to go. We serve the elderly who have pushed their bodies to the limit to reach us, mothers who have carried their children across rugged terrain for hours seeking lifesaving care, and children who need wounds cared...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Come! Let’s Praise the Lord!” It is true that people go to church for many reasons.  I believe “God lives on the praises of His children!” Everyone worships in different ways, but I “kinda” think that God is closest to us when we love and praise Him with all our heart. I know many people don’t believe in music...
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David… a Tough Little Guy!

David… a Tough Little Guy!

David was the 7th child of his family, a family who could not care for “one more child.” A neighbor took him in for a while but finally decided she could not keep him any longer. The Department of Social Services took him in and then asked us to take him. David is sweet but...
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In Appreciation for the Crusade at Gwo Maché Mirak

In Appreciation for the Crusade at Gwo Maché Mirak

This afternoon, Bobby and I were deeply touched when we were asked to come and meet with Pastor Luders, of our Love A Child Church and Pastor Jonas, President of the “League of Pastors.” They came and presented us a reward in deepest appreciation for sponsoring the Crusade at Gwo Maché Mirak. It is great...
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In the middle of all the chaos, gangs, kidnappings, economic collapse, and political unrest, we are planning for the future. We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander to Haiti. He and his Haitian construction guys (the dream team) have been building our future housing for mission teams. We have not been able to bring mission teams in...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

THE HARVEST IS RIPE! “Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2 Is the Lord calling you today? The harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. Are you...
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Stephano came from parents who didn’t take care of him. His father abandoned him when he was born, and his mother had mental problems. Stephano is generally a Dominican name, so his parents might have both come from the Dominican Republic or both. Regardless, he was brought to us by the Department of Social Services....
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Latest Updates from the ATC

Latest Updates from the ATC

I remember when our Love A Child land was donated to us (almost 100 acres); it was dry and dusty, had cacti everywhere, and you could hardly even walk on the land because there were thorns everywhere. Look what the Lord has done! When you add water and know how to compost, miracles happen. Our...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Helping God Out” Sometimes, our problems seem so difficult that we may think that God has forgotten about us. That’s when we get into trouble by “trying to help God out.” Yes, we do all that’s possible and let God handle the “impossible,” but waiting on God is crucial. His ways are perfect!! “For as...
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Little Samuel… “Your Face is Your Passport”

Little Samuel… “Your Face is Your Passport”

Little Samuel is now 7 years old and in 2nd grade. He had been left in horrible condition… and his mother was not able to care for him. We took him in, bought clothes for him, and raised him with our big family! Samuel is always smiling and always missing some teeth, but he is...
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