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An Important Decision Has Been Made

Thank you for your prayers for Sherry and everyone’s response by the hundreds on my Sunday morning Facebook post. Sherry will be going in today at 11:45 AM for her therapy to begin… I will be with her. It appears the therapy will be for one month. One month from[…]

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“For the Battle is Not Yours…”

Sometimes, when someone wants to help us, we seem to want to say, “I can do it by myself…” But when it comes to battling the attacks of Satan, his strongholds are great. He will do anything to keep you discouraged and to make you doubt the Lord. He pulls[…]

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A Baby Named Nayson… “Saving Haiti’s Children…”

Little “16-month-old” Nayson has already known more pain in his short little life than most of us know in a lifetime. Nayson’s mother died during childbirth of “eclampsia.” His father, Dieumabon Jean, was a poor mountain farmer. Most times, he found “nothing to eat” for his children. So, Nayson was[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God can and will deliver you! David had no spear nor weapon, just a slingshot and his staff in his hand to protect his father’s sheep. Yet, he slew the bear, the lion, and the giant!! He was just a kid, a young man. When God is with us, he will deliver[…]

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Bianca… or “Krapo”

All the children here at Love A Child love each other and give each nicknames. Bianca’s is “krapo,” which means frog! That’s because she has big eyes! She is 19 years old now, and getting ready for college in Haiti. She is quiet and shy and chooses to stay in[…]

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Our Jesus Healing Center

Thank you for your prayers and support… Our Jesus Healing Center is operating, the Birthing Center, and our Malnutrition Center are blessing the Haitian people through all these tough times. The birthing center is open 24 hours a day – 365 days a year. The Children’s Home is a blessing[…]

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“From Sherry to All Our Partners We Love…”

Dear Friends, With all my heart, I would like to thank you for all your love, your comments, and your support. We have been working in Haiti for over 30 years, and both Bobby and I have had some major accidents that required us to “be still” and wait on[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Just fill in the cracks!” Have you ever noticed how some people don’t want to do the “little things?” They want to be on the platform, or on the radio, or where people can see them, but they don’t want to do the small things. Here in Haiti, many poor[…]

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Lovely… She Doesn’t Waste Her Time

Lovely is really “growing up!” We first met Lovely through a sweet lady named “Madamn Cheap Cheap!” She sold souvenirs to our visitors who came to Haiti. One day, Madamn Cheap Cheap asked us to take in a baby girl who had been abandoned by her father after her mother had[…]

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Update on Sherry

The Lord is good!   Update on Sherry: As you know, we had to return from Haiti, to Florida, because Sherry’s back was broken in two places (fractures). Her doctor here actually told her she had three fractures in her back. Sherry is doing really great. In Haiti, I had to[…]

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