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Lovencia’s Miracle

Little Lovencia is just one of the babies brought here to our Malnutrition Clinic whose life has been saved!!! She lives with her parents and three brothers in an area called “La Source.” Her family is in “extreme poverty.” The mother sells tiny bags of water and anything else she[…]

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LAC TV Program “God Will Help You Back” Begins Friday!

Our Mobile Medical Clinics and Jesus Healing Center cater to the suffering and despondent throughout Haiti. Your heart will break as you see a mother carry her teenage son through the mountains to our clinic because she has no wheelchair for him. Children suffer from ailments that would be treated[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Holding on to “giving…” How many times have we let a “good thing” go by without doing anything? Sometimes, God speaks in that “still small voice” to do something good to someone, and we ignore that voice. The Word of God teaches us to “withhold not good from them to whom[…]

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Water Baptism at Pastor Claude’s Orphanage

“… and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doeth hinder me to be baptized?” (Acts 8:36) Haitians believe strongly in water baptism! Pastor Claude Mondesir has a large orphanage down the road from us. We help support his orphanage each month because times are tough here in Haiti. When[…]

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Our Lomene

Lomene is now in her second year of becoming a professional cook! This has always been her dream! We first saw Lomene when she was a little girl taking care of several families… cooking and washing clothes, etc. In Haiti, when a child’s mother and father die, or even when[…]

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Sustainability, food for life!!

“Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish; he will eat for a lifetime.” This morning I helped harvest our leaf cabbage, eggplant, and okra at the ATC gardens. All the okra and eggplant seeds came from Hope Seeds International. Thank[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7) Today, we will trust in the Lord our God! Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Yolanda… From Jumprope to Heels, to Jumprope!!!

Our sweetie, Yolanda, is now in Junior High and doing really well! She loves cooking in the kitchen and she says that some day she’ll be a nurse! She was born in the mountains in the village of Covant, (or Bel Fontaine), and we believe her father was Dominican. Her[…]

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Critical Care for the Poor…

The poor here in Haiti are our most fragile people and children. Love A Child’s Jesus Healing Center Clinic handles many people each day. However, in some of the worst cases, we cannot take them because they need “Hospital Care.” (When this happens, we must send them to the nearest[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Where Is Jesus In My Storm?” I wonder if you are facing a great storm today? There are many types of “storms.” Some people have a storm in their marriage, or with their children on drugs; some have a child in prison, or maybe you have an enemy on the[…]

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