Latest News Archive

Zachary… “Ti Moso” (Little Bit)

Little Zachary is now in K-2! We can’t imagine how he has grown up so fast!!! He is really spoiled to “Mommie Sherry,” and wants to be with me any chance he can get! Zachary shouldn’t be alive. His “crazy Voodoo mother” tried to kill him when he was a[…]

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Meet the Celimene Alexandre family

This is the Celimene Alexandre family in Petite Rivier de Nippes, who lost their house this year in the earthquake on January 24. The Celimene family received a tent from Love A Child the week after the earthquake, and now their new house is 80% finished! Thank God for Love[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Keeping our families under Psalm 91. “Surely he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence […] Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth[…]

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Our Samuel…

We first met Samuel’s father in the mountains of Greffin, during a Mobile Clinic. It was at the end of the week when a poor mountain man came up to us weeping with a baby in his arms. His wife had died, leaving him with six children, plus this new[…]

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Latest Haiti Update – Important

I wanted you to see below the latest news from the UN General – Secretary proposing rapid-response troops… Please, we need intervention now. The Haitians are hungry. Haiti is on the brink, as you can read in the report below. Urgent: We have 25 Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) 40-foot[…]

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Haiti Update

U.N. Secretary-General proposes rapid-response troops to help Haiti regain control from gangs Source: Miami-Herald, BY JACQUELINE CHARLES OCTOBER 09, 2022 8:17 PM The head of the United Nations threw his weight Sunday behind Haiti’s request for the immediate deployment of military troops to help the country take back control of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Take the Limits Off of God!” Do we realize that God does “just what our faith wants Him to do?” So many times we “stretch to believe God for something small,” but really God wants us to believe for something big!! Psalm 78:40-41 declares, “How oft did they provoke Him[…]

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No Internet

We just got a phone call from Bobby and Sherry that they did make it back to Love A Child and are now safely at the Children’s Home, however, there is NO internet service anywhere around. They apologize that they cannot keep you up to date with Latest News for[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Fear Not!” Fear is a terrible thing. Everyone who has ever lived has experienced “fear” at some time in their life. There are so many things that people fear, that each fear has its own name… “fear of falling, fear of closed-in places, fear of bugs, fear of snakes,” etc.[…]

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Update from Haiti

The U.S. Department of State has temporarily authorized departure for direct-hire U.S. government personnel and their family members in Port-au-Prince beginning October 7, 2022. Ongoing instability due to fuel shortages have resulted in the disruption of infrastructure, including sanitation and the availability of medical supplies, potable water, and food. Sixty[…]

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