“In God’s Time… Not Your Time…” Do you ever notice how we try to “put God in a box,” and ask Him to do things “when we want it, and how we want it?” He never forgets our earnest prayers, but we run out of patience. The Bible says, “But when the fullness of time was...
We are so proud of all our Love A Child kids. Even though they have been raised in an orphanage, they just always felt that they were in a “big family!” We first saw Lomene when she was a little girl working for two large families. Little was known about her, but the system in...
Dumolia is in college in Jamaica [and working hard] in order to get accepted into a medical college. She has been quite stressed out. But, she “took charge” of the situation, asked God for help, and made a high grade!! She was so happy; she was almost in tears! This sweet young lady has overcome...
We had another load of solar panels come in from Port-au-Prince now for a total of 1,184. DigitalKap Solar, which is putting in our solar, has containers on the ocean with lithium batteries, inverters, etc., right now heading this way from America. They must go through the Dominican Republic and then on into Haiti. Sometime...
“A Double Portion” We are living in the last days. We have heard this from our parents and pastors. We have read about it in God’s Word! We used to have churches that were filled with the spirit of the Lord. In those days, if a non-Christian walked in, he wouldn’t walk out the same....
As a farmer, Mr. Augustine had anxiously awaited the birth of his child. With no midwife around, the mother gave birth in a mud hut and then died. The baby’s father brought him to us. We called him “Job!” Job is sweet, quiet, and hardworking. He rises early, cleans his room, waters the plants, and...
We love Wilner, the Director of our ATC, and all the workers and students in our ATC program. Helping Haitians to help themselves! He calls me "Big Boss" ... Missionary Bobby Burnette P.S. Wilner is teaching himself English, so please excuse some of the translation in his latest message shared below: Hello Big Boss! Look...
In this week’s episode, your heart will break as you witness a defeated mother explain the agony of not being able to provide for her children. A disabled father laments that despite working hard all day long, it is never enough to combat the pains of hunger his family faces. Children labor all day to...
Sometimes, the ones we love can hurt us. They can change. Our friends, that we thought were with us, have lied to us and deceived us. Perhaps you thought that your husband, your wife, or your best friend would never change... and they did. Maybe you thought you would have that job forever, but you...
Jolina was born in the mountains of Savaan Roche. Her father was shot and killed and her mother was mentally unstable in caring for her... she already had nine kids. Her mother brought Jolina and her cousin, Daphline, to our Love A Child Orphanage. Jolina loves soccer, basketball, and running! She is as aggressive with...