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Pastor Mark Ostrander Visits Haiti

Today we welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander coming in to work on our future mission team guest housing, among other projects. Pastor Mark is also on our board of directors and has been to Haiti around 600 trips! Thank you! When Pastor Mark comes, he flies in through the Dominican Republic,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God can do the impossible! “With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Mark 10: 27 The Lord taught me a very valuable lesson several years ago. We must do everything which is possible, but let God do the impossible!!! Some Christians are so heavenly-minded, they are no earthly good. They[…]

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What are We Concerned About?

So many people will be going to church this morning, whether you are going to a small church or a large church. Sometimes, God’s people get caught up in “things,” more than people… But the Bible says, “If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Stay on the Winning Side.” After the Lord had given his people the land which He had promised them and after they had divided up the land, Joshua was about to die. He had just finished giving his last words and then, he said… “But cleave unto the Lord our God, as ye[…]

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Jean Gardy… He Has a Business Head, on His Shoulders!!

This is Jean Gardy, with Alex, who is the main Accountant for Love A Child. Jean Gardy is in college for accounting and one day, Lord willing, he will be Alex’s assistant. There is a lot of “paperwork,” involved in non-profits, so he will be a blessing!! Jean Gardy was[…]

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A Baby from the Village of Booster

Booster is a small village in the commune of the town, Ganthier, Haiti. A baby, 23-month-old Djoulins, lives with his mother and other siblings. Their house is made from pieces of metal for a roof and “mud-and-stick,” walls. When Djoulins’ father “gave up,” trying to support their family, his mother[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

In the Bible, King Uzziah was a great king. He ruled over the land of Judah, “and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 26:4 He sought the Lord, and God made him prosper… so much so that his enemies, the Ammonites, gave[…]

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Florence Has Named Julia’s Baby!

Florence is the sister of Franceau, Yolanda, and Julia who passed away. Florence flew in from Italy, where she will be finishing up her degree as a radiologist in a couple of months. She was the one chosen to name Julia’s baby. She named the baby “Princeton Nash Braylon.” She[…]

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Kristela Paul… She Dances to a Different Tune

It’s hard to believe that the tiny baby girl brought down from the mountains of Savaan Pit is now 21. We did not think she would live. Kristela’s mother and grandmother were deeply involved in Voodoo. When we first met Kristela’s mother, she had come to one of our Mobile[…]

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