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“A Gift from God…”

It is common to find children in Haiti abandoned by their fathers, leaving a mother to try to raise her children and also be the “breadwinner.” Sonia Zetrenne is a young mother of 23 years old. She has five children and lives in an area called “Fond-Gaya.” Since her husband[…]

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“Keeping ‘Em Busy!”

With a large number of children (85 plus), you must always have projects to keep them busy, boys and girls both. We put the girls on “window patrol,” cleaning all the windows in the Children’s Home! The boys’ “grass patrol.” Sometimes, grass tries to grow between the pavers or any[…]

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Rosematha’s Story

A “short mother” came to our Birthing Center. Her name is Rosematha Pierre. She is very short. I was told that women in Haiti, shorter than 1.50m, are more likely to have problems due to a small pelvis. This can also make it difficult for the baby to pass through the[…]

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“As for God, His Way is Perfect…” – Ps. 18:30

I’m sure that every one of us has had an experience in taking “our way” or “God’s way.” When Bobby learned to fly many years ago, I was really afraid! After all, I would be flying “with him.” Bobby was taught that “no matter what,” “no matter what your senses[…]

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The Big Birthday Bash

When you have as many children as we have, you must do birthday parties every month or every other month. This time, the party was for Ada, Dieubon, David, Davidson, Fabiola, Ginyia, Daniello, Wilguens, Mackenson, Stephano, and Nelson. Each one got a “little money in an envelope,” because there are no stores[…]

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Our Ginyia…

This little sweetie is growing up fast! Ginyia is now 9 years old and going into 4th grade! (I thought she was ten, but the room mother told me she was nine.) Her chores are “babysitting little Zoey and Zachary,” cleaning her room, and anything else the moms ask her[…]

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Boys Will Be Boys!

You can see these pictures of nice, beautiful new clothes we received for our Love A Child boys!!! (Boys are harder on clothes than girls!) It was getting harder and harder to keep our boys in pants and shirts! They were growing like weeds, and some as tall as “coconut[…]

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“It’s a Puzzle to Us.”

Someone asked us, “How do you keep 85 kids busy in the summer when school is out?” They have chores to do but, believe it or not, the kids love those “hard-to-put-together” puzzles! We bought two about a month ago, which were 1,000 pieces! It was “girls against the boys!”[…]

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LAC TV Program “Into All the World” Begins Friday!

In this week’s episode, your heart will break as you witness a little girl’s brave demeanor crack at the mere mention of a meal. Parents start working at the break of dawn, with only a small hope that at the end of the day they’ll be able to feed their[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BROKEN FOCUS: “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” 2 Peter 1:10 So many things come up in our lives which try to break our focus from what the Lord has called us to do. Some of[…]

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