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Hi everyone, Thank you for reading Sherry’s 6:00 p.m. posts about the Love A Child children. She loves doing these posts because she loves the children. Bobby and Sherry will be in Africa from July 13th through July 25th. When they return to Haiti, they will resume the 6:00 p.m.[…]

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Travel Updates

We flew 14 hours, and just landed at the Doha airport in Qatar. Beautiful airport! These people are oil-rich, and everything is first class. We rushed just as they were boarding our next flight to Nairobi, Africa. We land in Nairobi at midnight. Be looking for pictures! We will be[…]

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Faithful Phanise

This is Phanise, one of the Love A Child nurses specially trained to provide dialysis treatments for Jackson. He undergoes peritoneal dialysis every night for about 10 hours. He has a special sterile room where he sleeps and where his dialysis machine is kept. The road to Love A Child[…]

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New TV Program “When it Rains it Floods” Begins Friday!

Living anywhere in Haiti is challenging, but the terrain in Boulay is exceedingly difficult to survive in. The families residing in the riverbed at the base of the mountain range are prone to flash floods. They are forever on edge; at the sound of rain, they must swiftly evacuate with[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The God of “I Will Restore.” Have you ever lost something? A job? A home? A car? A position? Just be patient… We not only serve a God of “more than enough,” but we serve a God of “Restoration.” We serve the “I will restore,” God. I cannot count the things[…]

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Africa, Here We Come!

Here we are at the Miami International Airport waiting to board for Kenya, Africa. When we have internet, we’ll be sending pictures of the Lord’s beautiful animals and the scenery of Africa. We have been saving our personal money for a while to do this adventure. At one point, we[…]

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Latest News

Hi everyone, Thank you for reading Sherry’s 6:00 p.m. posts about the Love A Child children. She loves doing these posts because she loves the children. Bobby and Sherry will be in Africa from July 13th through July 25th. When they return to Haiti, they will resume the 6:00 p.m.[…]

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Kids Will Be Kids

It’s another hot summer day here at Love A Child. Bobby and Sherry are on their way to Africa, and people here are already missing their presence. But everything on the compound here in Fond Parisien continues to operate. The ministry must go on. There are people depending on us,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

THE EYE OF FAITH! “By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.” Hebrews 11:27 Moses could see beyond what he could see in the natural. We have never seen God, but yet we can look all around us and[…]

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