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Update on Wilguens “Jacque”

Wilguens “Jacque” (Alias, Grandpa) Wilguens is one of the sweetest but strangest little guys we have! He is very unusual. For one thing, I can never find him, but he is there! He is now 10 years old and in the 5th grade. Wilguens is tall for his age. In[…]

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Good Semi-Container News!

As you know, the 400 Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang) a few days ago, kidnapped Casimi, along with our semi-tractor and a 40-foot container of FMSC meals. Casimi was released the same day without a ransom being paid. They kept our semi-tractor and container full of FMSC meals. Nelio, our Haitian director negotiated with the gang. They said they would release our semi-tractor and container without ransom, but without the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Jesus said, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. These things I command you, that ye love one another.” John 15:12, 17 Love is not an option in our lives…it’s a command. Let’s all show His love today. Love is something you do! We love[…]

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Sarah Has Found Her Passion

When Sarah and her brother Joseph were brought to us, both had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. Certainly, both would have died, but God sent them to a safe place where they could heal, grow up, have an education, and find their passion in life. Sarah has got to be the happiest young[…]

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Good News For Dumolia!

We just received a phone call from Jamaica. Our Dumolia has just been accepted to the University of Technology – Jamaica! She will need to be in a medical study for two years in order to get into the main Medical College. This brings tears to our eyes! When she[…]

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“Hope for Haiti”

In spite of all the bad things that are going on in Haiti, the gangs on the streets, the killing of President Moise last year, and the day-to-day struggles of this little country, there is still “Hope for Haiti.” We have 20 children from our Orphanage, who have grown up[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“He’s Always on Time” In talking about the Lord, someone once told me, “He may not come when you want Him to, but He’s always on time!” How true that is! Our time means nothing to the God of the universe. We may be praying, “Hurry up God!” But God has[…]

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“Fritzner… Keeping Him in Pants!!!”

Fritzner is one of my favorite boys, although I have lots of favorites! He is now 13. He was brought to us by a Haitian Pastor in the mountains of Bel Fontaine (Covant). His mother died of “childbirth fever,” and his father was unaccounted for. He is really a miracle[…]

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Here is Pastor Mark Ostrander with his Haitian construction dream team. These guys are good, Mark has taught them well! Mark and his team are working on housing for our future teams who will be coming to Haiti. We have not been able to have teams come to Haiti now[…]

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LAC TV Program “God Has More Miracles” Begins Friday!

Love A Child’s Mobile Medical Clinics are a lifeline for the people of Haiti. Your heart will break seeing these ailments that would be easily treated in the US become severe problems due to lack of medical care. A child struggles with the symptoms of his condition because his mother[…]

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