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Delicious Meals to Fill Children’s Stomachs

Bawo is one of the poorest areas in the south of Haiti where we are building the Gabion houses for the hurricane victims. Thank you, Hubert and your team, and our Love A Child representatives for bringing food to these children. They were so happy to receive these hot delicious[…]

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Masked Bandits?

No, Ha! We received a large amount of masks from “We – Mask Makers.” Our friends, William and Ernestine, have made “custom-made” masks during the pandemic. They sent us quite a few and although we are not required to wear masks here in Haiti, we can always use masks!!! These[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

THE MAN OF GOD SAID, “SHOOT THE ARROW OF DELIVERANCE!” I GIVE YOU A WORD OF THE LORD TODAY, DELIVERANCE IS COMING! Joash was the King of Israel. Elisha was laying on his bed sick. The King came down and wept over his face. The Syrians were about to defeat[…]

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Kristela… “Christ Was Here”

This is my favorite picture of Kristela. No one has a smile and a twinkle in their eyes, like Kristela. We were doing a Mobile Clinic in Savaan Pit when a very sick and pregnant lady was brought to us. We did everything we could for her but noticed she[…]

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Infant Boy Clothing Needed…

Hi everyone! As you know already, we have a wonderful Malnutrition Clinic running and it is always a sweet place to be! When we turn these little ones back to their mother, we love to dress them in a nice pretty dress or nice little boys’ clothing. But we hardly[…]

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Jasson’s Medical Trip

This morning, early, Jasson left to go to the Dominican Republic with Philemond, our driver. Jasson has been to the D.R. several times before this, in regards to his kidney problems. As you may know, when we found Jasson in the mountains (during a Mobile Clinic), his belly was “the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 God’s not broke! He has plenty of miracles left for you. Bobby and Sherry

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Davidson… Another Twin!

This is Davidson Noel. He and his twin brother, David, were brought to us on Christmas Eve by Grandma Noel! I know that sounds crazy, but that’s what happened. The twin babies were born high up in the mountains where there is no doctor, so their mother died during or[…]

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Love Is Something You Do!

ANOTHER WARM STORY – LOVE IS SOMETHING YOU DO! Gabion house update from southern Haiti: House number 32 Darius Therese is seventy-six years old and homeless since the earthquake last August 14th in southern Haiti. She is overwhelmed with joy knowing she will no longer live under the trees under a tarp[…]

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God Bless America!

This Memorial Day we honor our brave men and women who have given their lives for our freedom. God bless all of those who are now defending America serving their country. Thank you for your sacrifice. We remember you on this special day to honor you and your families. God[…]

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