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Lomene Graduates from Her First Year of Culinary School… Professional Cook!

When we first found Lomene, she was cooking and working for a large family. She was washing clothes by hand. We felt led of the Lord to rescue her and bring her to Love A Child!

She graduated today, her first year!! She will go on to her second year!! One day, she may have her own restaurant in Haiti! We are so proud of her!

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field


“Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” Matthew 5:15

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Let’s let the light of Jesus shine through us today. We are his light in the midst of great darkness in the world today. Let your light shine!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Wilguens… One of a Kind

Of all the children we have, Wilguens (Jacque) is the “different one.” He is very intelligent, quiet, and you never know he is around… but if you need him, he “appears!” He is about 9, going on 60! He is the brother of Fabiola.

Wilguens’ mother died (probably in childbirth), and his father could not take care of him and his sister. Sometimes, his father would leave the children for several days with nothing to eat. Both children became malnourished. His father decided it was best to give the children up, so he took them to Social Services and they brought Wilguens and his sister to us. Both children responded to healthcare and love very rapidly.

Wilguens is the “quiet one” (at least, I think he is!). He is very, very intelligent in school, yet, he has the character of an older man… kids call him “Grandpa!” He wants to be a mechanic!! He will be in 6th grade!! He is super sweet and super smart!!! I wouldn’t mind having another couple of “Wilguens’!” Or, maybe not! It’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for! We all love “Grandpa!”



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Good News! Good News! PTL!  

Breaking news:

We’ve just had 4,000 gallons of diesel fuel arrive at Love A Child! They are pumping the diesel right now into our tanks!

The Lord gave us a miracle… When we get to the end of our rope Jesus is there!

Thank you for your prayers!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Update on our Diesel Fuel and the Road

Yesterday no diesel came to supply power for Love A Child.  

The meeting yesterday agreed to send us fuel, but the route was too dangerous to travel. Gwo Maché Mirak (Miracle Market) ran out of fuel which hurts the economy of everyone… little families trying to make a living. We built the market for sustainability… Haitians making a living.

I received the e-mail below last evening from someone who I will keep anonymous for his safety, who is watching over our fuel. I wasn’t going to share this, but you need to know, so you know how to pray, write letters to senators, or anything you can. Something must happen. The people of Haiti are suffering and cannot survive like this.

“Pastor Burnette, sorry today the inhabitants of Fond Parisien and surrounding areas had a dark day. The 400 Mawozo Gang massacred many people on our road- papaya area, which leads through Fond Parisien and on into Malpasse. No driver wanted to travel this route with the diesel tanker. Stanley and I waited all day without success. Please pray for Haiti… We are in the worst situation. Praying for tomorrow that diesel can make it through.”

Everyone, please pray for a miracle… We need diesel so we can make our many village Feed My Starving Children food deliveries. Families are hungry which breaks our hearts. Please pray, we must go solar in the future for several urgent reasons. Trusting the Lord… He will provide.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“God is Still God.”

I grew up in a family of five children, a Christian mother with an alcoholic father. I never realized we were poor until many years later after I was married. I looked back and saw that God had always provided for a mother with five children.

As Bobby and I got married and began to work for God, we were the “poorest of the poor.” We knew God was going to bless us because the Lord had spoken to Bobby when he was on a long fast, “with water only.” It did not come overnight, but God began to meet our needs. He was “there all the time.”

The Word of God declares, “And I will give thee the treasures of darkness; and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.” Isaiah 45:3

He knows your name! He knows your need! He knows how and when to move for you, because in the middle of everything, “God is still God!”

Faith means that even if you can’t see Him, or hear him audibly, you know that He is God, is with you, and He will not abandon you! Good things are about to happen!!!


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Update on Ti Mika

Ti Mika, “Little Mika.”

It’s hard to believe this little baby has grown up to be 14, a teenager. She is so sweet and always has a smile. She is “all girl,” but “tough as nails” when playing soccer!

She is always up early, cleaning and helping to disinfect everything… making her bed, and doing regular chores. If you notice her smile, her upper teeth have a problem… they stick out too far, so soon we will have to take her to a dentist in the D.R. for braces, or whatever he suggests.

Ti Mika was found when we were filming a “Feeding Program” for television. We were in a poor village and out of the corner of my eye, I saw an elderly grandma with a tiny baby in her arms. The baby was dirty, malnourished, and with red hair that was “straw-like”. The grandma had a small handful of rice, feeding her. Then, all of a sudden, the grandma put her down on the ground and left. I watched to see if anyone would pick her up, go and get food for her, and change her diaper, but nothing. She just sat there on the ground in the heat of the sun.

The Lord spoke to my heart that day about her and one other little girl. He said, “If you leave them here, they will die.” That’s all He said. And with that, I whisked her up in my arms and went to find the grandma. She said, “yes, take her,” and we did. And, we took the second child. It is hard to believe Ti Mika will be in 8th grade and wants to study agriculture. She will probably change her mind, but for now, she is blessed and happy!


P.S. A few years ago I took a nice framed picture of her to the grandma. She was laying on a straw mat on the ground… dying. When I handed her the picture, tears rolled down her face and she said, “Now, I can die in peace.”

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Please pray; the fuel people are in a meeting right now. They will let us know if they can bring Love A Child limited diesel today. I just received this word from Mr. Bellevue, who is over the fuel management and over Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Marketplace)…

Note: The Grand Miracle Marketplace, which Love A Child built, ran out of fuel yesterday.

Please pray. Prayer works.

We must do everything possible and let God do the impossible…

Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

I have given you these scriptures before. This morning they are burning within my heart.

The Word says: “Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.” Psalm 41:1-3

These are the seven supernatural promises that the Lord has made to those who help and bless the poor!

It is a joy to give and bless the poor… “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40

Bobby Burnette

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Moses Passed the Test!

No, it wasn’t a school exam. You see, the Haitians have a Creole proverb… “The rock in the water does not know the pain of the rock in the sun.”

Moses just turned 16! That’s 16 years after his mother, pregnant with him, decided she did not want another child. So, she went to a filthy, smelly outhouse, and sat down, letting the baby fall to its death. When she left, an older man heard the cry of the baby, tied a rope around his waist, and went to retrieve the baby with a bucket! You can imagine the smell! That baby lived and ended up in our arms at the orphanage. We called him Moses.

For a while, Moses was sweet, thankful, hardworking, and humble. Then, he got to be about 15 years old. He started hanging around some smarty-pants boys, whom Moses thought were “cool.” He began to change. He got lazy and arrogant, until one day, he ran into Mommie Sherry, who thought it was time for a “love” lesson. Moses had forgotten he was the blessed, the “rock in the water.” So, being the mom that I am, I sent Moses to Peyi Pouri, in the mountains with Pastor Souffrance, for two months. He soon began to see how blessed he was!! After working in the heat of the sun each day, toting water from the river all the way to the mountain, and doing other chores, he began to remember where he came from! When he returned home, there were no motorcycles to take, so he had to walk all the way down with Pastor Souffrance!! Now, the “old Moses” is back, ready to go to school, and work hard! Life lessons are tough, but you learn so much! We are glad to have our “old Moses” back!


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