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“A Haitian Laughs When They Should Cry…”

This is a Haitian Creole Proverb. This sweet little Haitian girl is smiling, because someone said something to “make her smile.” For just a few minutes, she could disappear from the misery of the hot sun, the lack of education, clothes, shoes, insecurity in the country and especially the lack of food. For just a few moments, someone turned her “heaviness” into joy! I wish we could all be like the common, poor Haitian people and children… Only God can cause us to laugh, when we should cry.


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ATC Mulberry Tree Distribution

Wilner Exil sent me this note yesterday afternoon… He is the head of our Agricultural Training Center, teaching Haitians sustainability. Yum, these mulberries are delicious and healthy for the children! Wilner went down to Pastor Claude’s orphanage, and we gave him and the children several mulberry trees yesterday.

We wish to thank Joe Perkins and Ron Lusk of Sustainable Food Production (formerly Global Compassion) for donating and erecting these shade houses, as well as Hope Seeds for their generous seed donations.

We are helping Haitians to help themselves!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

Note: Please read Wilner’s message below:

Dear my Big Boss. How was your day.

I hope your day was good, because; God is there; God is good. This is a photo of Mulberry trees from our Love A child( ATC nursery. We gave Pastor Claude Village today,
The Children’s were really happy, it is the plant with a very short cycle. After 7 a 8 months, it can produce good fruit for children to eat.

Wilner Exil

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LAC TV Program “The Rock in the Sun” Begins Friday!

The mothers living in Boulay, Haiti live in a constant state of stress. Not only do they have inflation, food shortages, and gangs to contend with, but they also have to deal with living in a flood zone. They are unable to sleep soundly; if it’s raining, they stay up to make sure the water doesn’t get too high. If it’s not raining, they listen for a distant storm because a downpour could cause a flash flood and necessitate an evacuation. They break rocks for a living, but when stingy truck drivers don’t pay for what they take, they are forced to watch their children cry from hunger pains. This was our first time providing them with this blessed relief, with your help we can do this every month!

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Love is something you do!

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Word from the Mission Field

This is for someone today. When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing!

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

The Lord has it all under control in your life. The best is yet to come!

Bobby Burnette

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Widelene, A Gourmet Cook!

Just look at these goodies!! Widelene is one of our older girls. She has been in college studying “administration” here in Haiti, but after a year, she discovered her real passion… cooking! She not only has some great “main courses,” but desserts and “finger foods” too! She is always making something new and bringing it to her dad, “Poppie,” and grinning as he tastes it!

Widelene’s mother appeared at our front gate one morning after we had just moved to Haiti. She was sick and she was crying. She said that she knew she was dying and needed us to take her two children after she died. We sent her to a hospital first and found out that she was hungry, ill, and anemic. So, we told her she could move into our orphanage with her two children and work for us! We have had Widelene and her sister ever since! It is a joy to say “yes” to Jesus!


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Actually there are three houses shown here with three families. One family moved in 25 family members, one 26 family members and one 28 family members! Jesse and Kim Ostrander, along with our crew plus Hubert’s crew were all in South Haiti last week checking on the Gabion house construction and dedicating houses being moved into.

This is their home and we let them move in who they want. Haitians love to be close to each other! They are very family oriented. We’re still building by faith more Gabion houses. It’s been raining out in South Haiti and many are still living in tents and under tarps. $9,000 will provide one Gabion house, and any amount will help.

The Haitians say “Anpil patat fe chai…” It means, “A lot of potatoes make a load…” When you give what you can, and others give what they can, it will “make a house!” Please help put your potato in today.

Love you… Thank you…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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The Story of Nelson Peterson…”Clinging to Life”

Little Nelson Peterson arrived at our Jesus Healing Center today in the arms of his grandmother, Madamn Levoina Derisien. He was “clinging to life.” He comes from a remote mountain area called “Gwo Cheval” (meaning Big Horse). This little village is located in the commune of Fonds Verrettes. Many of the people of this village, young and old, are dying of hunger, especially the children. Moreover, there is no Clinic or Hospital where people can go to receive health care.

Peterson was abandoned by his mother at 4 months old. His father, Mr. Vilson Nelson, did not want the care for him, so he took him to his grandmother. The grandmother, Mrs. Levoina Derisien, is a farmer. She works very hard each day in the hot sun, waiting for the rain, which is very rare up here. She has trouble finding water to quench her thirst and for Peterson because the water source she used to draw from has dried up.

She lives in extreme poverty. Her staple food is corn meal, the same she feeds Peterson. Sometimes she has bread, which she also used to make “bread soup” (water and bread) to feed herself and her grandson. So, Peterson is malnourished… no milk or meat; no eggs or protein of any kind. He has had diarrhea for 8 days; he is weak… his stomach is swollen, and his hair is turning red: obvious signs of “severe acute Kwashiorkor Malnutrition.”

His grandmother accompanied him to the Jesus Healing Center Clinic. He was crying a lot because he was hungry. It’s been “four days since he last ate,” according to his grandmother.

Peterson only weighs only 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs.). After our doctor’s evaluation, he was transferred to our Malnutrition Center in order to obtain the appropriate care he needs. Our Malnutrition Center works in collaboration with the Jesus Healing Center Clinic.

Mrs. Levoina Derisien was relieved to see that there is hope for her grandson.

In a future column, we will inform you of its evolution in the center. Thank you, all your partners, for your support, and may God bless you more and more every day!


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“Ask God First…”

We are all guilty. We want to make a decision and make one quickly, without “asking God first.”

There is such a great story in the Bible in Joshua 9:1-14. Joshua and the people of God had won many battles and everyone feared “the God of Joshua!” And so, it came to pass that all the kings were going to fight Joshua together. But, the people of Gibeon had “the fear of God.” They knew that if they fought with Joshua, they would lose… so, they came up with a plan.

In Joshua 9:1-5 they decided to disguise themselves as people from a far country, and not from Gibeon. They wore old rotten clothes, worn sandals, and had dry moldy bread and old, dusty wine bottles, etc. They told Joshua they were from a far country and wanted to make peace with him. They knew that if Joshua made peace with them, it would be a pact, that he could not break… and here’s the sad story.

“And the men, (and Joshua), took of their victuals, and asked not counsel of the mouth of the Lord…” – Joshua 9:14. Three days later, they all realized they had been “duped!” Now, they were forced to “not kill their enemies” because of their oath.

What a sad story. What if Joshua had just said, “Let me ask God first!” This is a lesson for us. No matter how small the decision, let’s always “ask God first!” Have a great day.


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Update on Jackson

As many of you know, we found Jackson in the mountains of Savaan Pite, Haiti during a Mobile Clinic. He had a severe case of Kwashiorkor Malnutrition, which causes the body to retain fluid. He had a “huge belly.” We began to treat him and had him in the hospital on medication, but he grew worse. Finally, we had to take him the Dominican Republic to a specialist.

They recommended that we buy a dialysis machine to take to Haiti (because there is only one in Haiti that we know of). By a miracle, God supplied the need and two of our nurses were sent to the DR for training, along with Jackson. One of those nurses is Phanise. She works full-time here at Love A Child. I went in and asked her to show me the way she has to get everything ready for dialysis for Jackson and what was involved in getting everything sterile.

You can see by the pictures that it is very complicated. It took about 35 minutes just to sanitize everything, before starting dialysis. Jackson is on the machine here at the Children’s Home all night long until morning. It is tough for him, because he is also on a special diet. He cannot do the things the other kids do, so sometimes he is lonely. But he realizes that God has given him life.

We pray in the future, that God will either heal him, or make a way for him to get a kidney transplant. But until then, this is what we have to work with. God has given us many children but there are about 10 that have special medical needs, and one of them is Jackson. He is a “gift from God,” and we love him!

We want to thank our loving partners, with tears in our eyes, for their sacrificial help with this dialysis machine and all the medicines that go with it! God must have a special plan for Jackson’s life!!


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Update on Baby Mackenson

“A mother brings her baby to our clinic because she thinks that he has been cursed… All because she had attended a funeral when she was pregnant with him!”

Mackenson is a one-year-old child, born in a poor and dusty Haitian village. He had been brought to our Jesus Healing Center by his mother, Madamn Tania Auguste. There are five children in this family with Mackenson.

There is no drinking water, no clinics or hospitals, so the people there turn to witch doctors when they are sick or when their children are dying.

His father does not care about this child at all or any of the other children… so in order to try to feed Mackenson and her other children, Madamn Tania tries to grow crops, but when there is no rain, and the soil is poor, nothing is produced.

As Mackenson grew steadily worse, his mother, Madamn Tania, took him to a witch doctor. She felt that Mackenson had been cursed because “when she was pregnant, she attended a funeral.” (According to the peasant people, this would have been detrimental to the embryo!)

When his mother finally decided to bring him to the Jesus Healing Center, he was wrapped in a towel, hungry, thirsty, and crying a lot! His condition was so critical that no one thought he would live!

He was immediately sent to our Malnutrition Center Clinic! After two months, he really began to show a great improvement! He can sit up by himself, and he continues to get better each day.

We wish to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for all their help and monthly support of the Jesus Healing Center and for sponsoring the building of our Malnutrition Clinic! We want to thank all our partners who help us in many ways to save the lives of these precious children!!

“Love Is Something You Do!”

Sherry Burnette

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