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Djonsly… What a miracle kid!

Little did Djonsly’s mother know that he had cancer hiding behind his right eye, pushing the eye outside the socket! Like the widow woman with an issue of blood (Luke 8:43-48), she went from doctor to doctor… only the doctors in Haiti would not “even look at him.” They had[…]

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Another warm story from the earthquake

Madamn Jacqueline Maçon lost her left leg when her business in Port-au-Prince fell on her in the earthquake of 2010. After the trauma of losing her business and her leg, she moved to her house in Lazile in the south of Haiti to escape the aftershocks and the fear of[…]

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LAC TV Program “Heart of Compassion 2022” Begins Friday!

Love A Child travels up 5,400 feet to the remote village of Gobert. Your heart will break as you witness what these mountain people endure. Children pass around a cup of saltwater to hold off hunger pains. Parents work extremely hard, knowing it’ll never be enough to support their families.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Watching You from the Grandstand” Note: This scripture is for someone who has been discouraged about “all those things happening to you” and you can’t understand “why?” Ever wonder why you are having such a hard time? Things may not be going right, and in fact, they turned completely around[…]

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Jameson… “Looks Like a Professor!”

We first discovered this sweetie when his mother brought him to us from a village across from “Old Letant.” His mother had brought him to our old Clinic because he had sores all over him, in his eyes, and he was the most miserable little boy in the world. He[…]

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Progress Going Forward!

Today, Bryon, Mark, Joker, and Philimond are erecting our huge emergency diesel tank we just had made! These are hard days in Haiti. There’s always a fuel, gas, or diesel shortage… or fuel trucks can’t get through to deliver. We decided to have a backup diesel fuel supply tank always[…]

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Latest Haiti Update

Please pray… Today, Casimi cannot come with our 40-foot container of food. He cannot make it through all the gunfire. We now have several Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) containers backed up in customs which we cannot pull out because of the danger on the road. The late fees are[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Be not weary… “But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.” 2 Thessalonians 3:13 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 I know some of you reading this may be a missionary. You are weary, tired, and maybe even feel like giving up.[…]

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Sarah… She’s Got Her Own “Beauty Shop” Going On!

Sarah and her brother, Joseph, both had severe malnutrition when they were brought to us. After a while, both outgrew their malnutrition. Both attended school, and now Joseph is studying to be a mechanic, and Sarah is studying to be a beautician. When Sarah first chose a college profession, it[…]

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Haiti Update

If someone does not rescue Haiti from the gangs, the violence, and the political and economic turmoil I don’t know what is going to happen to the precious children and people of Haiti. When you cannot travel down the road in the major areas of Haiti without having fear of[…]

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