In Exodus, the 14th chapter, Moses leaves Egypt with the Israelite slaves. Bible scholars estimate the numbers to be “way over two million.” After long travels, they find themselves in the Sinai desert, which has only about two inches of rainfall a year and temperatures rising to over 100 degrees! There were no stores, no water...
PTL! We just landed in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic!!! WAIT… Oh my Lord, I thought we just landed in Santo Domingo, but we are actually in Puerto Rico due to the hurricane! We must sleep inside the airport all night. There are no hotels and no electricity because the hurricane has knocked it out on...
We cannot fly into Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, because the road to Love A Child is too dangerous. We are still on course to fly into Miami and then catch a flight into Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, landing this evening at 9:13 PM on American Airlines. Our flight has not been canceled yet due to the hurricane....
"Almost Within Reach." Has God ever made you a promise, maybe years ago, and the promise has not arrived yet? Does it seem like "it's just within reach," and then, something goes the opposite direction? You were "almost there," a couple of times, and then, "all hell broke loose!" We have all been there, done that. I remember back many...
Colin… “Dan.” The kids in our Love A Child Children’s Home give each other nicknames! They don’t get angry over this, or fight someone, or get their feelings hurt! Practically everyone in Haiti has a nickname! Haitians don’t really like long names or long words. They cut everything short. Colin’s nickname is “Dan” or “Teeth.”...
Tomorrow, Sherry and I are heading back into Haiti through the back door. Please pray for our safe trip. I just want to add one more picture of Dimelia on Friday when we were checking her into her dorm room at the University of West Indies in Jamaica. We now have 24 of our Haitian children...
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30 If you are winning souls, the Bible says you are a “wise person” and you are bearing “much fruit!” Sherry
This afternoon Sherry and I attended the funeral of our dear and close friend "Gloria Adams." She and her husband founded "Jesus Is Ministries" in Inglis, Florida. They helped and put in their program for those who were addicted to drugs, alcohol, and those who had lost everything. They shared Jesus' love with them with...
Widlene is one of our brave cooks! She is taking a special college course, for cooking and decorating cakes, etc. Widlene "loves" to cook! She is always cooking something up for her "Poppie Bobby," (even though he is on a diet!) She loves to make food "look good on the plate!" We have had Widlene...
As you may know, Haiti is in "total chaos," from one end to another! The gangs are in control! There is no law and order... manifestations are all over Haiti. Gangs are blocking the roads, burning down gas stations and buildings, and shooting people! Thousands of Haitians had to leave their homes to go somewhere...