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Good News For Dumolia!

We just received a phone call from Jamaica. Our Dumolia has just been accepted to the University of Technology – Jamaica! She will need to be in a medical study for two years in order to get into the main Medical College. This brings tears to our eyes! When she graduates from the four-year program, that will be an “International Degree in Medicine!” Only God could do all this! We are in tears!


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“Hope for Haiti”

In spite of all the bad things that are going on in Haiti, the gangs on the streets, the killing of President Moise last year, and the day-to-day struggles of this little country, there is still “Hope for Haiti.”

We have 20 children from our Orphanage, who have grown up and are in college in Haiti now, and one in Italy. This fall, these four children, Bianca, Daniella, Jean Edwourd, and Lovely will be going to college also.

Dumolia, (inset photo) works at our Birthing Center doing the Ultrasounds, but Lord willing, she will be accepted into a special Medical College in Jamaica. As missionaries, it would be easy to be discouraged about the “bad things” in Haiti, but God always has a heart for people who stand for Him!

We are proud of these children and our other children growing up. They all love the Lord! These are the “good things” about Haiti!

Thank you, partners, for planting seeds in “good soil!”

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“He’s Always on Time”

In talking about the Lord, someone once told me, “He may not come when you want Him to, but He’s always on time!” How true that is! Our time means nothing to the God of the universe. We may be praying, “Hurry up God!” But God has His own “time.”

I love the story of Lazarus. He was the brother of Mary and Martha. (Mary was the one who had spent a lot of money on the Alabaster Box of oil and poured it on his head and wiped his feet with her tears.) It was this Mary, so you know how much Jesus loved them. But, while Jesus was away preaching in another town, he received word that Lazarus was sick. Jesus did not come right away. Instead, he “abode two more days” where he was. When he finally left, Lazarus had been dead “four days.” Martha immediately questioned Jesus about why he did not “come when they wanted him to.” Jesus affirmed that they would see the Glory of God. When they arrived at Lazarus’ tomb, Lazarus was already dead, already buried and bound from head to toe in grave clothes! But, at the voice of Jesus, Lazarus had to hop up the steps, bound head to toe, couldn’t even see where he was going… but hopping up out of the grave! That’s when Jesus said, “Loose him, and let him go.” (John 11:44)

Maybe you’ve prayed and prayed, and nothing has happened. But in God’s timing, it will happen! And it will be a bigger miracle than what you had been praying for! He is “able to do exceeding[ly] abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” (Ephesians 3:20)

Have a great day!




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“Fritzner… Keeping Him in Pants!!!”

Fritzner is one of my favorite boys, although I have lots of favorites! He is now 13. He was brought to us by a Haitian Pastor in the mountains of Bel Fontaine (Covant). His mother died of “childbirth fever,” and his father was unaccounted for.

He is really a miracle baby, in that he ended up here! He will be in the 7th grade. Fritzner is a quiet boy. He will do anything that is asked of him. He loves to help the cooks… probably because they give him extra food! Ha!!! But he will do anything and do it quietly. He loves soccer, school, and the bass guitar… and he wants to be a doctor!

The kids all him “Pa-sou-sa,” or “I’m not into that!” Our biggest problem with Fritzner… is keeping him in pants! He and Job are like two “coconut trees!” We love this kid!


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Here is Pastor Mark Ostrander with his Haitian construction dream team. These guys are good, Mark has taught them well! Mark and his team are working on housing for our future teams who will be coming to Haiti. We have not been able to have teams come to Haiti now for about two years or more because of the gangs. This has made things difficult for everyone, but we are planning for the future! This storm will pass and teams will be coming again to bless the Haitian people. The Haitian people will bless them with their love. The children will steal your heart! By “Faith” going forward!

Note: Pastor Mark is also working on construction which will hold 24 future team members at a different location on our land at Love A Child. By “Faith” going forward!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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LAC TV Program “God Has More Miracles” Begins Friday!

Love A Child’s Mobile Medical Clinics are a lifeline for the people of Haiti. Your heart will break seeing these ailments that would be easily treated in the US become severe problems due to lack of medical care. A child struggles with the symptoms of his condition because his mother can’t afford the care he needs. A young man is carried in the arms of his uncle, deep in the mountains, desperate for lifesaving care. Children in Haiti fight a losing battle to malnutrition, and simple injuries threaten deadly infection without treatment. There are countless stories of struggle, but together, we can give these suffering people a chance at a better life!

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Love is something you do!

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Word from the Mission Field

“I shall not want…” Have you ever seen a “well kept child,” who had loving parents, and everything they needed in life? Automatically, someone says, “that child will never want” for anything! David was a shepherd boy. He took care of the sheep. He led them to green grass and cool streams of water. He watched over them. In fact, as a teenager, he fought a lion and a bear that tried to get a lamb from the flock. He said, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want (for anything).” (Psalm 23:1) Today, the Lord, the God of the universe, is your Shepherd! You shall not want for anything! Have a great day! Sherry

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Saving Rebecca

We have a wonderful Haitian man named Wilson Barthelemy (Nelio) who is over all our work here in Haiti. Without Nelio, nothing could be done. He is the one that helps us get all the licenses we need, deals with problems regarding the containers, etc. He is the one who negotiates when we have a hostage problem. It was Nelio that, “many years ago,” heard about a little girl that was going to be sold as a slave to a man. The little girl was about 3 years old. We were horrified and told Nelio to do whatever he had to do. And he did. That little girl was Rebecca.

Rebecca is now 14 years old and in the 8th grade. She is a beautiful girl with beautiful long black hair. She is so, so sweet! She helps, works, and does whatever she is asked to do… cleaning, ironing, mopping, etc. She loves to cook with the other girls her age. But her heart is in “praise dancing.” She is beautiful and professional. I told her that when she is doing “praise dance,” she is ministering unto the Lord! Rebecca wants to be a dentist. I know she can be anything she wants to be! We all love Rebecca!


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Latest Semi Container Update:

We do not have our semi and container back to Love A Child yet. Please pray… The 400 Mawozo Gang had released it several days ago without charging Love A Child any money. The semi and container are still sitting at the gang’s compound.

Casimi, who the gang also released, was told he can pick it up anytime, no problem. Casimi, along with our LAC director, has talked to the 400 Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang) several times. Casimi has tried to drive the semi and container out, but the road is so filled with gangs that so far it’s been impossible.

The Papaya Gang has split into rival gangs since their leader has been arrested and sent to America. They are all wanting power and control. They are shooting and fighting each other and the list goes on. Yesterday, we had a friend who traveled with a heavy Police escort, along with others. The Police got scared part way down the road from us and turned around and came back!

We have several Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) food containers in customs. We can’t pull them out, it’s too dangerous. We also have other containers in customs with valuable medicines for the Clinic and Birthing Center. Customs charges us $70.00 per day per container. We are really needing a miracle and your prayers.

Urgent: We are looking for a large warehouse we can rent near the port where the area is safe to bring all of our life-saving FMSC containers. None of this is on the news. The gangs are destroying Haiti… Port-Au-Prince looks like a war zone.

Haiti needs someone to come and help free it from the bondage of the gangs. The police have tried their best, but they are outnumbered and outgunned.

Haiti and its people are very precious and sweet. The children will steal your heart!

Please pray for Haiti…

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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“Faith is an Action Word”

I’ve noticed that everyone likes to talk about Faith. There are so many books written about it and so many messages in Church about it. I have come to believe simply, that Faith is an action word.

Today, Pastor Varius came to see me. He is a sweet and humble Haitian Pastor who now has a small church in Petionville, Haiti. We have known him for a long time because he first pastored the Love A Child Church here at Fond Parisien.

He had come for a pallet of the Feed My Starving Children food. He shares it with his congregation. But, this was his third trip here because the gangs are so bad on the streets, that as of right now, at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, we have not even gotten our container back yet. There are now four sets of gangs between us and the next big town, Croix-des-Bouquets.

I explained to the Pastor that we could not give him any food because we don’t have it to give until our driver gets our container back, and then goes to Port and goes through those gangs to pick up our food. He smiled and timidly said, “By faith, the driver will get here, because I will pray!” I looked at him and said, “Yes Pastor, but Casimi the driver said that he would really love it if a Pastor with lots of faith would go with him and sit beside him in the driver’s seat and pray him through the gangs!”

I saw the look of fear in his eyes as he quietly said, “I will pray for him from home.” I insisted, “You will be fine. You just need to sit beside him up front and have faith!” After looking at the nervous shock in his eyes, I said, “I’m only teasing. I just wanted to see if your faith had any action!”

We all need to have some “action” with our faith! We are serving a big God and He is able to deliver us! Have a great day.


“Faith without works is dead…” James 2:20

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