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Update on Kenson…

Kenson Edmond was born in Port-au-Prince. Both his mother, Manitha Jeran Louis, and his father, Nixon Edmound, died and he and his brother were brought to our orphanage. Kenson is quiet and studious. Even though he loves soccer, he is a serious kid. When he was younger, we let him choose what kind of work he wanted to do on the property… he chose to be a mechanic. Now, he is attending Canado Technique, with several of his other “brothers” Joseph and Jonas. These three want to be mechanics.

Kenson is quiet and is always, always dressed nicely. When he is ready to go to Church or someplace other than under the hood of a car, he is dressed up! He is a very handsome and quiet young man. His favorite sport is soccer!!!

When you think of Kenson, just remember that he “has a passion for fashion!” All of us love Kenson!


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“Who’s Driving Us Crazy?”

When the older kids are out of school, they all have work to do. But once in a while, “Poppie Bobby” gives a few of the girls a “driving lesson” in my old Cruiser. They don’t leave the property but they have a great time! Sometimes, they hit a bush or a tree because they are so nervous!

They have to remember to get in the old Cruiser quickly because “Sampson” loves to ride too! He takes up most of the back seat and “doesn’t want to get out!” Ha! I don’t know who is the biggest problem… but it’s probably Sampson! He LOVES to ride!

He is such a sweet and calm dog, even around all these kids! You can take his bone, but don’t touch his ball!!! I got him because several years ago, some really bad guys would come to our gate and threaten to kill us if we didn’t give them money or food! But, since “word got around,” we have not had those problems! I guess Sampson deserves the ride!!!



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Children’s Home – Fond Parisien

All of the 85 children raised in our Children’s Home came from backgrounds of indescribable poverty, ill health, abandonment, or abuse. But with God’s love and faithfulness and our generous partners, they now have stories of hope! We may be the hands, but without you, none of this is possible! Please visit to see how you can help today!

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The Gabion Houses are Going Up Fast!

The first picture is the Gabion house being built in front of the tarp the family was living under!

By some time next week, 15 more Gabion houses will be finished with the families moving in.

We have a total of 30 houses finished with 15 more to be finished very soon.

That’s a total of 45 Gabion houses! Our plans are to build the Gabion houses up through December for the families who lost all they had in the earthquake.

Faith doesn’t know we don’t have the money! We are moving forward!

The total cost of a Gabion house is $9,000, built from local materials and local labor. Jobs!

Any amount from the small and large will help. This project has brought great joy to the people in South Haiti and to all of us. When we help the poor, we are doing it unto Jesus himself… Matthew 25:31-40

Thank you for your prayers and support…

Love is something you do!

Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“One Thing You Lack”

There is a sad story in Mark 10 of a rich young ruler. It is sad, because the Bible says, “Then Jesus beholding him loved him…” The rich young ruler came to Jesus to ask him what he should do to have eternal life. Jesus told him to keep all the commandments, so the rich young man said, “All these I have observed (kept) from my youth.” So now, the rich young ruler is excited because he has never broken any commandments that he knows of…

“Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest…” Jesus went on to tell him, in so many words, that his riches had controlled his life and that he needed to sell what he had and take up his cross and follow Jesus, and then he would have “treasure in Heaven.” But the rich young ruler went away sad. It wasn’t that he “possessed money, gold, and treasures,” but “these things possessed him.” That was the difference. This was the one chance the rich young ruler had, but he went away sorrowful. I see it time and time again here in Haiti…

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Davidson… Another Great Photographer

I have taught the children here at our Children’s Home this, “If you want to know what kind of job you should pursue, find what makes you happy and you will find your job. If love doing this, it’s not just a job; it is your passion.”

Davidson (Jonathan) is one of the twin boys we have. His brother is David. Their mother died, and their father abandoned them and left their elderly “Grandma Noel” to take care of twin babies, high in the mountains of Haiti, in the middle of “nowhere.”

With no nursing mothers around, she began to feed them “sugar water” until she ran out of sugar. Then she fed the twins salt water. This closed up their throats so badly that by the time they were brought to us, both were nearly dead.

Davidson is the “sweeter” personality of the two. He is in college here in Haiti, studying Photography and loving it! He has changed a lot since I had to pour cold water on him to get him out of bed in the morning, HA! Davidson has changed and he will go far. He is kind, humble, and hard-working. The Haitians say, “Your face is your Passport!” His smile will take him many places.


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The Story of Madamn Thelusma… a Hopeless Situation

What kind of medical care could Madamn Thelusma receive in the mountains with her infected leg?

Warning: Graphic Pictures Ahead…

Shilove Thelusma was just 22, and the mother of one child. She, like many other women, struggled to feed her child when her husband abandoned her. She was pregnant, and after she gave birth she noticed a small infection on her leg. This small “ball” of infection kept getting larger, but she had no way of getting to a doctor… by this time, the infection had really set in.

She went to several hospitals, using what little bit of money she had for food… but, they did nothing. Someone told her about our Jesus Healing Center and they knew that she would be treated as if she were “a rich woman.” Many Hospitals and Clinics in Haiti do not treat the poor with respect, but that’s what the Lord wants us to do.

After cleaning her leg, the doctors came to the conclusion that she had “waited too long.” Her entire leg was rotting and her foot was  “beginning to drop off.” They cleaned her up, gave her antibiotics and pain medication, and sent her to another hospital that we work with, by our ambulance.

When I talked to Dr. Barthelemy this morning, we all knew that the next hospital would want to amputate her leg in order to save her life. But, many Haitians refuse this and would rather die. These poor people often turn to the witch doctor when they do not have money for a good “doctor.” We all wish we could have seen her earlier… we could have saved her leg.

Each story in Haiti seems to be sadder than the one before it. Sometimes we cry, then go to work, and then at night, we cry again…


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LAC TV Program “Happy to Help the Poor” Begins Friday!

Bobby and Sherry travel across a wild lake in a rickety, leaky boat to deliver food to the starving people in Ponte Plume, Haiti. Your heart will break as you hear from these children whose days are filled with work. Despite their efforts, they go to sleep praying to God for relief, suffer from malnutrition while they daydream about food, are unable to receive an education, and worry about the survival of their families. This is a “normal childhood” for the children of Haiti. Without your support, they will never know anything different; every little bit provides hope.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in throughout the week. You can watch us on Daystar, DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Together we are changing lives!

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Word from the Mission Field

“When You’re Blessed, You’re Blessed All the Way!”

I love the story in Numbers of the talking “ass.” (Yes, that’s what they called a donkey in the Bible!!) In Numbers 22, there is a great story of the king of the Moabites, called “Balak.” He knew that the people of God (Israelites) were winning the battles because God was on their side. Trying to get ahead of the game, he decided to call on the Prophet Balaam to “curse” the people of God! In this way, he was assured to win the battle. He said there were so many Israelites that “they covered the face of the earth!” The king of Moab called on Balaam to “curse” the people of God, so that he could destroy them. But God said, “Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not curse the people: for they are blessed!” (Numbers 22:12) The king of Moab tried several times to get Balaam to curse the people of God, and God warned the prophet, “Thou shalt not curse the people: for they are blessed!”

Balaam finally decides to go with the king of Moab, so he got up early and saddled his donkey (ass) to go. But, on the way, the donkey saw an angel of the Lord in the middle of the path, and he would not move. Balaam smote his donkey (ass) several times with anger. Finally, God opened the mouth of the donkey to talk! The donkey began to talk and said, “Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont (accustomed) to do so unto thee?” (Numbers 22:30) Then, the Lord opened the eyes of the Prophet Balaam and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way… But the king of Moab still began to offer many sacrifices to get the Prophet Balaam to curse God’s people. The final answer from Balaam was, “Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it!” (Numbers 23:20)

When God blesses you, you are blessed all the way! Nothing can reverse it! Have a great day and read this story for yourself in Numbers 22 and 23! Remember, when God blesses you, you are blessed, indeed!


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Today, our office told me that we had several inquiries about solar for Love A Child. Thank you sincerely for your interest. It’s growing more difficult every day to have diesel delivered out here in Fond Parisien. Our whole LAC Village works off two big, huge generators. They drink the diesel like water! Now, the government of Haiti has more than doubled the price of fuel. Gangs are blocking the routes and kidnapping the tanker trucks and drivers. Soon, we may have no diesel at all. We will face tragedy out here… We will have no water, electricity, nothing. We need 95,000 gallons of water each day pumped into our big water tower.

Our new clinic staff housing has only solar, and it works perfect! Our orphanage operates off our big generator during the day. Each evening, at 6:00 p.m., the big generator is shut down and our orphanage works off of solar. It’s perfect!

Buildings that need total solar:
Four Missionary Houses
Guest Housing for Teams (two different locations)
Warehouse One
Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center
Motor Pool
Carpentry Shop
Fish and Chicken Sustainability Projects
Malnutrition Center
Jesus Healing Center
Birthing Center
Radio Station
Four School Buildings
Love A Child Church
LAC Offices
The 10 Horsepower Water Pump (pumps our water from 300-feet underground)
Tin City (housing for workers on the property)

I just wanted you to see the scope of what we are facing. This will not take a homestead type of solar project. I was given one price, which I believe was way too much money. We have two experts right now working on the logistics and cost. When I find out, I will let everyone know.

This is an urgent prayer request. It looks like the day will soon come when we will have to shut down because of no electricity. We will still be here working the best we can, but it will be truly a nightmare. We are trusting in Jesus. This project does not belong to Love A Child. It belongs to Jesus! We have the peace of the Lord. Thank you for your prayers. You only know a small amount of what we face here each day…

We love you!

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

P.S. If you have any questions about our solar project, please contact Rad Hazelip, Love A Child Assistant Director, at 239-210-6107. Thank you for your prayers and support.



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