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Word from the Mission Field

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 – Something I have learned in life is your name is your most valuable asset. When people think or hear your name, what do they think? Our name is more valuable than great[…]

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Lèwoch, Haiti: This Morning More Happy Families!

This morning our team delivered food to the village area of Lèwoch. They have been calling and calling for food. PTL! We made it there today! Lèwoch is probably about 40 minutes from where we live in our orphan’s home. To get to Lèwoch, you must travel through a rocky[…]

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An Update from the ATC

Wilner, who is the head of the Agricultural Training Center (ATC), sent me this cute note below last evening. —–Original Message—–From: Wilner To: BobbySent: Mon, Mar 14, 2022 7:07 pmSubject: ATC team on the shade houses. Dear Big Boss, how was your day. I hope everything went well. Big Boss! This[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Long Way Around…” I love the Book of Exodus. Full of stories of how God rescued His people from slavery in Egypt. A long 400 years had gone by, and after Moses pleading with Pharaoh “to let my people go,” God’s children saw many miracles that God had done.[…]

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David’s Second Chance

“Learning More than Books Can Teach You…” We have so many children that sometimes we have two with the same first names. This is David Noel. He is the twin brother of Davidson (Jonathan) Noel. Their mother and father died and their grandma couldn’t take care of these new babies![…]

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Baby in the Boat…

Madamn Michlove is a good mother, but she is a poor mother… Her husband left her months ago. Her first child died in the area where she lived, due to the lack of simple hospital care, and now, she has another child. When she realized that her son, 10-month old[…]

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Feeding Letant’s School Children…

Looking at these cuties, in their blue and yellow uniforms, it is hard to believe that each day, after school, they run home to their mud hut, pull off their school clothes, and jump in the dirty lake… for a bath. It may also be hard to understand that these[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Give me this mountain!   Caleb was 40 years old when the Lord through Moses sent him from “Kadeshbarnea to spy out the promised land.” Joshua 14:7 After wandering in the desert and wildness Caleb is now 85 years old… “and now I am this day fourscore and five years old” (85 years old). Joshua 14:10[…]

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Love is in the Air!

This evening, George brought his beautiful, shy bride-to-be here at our Love A Child Children’s Home, so that we could talk over “wedding plans!” George has been nervously planning this since Franceau, his orphanage brother, got married! George and Augusmen, will be married on April 9th!! We are so excited! She[…]

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Update on Rachael

When Rachael’s mother died in childbirth, it left her father with four children to raise, in the very poor country of Haiti. So, we took her in… but we did not really like the name of Nazalie… it just didn’t fit. So, we began to call her Rachael. She has[…]

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