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Update on Jackson (Jasson)

Yesterday we called and got to talk to Jackson. As many of you know, we brought Jackson out of the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti. He had a HUGE belly full of water, caused by Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. Even though he no longer has this huge belly to carry around, he developed severe kidney problems.

For the last few months, we have had to take him back and forth from Haiti to the Dominican Republic (DR). We have had to buy a Dialysis Machine in the DR, and we will have two of our Love A Child (LAC) nurses learn how to do this. (The machine will go back to Haiti with Jackson, and he will get Dialysis at our orphanage.)

We talked to Jackson yesterday after he was released from the Hospital. We had to rent a small apartment for the Dialysis training, and it will also be used for many trips to the DR for other LAC children who will need special care, like Yonel. Jackson seemed happy and in good spirits. He has had a lot of counseling by doctors to understand what he is up against. Thank you for your prayers and love for Jackson.


P.S. We are headed to the DR today and will be going by to see Jackson.

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Word from the Mission Field

“Until You See the Giants.”

It’s amazing how a lot of Bible scholars talk about faith. Many of them, “do have,” the gift of faith, and they are great men and women of God, because their faith has gone through the fire. But, many people write books about faith, but they fail to mention that sometimes, people will have faith, “until they see the giants!”

“I had faith for my cancer, until I saw the results. I had faith my son would be delivered from drugs, until he ended up on life-support. I had faith for my husband to be saved, until he ran off with another woman.”

In Numbers 13, we see a set of circumstances here… The Israelites had chosen men of all the tribes to “spy out the promised land, that their Lord had given them.” But, when they saw the giants, I can hear them say, “God, you promised us the land, but you never told us there would giants!” Well, He had never told them there would be a “Red Sea,” either, but maybe they had forgotten about that miracle.

We all have a great need that pounds our hearts and most have faith, “until they see the giants.” God could have killed the giants before the Israelites got there… but He had to make His children “tough!” God lets us face the giants because He knows we will win, and it will make us tough! It’s like the country song, by Johnny Cash, “A Boy Named Sue.” In the song, his father was dying and he named his son, “Sue” because he would need to learn how to fight! Always remember, God “really is,” on your side! We love you!!


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Noah is a Keeper!

It was about four years ago that we received a call from the guys at our front gate, here at Love A Child. They said that “someone had left a baby” in the weeds and disappeared. We came quickly and found this little boy dropped off in the weeds, whimpering. He had scars all over his body…

When we took him to our clinic, they discovered a lot of abuse… tooth marks, scars, etc. He also had severe malnutrition. He was so afraid that he screamed and cried all the time. It took lots of love and patience. We decided to call him, Noah.

It was a long while before Noah would trust anyone. And it took a longer time for him to begin to talk. But as soon as he started talking, he was a difficult little boy. We sent him to school and found out that he is very intelligent! He is now in the first grade! He is very, very intelligent and hardworking! All the kids call him “Mal-bronch,” but I have no idea what it means. Noah looks like a little future “football” player! He is a keeper!!! We all love Noah!


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More Food For Hungry Families with Children in South Haiti

More food was just recently purchased in South Haiti for the victims who are still suffering from a lack of food, due to the last earthquake. Because it is so dangerous to transport it past gangs, we had to purchase all this food in an area near the earthquake victims to distribute to them.

All of Haiti is feeling the effect of gangs, but in South Haiti, they have not yet recovered from the last earthquake (even though there are no gangs in this area). The ones who suffer the most are the children.

The good news… We will soon be going to this area, to help distribute food. We have found a “safe way” to get there. We want to thank everyone who has given large and small… many gave tents to house the people until we could build them a “Gabion House.” These houses are still under construction and jobs have been created through this project. We want to thank you, our partners, for making this happen, with your sacrificial gifts, large and small, and widow’s mite. When we all put our hands together, the need will be met! God bless you, our dear friends, Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“If God Can’t Do It, It Can’t Be Done!”

You may be facing a problem, that looks “impossible,” today. You may be climbing a mountain, that seems too high and you may be looking at “Jordan River, trying to figure out how to get across.” You know what I’m talking about… it’s that one big thing in your life that you are trusting and believing God for… The main thing you need to know is that “God loves you more than you know.” And, “He is the God of all flesh, and there is nothing too hard for him!” Jeremiah 32:17

Sometimes, we may think God is too busy or doesn’t love us, and that is a lie. The Lord of Israel is watching over you, 24/7. He never misses a sparrow that falls to the ground and He never misses anything that is going on in your life.

So, before you pray, remember this… God is a BIG GOD! HE IS BIGGER THAN OUR PROBLEMS! “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof, are grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the Heavens, as a curtain, and spreadeth them out to dwell in.” Isaiah 40:22

It is impossible for you to have a problem, that God cannot solve! And, “if God can’t do it, it can’t be done!” Let’s praise our big, big, Mighty God!!


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Update on Samuel

Samuel is maturing into a sweet, honest, and hardworking young man. He never gets angry or raises his voice; he is kind and obedient. He loves to play the drums at the nightly service at our Love A Child Children’s home! Samuel also has the talent to draw.

He helps in our Agricultural Center. He is still in high school and has many dreams ahead, but so far he seems that wants to be an electrician!

Samuel was born in the mountains of Greffin, Haiti. His mother died during childbirth and his father brought him to us, with tears running down his face. We all love Samuel and we are so proud of him, Sherry

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News and Haiti Update: 

On Thursday, we had a wonderful Love A Child Board Meeting in Fort Myers, Florida. We meet 4 times per year. We have men and women on the board who have wisdom and love for the Haitian people. We are thankful to the Lord and our friends… who are strong and the Lord is blessing.

Yesterday morning at 6:00 a.m. Sherry and I had plans to drive over to the Miami Airport and fly into Haiti. We were warned not to fly into Haiti. They said, “the road out to us in Fond Parisien is much too dangerous.” Now, we are heading over to the Orlando, Florida airport tomorrow, making plans to travel into Haiti through “the back door.”

Haiti is at a level four warning, the highest you can have due to kidnappings, robbing people, and shootings. The State Department warns Americans not to travel to Haiti. The gangs control whole sections and communities. They have brought great desperation to the Haitian people. Poor families, children, and business communities are suffering. Thousands of Haitians have left Haiti in fear of their lives.

Many poor Haitians (several thousand) had to flee their homes in fear of their lives. Please pray for Haiti. Please pray for the gangs… This must stop! Seems like “those who have the power to do something, do nothing! This storm will pass in time.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

P.S. On a good report… Little Jasson (Jackson) made it through his surgery yesterday, which will prepare him for dialysis. This morning, we talked to him on the phone and he is doing exceptionally well! God is good! Thank you for your prayers…

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Giving Joy in the Middle of Danger

“For some time now, Haitians have been living in fear, despair, and grief around a single issue: insecurity. To walk on the streets of Haiti, you have to be very careful not to be kidnapped, you have to be careful not to get shot. Many Haitians say that if they don’t put zombies on them to avoid getting shot, they won’t be able to live. Most Christians have now lost their faith, food in Haiti is becoming a luxury due to soaring commodity prices.

Despite the bad news every day, we have never failed in our service to the poor because it is very difficult for mothers to find a birthing center that they can follow, and that can ensure their delivery in Haiti. We are the only ones to help them during pregnancy, and we are the ones who help them to smile again… to regain hope, and we are the ones to help them give birth safely. This is why, despite the difficulties of the roads, they still risk coming to the center. Even if they spend a day at the center, they will not be tired because they are comfortable. We had 49 patients today.

When mothers come to the Love A Child Birthing Center, they are welcomed and receive good care, and the best medicines in our pharmacy. After the delivery, they must return to the appointment at the center within 6 days so that the midwife can check whether the baby’s state of health is normal. You can see in the photos a woman, her name is Morat Éveline. She gave birth at the center barely 6 days ago, and she came back to the appointment that the midwife gave her, the midwife checked the baby’s body temperature and took his weight. After analyzing him, the midwife said the baby is healthy.

With your donations, we have four beautiful delivery rooms with equipment, as well as several recovery rooms and an ultrasound room, and a laboratory. All our staff members are competent and we have the best doctors. Thank you to everyone who helps us improve the lives of the poor. Giving a little joy in the middle of danger is something God has given us.”

This precious note was from some of those who work in our Birthing Center! Thank you, partners, for “giving a little joy in the middle of danger,” Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field


“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord they God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9

I know so many times in my life, especially while we were trying to have the ministry grow, we would take one step forwards, and seems like things would happen and we would take two steps backward. I’ve been through such discouraging moments in my life. I asked one day an elderly man of God, who was a very successful businessman… his name was Jake Townley, “What advice can you give me about  life. What words sir can you give me?” He said: “When it gets tough, don’t give up!”

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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We love Sarah!!!

When Sarah and her brother, Joseph were born, they were born to a poor woman who died due to childbirth. Both Sarah and her brother Joseph had severe Kwashiorkor Malnutrition and they came from mountains far, far away. A Haitian Pastor brought us both children in one day and even though we were already overcrowded, we made room for them.

After some time, both grew and they were healed of their malnutrition, due to good food.

We never had “teenage problems” with Joseph, but Sarah (who was always big for her age) was always trying to squeeze into her younger sister’s clothes (after I told her not to!). This happened a couple of times, so when she was in 11th grade, I sent her back to her father, but continued to pay for school for her.

While she was away, she realized the great blessings she missed. One day, she came back to visit us and asked me if we could help send her through college.

We noticed a big change in her. She was more mature and extremely thankful, so we gave her that chance.

At first, she enrolled in some “Management Courses,” but that “was not a fit.” When she came back from school one day, crying, I asked her what “her passion was.” She said, “I want to be a Beautician. I love doing hair, nails, make-up for weddings, etc.” I said, “Follow your dream and always put Jesus first!”

She is still in Beauty College and doing “nails” and “hair fashions,” and loving it!

God gave each of us a “talent” and He wants us to use it!

We love Sarah!!!


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