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Food Distribution in La Sous

Here is another area called “La Sous,” where we just distributed food to. To see smiles so big, and families so thankful brings more joy than I can explain. Each box contains 216 meals of rice, soy, peas, carrots, vegetables and so much more. Everyone who has helped, we’ve done[…]

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Food Distribution in Nakou Mar

So far this week, we have distributed food to seven villages. They are very happy and thankful people. These pictures are from Nakou Mar, an area and people who are in need of our meals. Haiti is in a food crisis. The situation here in some places with the gangs[…]

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LAC TV Program “The Compassion of Christ” Begins Friday!

This week Love A Child takes you to Old Letant, a poor fishing village in Haiti. Relying on the volatile industry for food, these families know hunger all too well. Children spend their days at the lake fishing for scraps, giving what they can to their mothers so their siblings[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Mule and the Rolls Royce” Jesus said, “… a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” (Luke 12:15) Years ago, when we first moved to Haiti, we lived up in the mountains of “Mountain Noire.” We were so poor, probably the poorest of all[…]

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An Answer to Prayer… Bois de Mieux

Imagine being a poor mother in Haiti, right, with five or six children to feed. The price of tap-tap (local transportation) has risen, there are no jobs, gangs control the major intersections and cities of Haiti, police are being killed, mothers cannot get to the market to sell their small[…]

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We All Have Enemies…

If anyone ever tells you they never had an enemy, they are lying! Everyone has an enemy. Maybe they don’t know it, but someone is watching, who is jealous! The best way to handle an enemy is through prayer! King David had an enemy named King Saul for many years.[…]

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Yonel… This Young Man is a Miracle!

When we first found Yonel, it was during a Mobile Medical Clinic. We saw a thin, elderly grandma with a very skinny and boney young boy. She also said he had a baby sister who was dying. Yonel had Marasmus Malnutrition. He looked like a skeleton! We knew that if[…]

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An Answer to Prayer!

The Lord provided!!! Thank you for your prayers. Jesse Ostrander purchased in the Dominican Republic this morning our Kia Truck. It is four-wheel drive, has a Diesel engine, air conditioning, and a big back seat for the children for $25,990. Plus $2,100 for one-year full coverage vehicle insurance. Good job[…]

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Madamn Eliante takes her job seriously!

Jesus, Our Jesus Healing Center, and Prayer! What could be better than this? Each morning, before we start our day at the Jesus Healing Center, we have prayer and Bible reading. One of our church ladies (who is also a cleaning lady at the Jesus Healing Center), has the “charge”[…]

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