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Madamn Stelly’s Story

“Almost Aborted…” The women who come to our Birthing Center come for several reasons. One reason is that they don’t have to worry about paying and another reason is that it is the most beautiful Birthing Center in Haiti. Another reason is that we have some of the very best[…]

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LAC TV Program “Into All the World” Begins Friday!

In this week’s episode, your heart will break as you witness a little girl’s brave demeanor crack at the mere mention of a meal. Parents start working at the break of dawn, with only a small hope that at the end of the day they’ll be able to feed their[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

DON’T GIVE UP! “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 Stedfast, unmoveable, are the two keywords here. Sometimes we all feel like just giving up. We must keep our[…]

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Natalie… “The Beauty Shop”

I think Haitian girls spend more time on their hair than American girls… There are always those “braids!” Haitian people and children are very nimble with their fingers and hands… Even the children can braid hair, “fast!” Here, we have Natalie braiding Betina’s hair! Natalie was brought to our “old[…]

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Update on Jasson in the Dominican Republic

These pictures of Jasson (Jackson) just came in from Jesse Ostrander, who is working hard to help us get good medical care for Jasson and some of our other children. These are pictures of Jasson touring the Pediatric Nephrology Center so that he can see and understand what will happen[…]

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Food for Life

When we first got our property in Haiti, the land was quite ugly with briar bushes and weeds, etc. After building the Orphanage and other projects we expanded our vision to have an “Agricultural Training Center.” Wilner is the teacher, and with the help of our Rad Hazelip in the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Crazy Faith!” An old man of God preached a sermon one time on, “How Bad Do You Want It?” Most Christians ask the Lord for something and then whine around when we don’t get it immediately, but “faith without works is dead… dead faith.” Jesus had been wearied with preaching[…]

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Update on Djonsly

When Djonsly arrived at the hospital there were lots of tears from the nurses who knew him. They were so happy to see him and his mother, Marie. Djonsly was taken to the oncologist on Thursday morning. He had a CAT scan yesterday and it showed his lungs are in[…]

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An Update on Jasson

Today, Philemond, our driver, is headed to the Dominican Republic, with Jasson, one of our LAC children. Many of you know that we found Jasson during a Mobile Medical Clinic in Savaan Pit. He had a huge swollen belly due to Kwashiorkor Malnutrition, so we brought him Love A Child.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“One last peek…” Some people just have to have it. “I’ll just smoke one more cigarette, and that will be my last… I’ll just have one more piece of chocolate cake, and then I’ll go on a diet… I’ll just work two more years, so I can pay off my[…]

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