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Update on Noah

Noah is growing so fast and is so big! He could be a football player in the States! Some of you, if this is the first time you have seen Noah, he was found at the outside of our Love A Child gate, beaten and left for dead, at the[…]

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Big Blessings for Little Children…

Children in the States take so much for granted… While almost every child has a cell phone and some type of laptop, the parents of children in Haiti struggle to buy a book, a pen, or a pencil. We have been in schools in Haiti where the teacher will break[…]

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First Fruits

Many times, in the Bible we read about “harvest.” It is an important and popular topic throughout the books of the Bible. In Deuteronomy, it tells us “When you are harvesting,… leave some for the fatherless and widows.” Recently Sherry asked our agricultural team to plant extra vegetable gardens for[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Small Things…” We are living in a day and time when everyone wants to do “a big thing.” I have met wonderful missionaries in Haiti, and when asking about their work they say, “I only have ten children in my orphanage…” Or in the States, a pastor might say, “We[…]

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Jonas… One Lovable Kid!

I don’t think Jonas has ever been seen without a smile on his face! He is the happiest little boy in our orphanage. It has been less than a year since we found him during the taping of one of our television programs. We had gone for a food distribution, and[…]

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Haiti’s Problems

There are some areas in Haiti, especially South Haiti and Central Haiti, where it is very peaceful. The people there have not allowed gangs to enter, especially in the areas where we just came back from… the Nippes area. But in Port au Prince, the capital, the Martissaint Street area,[…]

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LAC TV Program “From the Ground Up” Begins Friday!

This week the Love A Child team takes you into the region of Nippes, Haiti to hear from those who survived the August earthquake. People have been left without possessions, homes, or livelihoods. Despite everything that was destroyed, they cling to the assurance that God will preserve them. For six[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Giant and the Giant Killer!” “This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air…” 1 Samuel 17:46 It’s[…]

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A Miracle Today!

Today was a day of miracles for Djonsly Alcin. Many of you have been following his story, from the time he was brought to our clinic in Haiti by his mother, to now. Djonsly came to us with a cancer, pushing his right eye out of its socket. We sent him[…]

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Updates from the Mission Field

Bobby and Sherry were up early this morning with Djonsly and his mom going to the airport in Santo Domingo, DR, where it is safer to fly from as they take Djonsly to the hospital in Miami for critical and urgent medical care. And, as Bobby told us, “A great[…]

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