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Word From the Mission Field

God has a formula:

“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38

God has a formula that works. It’s truly amazing how the blessings of the Lord will come upon all of us, if we walk and abide in his Word! If we follow the Word of God, his blessings will overtake us…

I know for Sherry and me, living in Haiti is what changed things for us. When we were down to nothing at all, we gave to the poor and also other missionaries. The Lord honors what you and I give to His Kingdom.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Zoey… “Abandoned on a Dirt Road.”

Zoey is three now and happier than ever! She had been abandoned on a dirt road but, was found by one of our missionaries. We took her to “Social Services,” but they asked if we could keep her. At first, she screamed and cried for a year, but when she turned “two,” her personality changed. Zoey is now three, cute as a bunny, smiles all the time, is “inquisitive” and acts like she is much older than she is!

She loves “older men,” Ha! She hangs out with the older girls, so they call her, “Matilda.” She knows all the Christian songs and now, is starting to dance with the girls in their Praise Dances! She may have been abandoned on a dirt road, but she ended up right where God wanted her to be! We all love Zoey!


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Sherry has received her new renewed passport!

Farmer John and I flew into Florida yesterday to meet our wives. Today, two of our beautiful friends are getting married this afternoon on beautiful  Sanibel Island. Tomorrow, we have brunch with friends and wedding guests. After brunch, Sherry and I will drive to Miami to prepare to fly into Haiti through the back door. Love is in the air!

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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A Warm Story From Backaye, Haiti

Hubert, our Love A Child representative, and his team brought food to 200 families in an extremely remote area by the name of Backaye, in the south of Haiti yesterday.

It was a very difficult area to travel to. The food trucks had to cross two rivers, four times, in order to reach the people. Many of these people have been lacking food and were very, very thankful!

The children were so happy because they knew their stomachs would be full. Thank you so much to all of our friends who have sent money, so that I could purchase the beans, rice, and cooking oil. Hubert had to purchase this food from the port in south Haiti because the roads are not safe to get out. Jesus said in Matthew 25:35 “I was hungry and ye gave me food.” Love is something you do. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

Luke 16:19-21 tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus. The Bible tells us that the rich man was clothed with purple and linen and had huge feasts every day, but just outside his gate was a poor man named Lazarus that was full of sores and only desiring the “crumbs” that fell from the table of the rich man. It is not a sin to be rich, but it is a sin for the rich, not to share their food with the hungry. God bless you for your heart of compassion. Blessings, Sherry

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Jonas… “You Really Think He’s Happy?” Ha!

Jonas. This kid has a smile that reaches from the east to the west. This big grin is his “everyday grin,” since we rescued him from being a slave child. Sweet, adorable Jonas had lost his mother and father and was abandoned by a lady who made him a “restavek slave.” The word “Restavek,” means “to live with,” but these children become domestic slaves.

Jonas was made to work in the garden of a Haitian lady, who didn’t care about him. He had a large hoe, called a “wou,” that so was heavy it was even hard for the adult men to use. Jonas was beaten if he didn’t work hard enough, but the worst thing was that he was made to feel “useless.” We rescued him and brought him to Love A Child. It was tough for him to get used to having a shower “inside,” eating three times a day, going to school, and having “play-time” with his brothers.

This is his “normal” smile! It goes “east to west!” Ha! What a sweet! He is in third grade and “struggling a little” because he had never been to school! He loves everything… his family, his food, his work, everything. Well, everything except “Sampson,” my gentle Rottie. The Haitians believe that black dogs represent Voodoo. I have been trying to tell Jonas that “Sampson is a Christian dog!”


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God Will Bring Forth The Harvest!

Wow!! The Agricultural Training Center (ATC) workers brought us a whole truckload of vegetables and fruit! When you plant a seed it will grow, and the Lord will give a harvest! Thank you, our friend David Balsbaugh, President of “Hope Seeds,” for all these seeds. Look what happened!

God bless our Love A Child ATC sustainability program, teaching Haitians how to grow better crops even in bad soil with their own compost. Helping Haitians to help themselves. “Catch a fish, a man can eat for a day. Teach him how to fish he can eat for a lifetime.” Wilner, you and your guys are doing a great job. Thank you to all of you who have given to this project.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“I WILL NOT FAIL THEE…” Joshua 1:5

I think any young man would have stood there in fear and trembling, as he looked around at the 1,000,000 plus, Israelite slaves… knowing that “Moses was dead!” God had told Joshua, “Moses, my servant is dead!” (He’s not coming back from the mountain as he has done before. He is dead!) That’s enough to shake the faith of any young man, who has a calling on his life.

Moses had been with him and the slaves from Egypt for many years… Moses had always been the “go-between” for them and God, always pleading their case… but now he was dead!

But God spoke this to Joshua, a young man, who had been with Moses. “I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Be strong and of a good courage.” Joshua 1:5-6

You may be going through some “scary things today” … maybe it is a bad report from the doctor. Or, your teenage daughter is pregnant… or, you can’t pay the mortgage bill… or your husband has left you. There is “nothing too hard for God!” Nothing!

God is not challenged by small things, nor is He challenged by big things. He is just God! He is saying to you, today, “I will not fail you, nor forsake you… Be strong, and of a good courage.”

This is your Word from God today! Now, let’s praise Him!


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Barry… “God is a God of the Second Chance”

We always get questions like “How did you start your orphanage in Haiti?”

Well, we never had intended on having an orphanage. We were content with our Christian Schools… The Artibonite area was one of the areas where we began to work. We started with a school. We also had Mobile Clinics.

One day, during a Mobile Clinic, the people of the village came to me and said, “Madamn Sherry, a woman is dying, and she needs medicine.” When I went to her in her mud hut, she was barely breathing. She made me promise that if she died, we would take in her four kids, Barry, Jonise, Sheline and Julianne…

I “begged God,” not to let her die… but she did. And when we went back to the village, there were all the village people (like something out of Africa), all gathered there with four little children in front of a mud hut. They all insisted that we take them, or they would die…

As the children got in the truck, Bobby and I began to wonder “What did we get ourselves into? This is not a “babysitting job”… it is a job for a lifetime!”

Barry was one of those four kids… His Grandma had said, “You’ll have to beat Barry every day, because he is “dezoid,” bad!

As Barry grew older, we did have problems with him. When he grew older, we had to make him leave. After suffering on the streets for a long time, he begged for another chance. We gave it to him… Today, he works for us in our Food Depot. He organizes all our Food Distributions. He is very “trustworthy.” Barry is also married and has a child. (I can’t believe he lived this long!! Ha.)

The biggest thing I have learned from having an orphanage all these years is that God is a God of the Second Chance… That is all that is guaranteed… A second chance, because some will not change. We are so proud of Barry!!! His grandma would be “really proud of him!!”


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Word From the Mission Field

If you’re looking for something to be filled in your life, you’re looking for more friends, more love, more joy, or more patience, then listen as Bobby explains the merits and wisdom behind Galatians 6:7.

Love is something you do!

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