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Word from the Mission Field

This is for someone today. When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing! “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 The Lord has it all under control in your life. The[…]

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Rejoicing for Food!

Everyone is rejoicing for their food in Lizel, South Haiti! We gave them rice, beans, and cooking oil. Two police stations received tents to sleep in due to the earthquake. Thank you Hubert, Jesse, and Kim who are in the pictures. Thank you to our friends who made this possible.[…]

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Update from the Mission Field

PTL! One hour ago, Sherry, Bobby, Jesse, Kim, Djonsly, his mother, Philimond and Joker (who are driving in the front) crossed the border of Haiti into the Dominican Republic in our Love A Child van! We are on the way to Santo Domingo. We will fly out tomorrow to Miami[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“A Missionary’s Prayer” In the last few years, Bobby and I have faced things that we have never faced before. Haiti is such a beautiful country with beautiful, kind, and loving people, and most of them poor. The majority of Haiti is safe with the exceptions of some areas and an area we[…]

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David Noel… “He Was at Death’s Door”

David Noel is the twin brother of Jonathan Noel. I am not sure if everyone knows the story of these twins, but in case you don’t, here is “the rest of the story.” Their mother died in childbirth. They were born in the mountains of Covant (nicknamed Belle Fontaine). This[…]

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The Dream Team

I thought I had posted this post last Saturday from the interior of South Haiti. We returned today. I’m sorry… I noticed that we had internet problems and this post never went up on our social media. Our friends worked so hard. I’m really in total amazement. Terry, Graeme, Earnie,[…]

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The Prison Visit in Anse-à-Veau

Yesterday we visited the prison on Anse-à-Veau, south Haiti. It was a life-changing experience. Our pictures are very limited because of prison rules. Hubert’s wife and three other ladies cooked into the night preparing the food for the prisoners. They prepared a feast! All the prisoners were so happy! Thank[…]

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Back in the UN Helicopter

Flying back to Love A Child from South Haiti. (Sherry, Bobby, Jesse, Kim, Watson, and Dieuferly) We had a wonderfully successful trip, accomplishing so much. The earthquake Gabion houses were beyond our expectations. The Haitian families were happy and thankful. It brought tears to our eyes. We have a lot[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Fear Not!” Fear is a terrible thing. Everyone who has ever lived has experienced “fear” at some time in their life. There are so many things that people fear, that each fear has its own name… “fear of falling, fear of closed-in places, fear of bugs, fear of snakes,” etc.[…]

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Jean Gardy… Ti Pastor

He was very young when his mother died. His father was poor and could not care for him, so he brought him to our orphanage. At that time, we lived in a house made into an orphanage, which was crowded. Jean Gardy has always loved math! His brain is like[…]

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