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Food is Life for the Earthquake Victims

Food is life for the earthquake victims of south Haiti. This is our second big load of rice, beans, and cooking oil for the people and children. We are giving out food, tents, and building the Gabion houses. For those who have and will help, thank you from the bottom[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BE NOT AFRAID “Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15 Sometimes our problems seem to be bigger than we can handle. Even overwhelmed with more than one big problem, but more problems. Maybe a multitude of problems. The Lord[…]

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Christian… “Ten More, Just Like Him”

He is small for his age and in 10th grade. He is a great student, making good grades. He is now 15 years old. The first time we saw him he was about four or five… what a cutie. His father was in prison, and the Department of Social Services brought[…]

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Franceau is Married!

“The Wedding.” Weddings and funerals are two big events in Haiti. For funerals, “everyone who can possibly come,” will come. Yesterday, Franceau, one of our first “8 children in our orphanage,” got married to beautiful miss Florantine. They have known each other for years. Because of all the gangs on[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” Colossians 3:12 In other words… never leave home without your “love” jacket. Because you never know when God is going to want to use you to help someone in need. Let’s be ready[…]

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Food Distribution Update in Nippes

We received this message and photos from Watson on the latest food distributions in the Nippes area: “Morning Sir Bobby and Mrs. Sherry,  may God bless you both! Yesterday, Hubert and the staff did two distributions, one was in Savaan close to Petite Rivière Nippes, they were a success. The[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Nothing to Lose.” Mark 5:29 Jesus had just finished ministering to a huge crowd when he decided to get on a boat and go over to the other side of the sea. All of a sudden, a ruler of the synagogue, Jarius, comes and falls at the feet of Jesus,[…]

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Stanley… A Big Brother

We often share pictures of our older children, because they are still a very important part of our lives. You see in Haiti, the government of Haiti wants orphanage kids “out” when they are 18. Most orphanages do this… and often, the child doesn’t know where to go or how[…]

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In the Hills Above “Petit Rivier…”

This lady lost her house and was injured in the earthquake that happened on the 24th in south Haiti. She was sleeping outside with no covering, now she has a warm tent to protect her from the cold and rain. She was also given food. This was yesterday when Hubert[…]

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Update on Djonsly… A Miracle!!

As many of you know, Djonsly is the young man who came to us several years ago here at our Love A Child Clinic with his eyeball hanging on the outside of his eye. His mother had taken him to doctor after doctor, to try to get help, but there[…]

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