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The blind lady has a new house!!!

Praise report: The first earthquake hit the first time on August 14th, 2021. The second earthquake hit Monday, Jan 24th. The little blind Grandma lost her house in the first earthquake. Her granddaughter saved her life when her house fell in on her. You can see the picture here. I[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field

Powerful word from the Word of God… “He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” Proverbs 28:27 God is saying that if we give to the poor, we shall not lack. It may not happen overnight, but his Word will[…]

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Joseph… “Always Room for One More Mechanic”

When Joseph’s mother Madamn Erica Felix died, his father abandoned both Joseph and his sister Sarah. Joseph was ill for a very long time, due to malnutrition. But, because both children were brought here to Love A Child, they both lived. Today, Joseph is in school to learn to be[…]

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Warm Tent Story of a Family

Last Thursday, a Haitian family who lives in America now saw our post on Facebook. We have mentioned Hubert several times because he oversees the building of the Gabion houses, tents, and food for the Nippes department of south Haiti where the 5.3 earthquake hit Monday, Jan 24th. He works[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God Never Forgets.” “And God heard their groaning (the children of Israel), and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.” Exodus 2:24 Has God ever made you a promise? God speaks to us in many ways… in our hearts, through His Word, through a man of God, through[…]

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Gifts for Old Letant Love A Child Church

Watson Balmyr, who films our Love A Child TV program, also ministers at our Love A Child Church in Old Letant. This village is extremely poor and the people try to make a living from catching small fish in the lake. There is no clean water in the village, so[…]

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Tents for the Police

In the middle of the night, the police department came for tents! Yesterday, just before 3 o’clock in the morning, the police from Petit Riviere de Nippes came knocking on Hubert’s door. Hubert is our Love A Child Representative in South Haiti, where the earthquake happened. They came to Hubert, needing tents.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“More Precious than Gold…” Really? How could a trial be “more precious than gold?” “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.”[…]

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Ti Samuel… “Dressed for Church”

Little Samuel came to us when he was very young. Not much is known about his complete circumstances, but we were asked by Social Services to take him… and we did. All we know is that his mother was not able to care for him. He quickly “grew into” our[…]

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