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Word from the Mission Field

“For God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” I Peter 5:5 A powerful story is told in Luke chapter 15 of a man who had two sons. Both worked for their father, a wealthy man. Both would have received an inheritance… but the younger son could not[…]

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From the earthquake to blessings

This little grandma is so happy! She is praising the Lord. I believe she has six in her family. We have 10 Gabion houses being built right now in southern Haiti and will start expanding to 20 more locations next week! The walls are two feet thick made of rock[…]

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Waiting on God

Even after living in Haiti for over 30 years, it is so difficult for us to hear the stories of the poor. We could have thought, “I’ve heard it all,” but there is always another story waiting and a mother with tears in her eyes. The majority of these mothers[…]

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LAC TV Program “Rich in Faith” Begins Friday!

This week on Love A Child TV, your heart will break as you witness the struggles of two impoverished families. A child’s world is completely disrupted when her mother is forced to make a heart-breaking decision, aware that she can no longer feed all her children. Another mother, facing similar[…]

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“What You Reap, You Will Sow!”

We all know the scriptures about “reaping and sowing.” This is one of God’s laws, which cannot be broken. When you give, you will always “receive back, pressed down, shaken together and running over… For with the same measure that ye mete withal, it shall be measured to you again.”[…]

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Natalie… A Prissy Little Girl!

Little Natalie is about to turn 11. She is such a “prissy” little girl!!! She was less than a year old when her father brought her to us in our Malnutrition Clinic. Her mother died during or after childbirth, and her father knew he had to bring her to our[…]

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Djonsly Needs a Miracle

Many of you remember Djonsly’s story. A little over two years ago, his right eye began to protrude out of its socket. It was so bad that his eyeball was literally “hanging there.” His mother took him to every clinic and every hospital she could find in Haiti, and she[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Making sure our foundation is strong. “… But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble…” (1 Corinthians 3:10-12) Our foundation[…]

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A Tough Little Guy

David Desir is now 9 years old. He is such an unusual little guy. He was born into a poor family of seven children, and little David was number eight. They could not afford to feed him. A kind neighbor took him in, but after a while, she could not[…]

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Gabion Houses

Thank you… after the earthquake, we distributed tons of food to the earthquake victims. After this, we went back and distributed hundreds of camping tents to those who lost their homes in the earthquake. Now the Lord has laid upon our hearts to go back and build as many homes[…]

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