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Word from the Mission Field

“I won’t take no for an answer, faith.” All of us will need a miracle in our life, sooner or later. And when we do, we must be able to “do whatever it takes” to get to Jesus. One of my favorite stories is Mark 2:4. Jesus was preaching in[…]

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“Zo Kiki” – Rachael (Her real name is Nazalie.)

When Rachael’s mother died in childbirth, it left her father with four children to raise, in the very poor country of Haiti. So, we took her in… but we did not really like the name of Nazalie… it just didn’t fit. So, we began to call her Rachael. She has[…]

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Hot Meals for Children in Haiti

To live in Haiti and see children who have very little to eat receive a hot meal that we give them, I cannot put into words the joy in our hearts. The children are the future of Haiti. For those of you who have helped Sherry and me, on the[…]

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Roselyne Dreams Big…

From time to time, we like to “brag on our Haitian children,” who have worked hard to achieve their dream. This is an update on Roselyne. She is one of our oldest Haitian children. From the time that we brought her down from the mountains, after a Mobile Medical Clinic,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Your Worst Enemy… Every one of us has enemies. We may think that “we love everyone and so, that means, everyone loves us.” But, we all have enemies… But “who” is your worst enemy? Joseph was the son of both Rachel and Jacob. Joseph had many “half-brothers” on his father’s[…]

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Sarah… Follow Your Dream

This is one of our older children, Sarah, who has completed high school and now is getting ready to find her place in life, here in Haiti. She is with some other children at our orphanage. She and her brother, Joseph, were brought to us when they were very small with Kwashiorkor malnutrition. Their[…]

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Looking Forward to Her Future Gabion House

This is the house of Meresianne Saint Gere in Haiti. This is what was left of her house after the earthquake. She is 76 years old and has 7 children and 8 grandchildren. Today, Hubert, who is overseeing this project (Gabion houses), found her and promised her a Gabion house.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Take the Limits Off of God!” Do we realize that God does “just what our faith wants Him to do?” So many times we “stretch to believe God for something small,” but really God wants us to believe for something big!! Psalm 78:40-41 declares, “How oft did they provoke Him[…]

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Christmas Dinner at Pastor Claude’s

What a wonderful Christmas dinner at Pastor Claude’s Orphanage this afternoon! A feast for his orphan children. Thank you, David and Angie, for the $500 to make this possible. Three days ago, Sherry and I gave each of the 26 full-time orphanage workers $20 each, from David and Angie. In[…]

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Florence… Making Strides!

Florence is one of the second group of (family of four children) when we first opened our orphanage. Her other siblings are Yolande (Dana), one of our preschool teachers; Julia, one of our lab techs at our Birthing Center, and Franceau, who is studying to be a pastor. Florence is[…]

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