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Update on Jasson (Jackson)

Jasson is doing better since his trip to the Dominican Republic. As many of you know, Jasson has severe kidney problems due to the kwashiorkor malnutrition he had when we found him years ago. Jesse Ostrander worked very hard to find Jasson the right doctor in the Dominican Republic (DR).[…]

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ATC – Getting Into Chickens

We are so excited about our LAC Sustainability Agricultural Training Center (ATC) program. Wilner (the Director) does a great job teaching Haitians how to grow better crops, help themselves, and make money to support their families. Now they are getting into chickens! Soon this chicken program will be enlarged blessing[…]

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LAC TV Program “Restoring Hope” Begins Friday!

The Love A Child medical teams minister to the most desperate and despondent cases. Your heart will be moved as you see several children, whose lives have been altered by various illnesses, accidents, and conditions, be lovingly ministered to by our devoted teams. But not all cases can be so[…]

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The Liberal Soul

Ever wonder why the blessings of God “just seem to fall on some people?” It seems that “everything they touch” is blessed. The Bible says that “There is that scattered and yet, increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than I smell, but it tendeth to poverty.” “The liberal soul shall[…]

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“Di Di…” Ready to Go!

Our sweet little Dumolia (Dimelia) has not been able to get her Visa yet, due to the problems here in Haiti and the Embassies closing. She had wanted to go to Italy, where her “sister” Florence is, but it has been difficult to get her Visa. So, she changed courses[…]

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Girls’ Clothes Needed

We have lots of girls, all sizes, at our Children’s Home. We are thankful to those who have sent in boys’ clothes, but now, the girls need clothes. They are not permitted to wear jeans or shorts, so they wear things like sundresses, or skirts and blouses. If they play[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Testimony Part Two: For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 Please go back and read my 6:00 a.m. post from yesterday morning. Every day, while I was fasting for 21 days the Lord felt like He was a million miles away. I couldn’t understand “why?”  When my 21 days of praying and[…]

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Love A Child Kids Make Love A Child What it is!

We are proud of all our Love A Child kids, but we love to see them “working and growing up” as part of our ministry. Here are two of the oldest girls… These two girls, Yolanda and Julia, are from the second set of four children that became our Orphanage.[…]

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A Bird Called “Madansara”

Madamn Chrislene Derameau is a lady from a village called “Boulay.” She has a profession that the Haitians call “Madansara.” (Madansara is actually a bird in Haiti that goes all over the place, finding food where it can and sleeping where it can, and just existing where it can!) This[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The just shall walk by faith.” Galatians 3:11 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 When I first started in the ministry, the spirit of the Lord told me to separate myself from Sherry, to fast and pray for 21 days “just on water!” We had[…]

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