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What Did You Say You Wanted for Christmas??

Here is little “Samuel,” when he was all dressed up for church yesterday! He looks like a little preacher! He was less than two years old when we found this abandoned child. But Social Services asked us to take him, and we did. He was “sickly” for a long time. He[…]

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Love A Child

Update from the Mission Field

We have a lot of e-mails asking about the 17 kidnapped missionaries – kidnapped for 17 million dollars. I’m sorry to say, the 400 Mawozo gang still has them. So sad that five are children, including an 8-month-old baby and mother. Seems like the news is fading, some are forgetting.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.” Hebrews 11:8 The heroes of our faith all lived simply believing in an invisible God whom they could not[…]

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“Who’s the Cute Little Guy in the Suit?”

He could be a politician or a Pastor! (I hope, “a Pastor!”) Just look at Noah! He is happy, strong, and confident! He may be missing a tooth but still manages a smile! It was not long ago that he was “discarded in front of our gate” like a bag[…]

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Saving Little Lives

We had always felt that the Lord wanted us to have a Malnutrition Clinic that would save many little lives, but we had to wait until we felt like we had everything we needed… a wonderful building, all the equipment we needed, the special milk they needed, nurses who had[…]

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Update from Bobby and Sherry

Attention: Our Love A Child Facebook account may have been hacked by putting up a fake friend account. Beware of anyone asking you to be a friend or messaging you for money. This is the world we live in today. We love you. Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Beautiful Church in the “Mud Cookie Village…”

A few years ago, we began working in a village where they make the “mud cookies” that most everyone has heard about. These mud cookies are made because so many Haitian children are hungry, and if they have not eaten all day, they can eat a “mud cookie” and drink[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t Even Take a Peek!” There’s something that the Lord just hates about “broken focus.” Anytime we take our eyes “off of Him” we lose track of what we are supposed to do… Lot’s wife is a good example… When the Lord sent word through His angels to Lot that[…]

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Update from the Mission Field

PTL! We received 5,000 gallons of diesel late this afternoon! Believe me, this is a miracle. Casimi here in the picture has nerves of steel! God has sent special angels to work with Casimi. The delivery diesel guys are very brave. BBQ the big G-9 gang leader started letting fuel[…]

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Samuel… “God Saved Him, Just for Us!”

Hard to believe he’s in 9th grade now. What a change in him. He is really growing into being a “responsible young man.” Samuel is polite and intelligent and a hard worker! He plays drums in our children’s Church services. Like all the other Haitian boys, he loves soccer (and[…]

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