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Nathalie is “All Girl!”

Nathalie is another child whose mother died due to childbirth complications. Her father tried to raise the new baby, but she developed severe malnutrition. We took her into our old malnutrition clinic, but we could not find her father after a while. He abandoned her. Nathalie has been a joy[…]

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The Story of Jonel Jorès…

Months ago, a poor father walked into our Jesus Healing Center. The baby’s name was Jonel Jorès, age 17 months old. Unfortunately, the condition of this baby meant “take him straight to the ER!” Our doctor told his father that his baby was suffering from “acute malnutrition,” at 6.4 kilos.[…]

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Happy Anniversary Mark and Evie!

Today is Mark and Evie Ostrander’s 48th anniversary, and yet, here is Mark, working hard for the people of Haiti. Bobby took this single picture of Mark this morning. He has made over 600 trips to Haiti. Evie, Mark’s wife, handles everything in the States for Mark. Mark is the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Burn Those Bridges…” Sometimes, we take too much time looking back and wondering, “what if?” George Washington was a great general. Once when he and his troops had just crossed over a bridge, one of his officers asked him, “Should we burn the bridge?” George Washington replied, “Burn the bridge! It’s victory or death!”[…]

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Rachael…Nazalie is Doing Well!

Nazalie’s mother died in childbirth, leaving four children for their father to raise. Haitian fathers don’t want to keep a newborn if their wife dies because the babies are breastfed, and when they lose a wife, there is no one to feed the baby. So that is why they try[…]

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At the Hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Here is a picture of Dieuferly, RL, and Vanessa around 2:30 PM today at the hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, waiting to see the doctor. Dieuferly is doing great and has no pain. After the doctor’s appointment, Dieuferly, RL, and Vanessa will be traveling to our mission house in[…]

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900,000 Feed My Starving Children Meals Going Out

Thank you! 900,000 Feed My Starving Children meals are going out this morning from our Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center. Around 100 organizations are coming, over half have of them orphan homes. Food is a crisis here. Some of these people come from a great distance. Some from the other[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

RUN DEVIL RUN! “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” James 4:7-8 Is the devil on your tail this week? Get him off! “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” Amen! Run devil run! “If[…]

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Lomene Strives for More

Today, four of our older children took their exams to finish high school… Joseph, Jonas, Kenson, and Lomene. This is quite the feat for any high school student in Haiti because the test is “very, very difficult.” We are so proud of Lomene and how far she has come. Of all the[…]

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News from Haiti

Important Updates Danger: Some of our staff can’t make it here to Love A Child because they have to go through a dangerous area of Croix des Bouquets. They must wait until the streets clear. As you may know, the death of the President has caused a lot of anger among the people. So, our workers must[…]

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