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Word from the Mission Field

“A man of many companions may come to ruin, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 A true friend is hard to find. We’ve all had friends whom we have been disappointed in. Friends who act like they love you very much to your face, but yet[…]

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Update on Jackson

Poor little fellow… Jackson (Jasson), is still in the hospital. Due to his edema (swelling), they have postponed the surgery. Here is a report from Dr. Barthelemy, our doctor here at Love A Child: “Hello Sherry and Bobby. Jasson has suffered the NEPHROTIC CORTICORESISTANT SYNDROME. The evolution of this disease[…]

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Our Malnutrition Clinic… 24/7

Our Malnutrition Clinic never closes. Each day, we have mothers who bring their toddlers, little babies, or young children. These children are underweight and suffering from some form of malnutrition. They have a check-up, and the doctor sees them; they have to meet the criteria to be kept in our[…]

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A Miracle For Madamn Pierre

Look at these beautiful twin babies! The mother and babies would have died, had she not made it to our Birthing Center. Madamn Pierre was not even one of our patients… She waited until she was “ready to give birth,” to come to our clinic. Usually, we cannot accept a mother in this[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Give Up, and Let Jesus Take Over…” That’s an old song with such a good meaning. Have you ever said, “Lord, I’ve done all I could? What more can I do?” Or “Lord, I feel like giving up.” Maybe it’s time you do what this song says, “Give up, and[…]

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Good News Update

PTL!! We are very happy. This just came in from Rad at the office. “Two donations have come in that together will cover the $6,200 cost for Dieuferly’s surgery. Praise God.” The funds have come in for Dieuferly’s surgery! On Sunday, July 11th, we all will travel over to Santo[…]

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Update on Jackson

Poor little Jackson (Jasson in Creole). He is in a hospital here in Haiti waiting for dialysis. He has been having kidney problems for quite a while. The sad thing is that the hospital where he is, is in a dangerous place, and we cannot go to him. Our hearts[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Widow’s Mite…” “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” (John 12:43) This is what John said about the people who believed in Jesus, but did not want to confess him… they were afraid they would be “kicked out of the temple,” because they[…]

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Update on Fuel

We are thankful that we received our diesel this morning at our Love A Child compound. By late this afternoon, we would have been completely out of diesel. We have no gas. This morning, we received half the amount we needed. They were coming back this afternoon with our other half of diesel. Stanley, who is over[…]

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Update on the Medical Staff Dorm

The workers (dream team), along with Mark and Jesse, are priming the walls, painting, putting up trim, plus much more. On Monday, the tile layers will come in to lay tile in the whole building. PTL! Things are going faster than expected. Soon the medical staff will have a safe,[…]

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