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LAC TV Program “Boots on the Ground” Begins Friday!

The recent earthquake in Haiti killed hundreds and injured thousands, leaving them with no food or shelter, suffering in the elements while a tropical storm ravaged what was left. The Love A Child staff spread out to hard-to-reach areas to provide thousands of bags of rice and beans to these devastated people, as well medical relief to the injured who cannot afford doctors or hospitals. Your charity makes all this possible! Let your heart be moved with the cry of the poor and broken. With your continued assistance, we can rebuild what they have lost.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Love is something you do!

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Word from the Mission Field

Steadfast, unmovable, always abounding:

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

We must be steadfast, unmovable in the work of the Lord. All our work for him is not in vain. We must go forward always abounding in the work of the Lord. Never give up!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Mikael… Always Working!

All our children here at Love A Child “work” and do chores, but some of them work, “just to be working!” Mikael is a good example. Mikael “looks for work!” He is one of the teenage boys that are always “looking for work.” When he is at home, he usually goes to the Food Distribution Center and starts sweeping, cleaning, and making sure all the boxes are straight!!! You never have to ask him to work! When a big container comes in, he is right there, ready to unload and put things on pallets. He is honest and sweet, and tender-hearted. If he thinks you are angry at him, he will be very sad or even cry.

Mikael came to us when his mother died. His father was very poor and could not take care of him. (This happens a lot, here in Haiti.) His father brought him to us and we found out that he was a really intelligent child! He loves music and plays the drums in our Children’s Service each night. He is in Junior High now and one day, he will figure out what he wants to do in life! We love Mikael… never had a problem with him!!! Sherry

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Little Sawensley’s Story… A Mother’s Biggest Gift!

This is the story of a little 17-month-old baby named Sawensley. He is from Peyi Pouri, far in the mountains… He is living with his mother and father, but his father is a farmer and the soil cannot produce anything… there is nothing to eat or sell. This is a big burden for the mother with this child. Food was so scarce that his mother said, “She often wished a Manna Pack, (box of FMSC food), would fall out of the sky from nowhere so that she could cook it for her son.” She knew there was no way to send Sawensley to school one day and she would be really embarrassed if she could not do this.

Food was rare, so Sawensley did not get enough food. He became very malnourished. She knew that if she didn’t get help, he would die. His mother had to borrow money for a motorcycle to take him to our Clinic. It was a blessing that she did not have to pay any money at our Clinic, but the doctor said that the baby was so malnourished that he would die if he did not have help. He would have to stay at our Malnutrition Clinic for a while. He only weighed 8.8 kilos and measured 79 cm. Sawensley’s mother was so happy and thankful that she could leave the baby in good care.

She said that “Saving Sawensley and having him in the Malnutrition Clinic was the biggest gift she could ever have at this time of the year!” She will come every 14 days to see her baby and he will stay until he is in “outpatient,” at which time we will send a box of FMSC food home with her each time she comes (every two weeks)! We can’t wait to see how God changes the life of this baby! Sherry

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Food Distribution in Nan Gaya

There is a Creole proverb that says, “Hunger makes the dog climb the coconut tree.” It means, “when someone is hungry, they will do anything for food”…

This area is called Nan Gaya. It is a village not far from us. The people there have a tough life, along with many other Haitians. The women buy items and resell them in the markets. They do not come home until late, late after dark.

Haiti is full of gangs now. They block the roads, rob the poor, and do things that we cannot mention here in this report. So every box of food is like gold!

Our Feeding Programs are very organized. The person in charge of each village passes out tickets to mothers only before the food comes. This is because men can get in the line and push pregnant women or “butt in front of them.” Women cook the food so they should get the tickets! This food is donated from our friends at Feed My Starving Children. We have been partnering together for many years. Our friends and donors sponsor this food to come from FMSC all the way to Miami, put the container on a boat, and send it to Haiti. Then it arrives in “Haiti Customs” (where all the action begins!). It is tough to get each container safely from the dock in Port au Prince, through gang territories, and all the way to us! God has been so good to us!

We want to thank Feed My Starving Children and all our Love a Child partners for your support and for your prayer!

Thank you,
Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.” Proverbs 8:11

Solomon could have had anything he asked for, but he chooses wisdom! Lord today we seek after your wisdom. Bobby

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Sitting Among the Pigs…

I can close my eyes and see this little guy, about the age of two… a big swollen belly with worms and malnutrition. He was sitting on the dirty ground right beside a huge pig. He had no water and had not had any food all day. Other children would walk by him and slap him on the head and say, “pa bezouin.” It means “don’t need you, or don’t want you.”

His mother would pick him up by one arm each morning and plop him down on the ground. He would have to “sit on his knees” until someone picked him up. His parents were into Voodoo. As I watched him, the Lord spoke to me and said the same thing He had told me before about other children… “If you leave him here he will die.”

I picked him up, and he clutched his arms around my neck. When I talked to his mother she said, “Take him, take him!” And we did! It was a struggle to get him to stand or walk… but one day, it happened! Now, he is in school doing well! He does flips in the air, summersaults, plays soccer and basketball, and can eat more than an adult! He is sweet, kind, hard-working, and obedient! Oh, how we love Nelson! Sherry

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Christmas Came Early!

These sweeties are pregnant moms at our Birthing Center! We have quite a few enrolled for Education Classes, Consultations, Birth Control, and of course… Childbirth! We are so thankful to Sarah Sandsted’s organization – Rebuild Globally. This is a wonderful organization that hired Haitians to make items such as sandals (and other items) using “things such as tires” to make all sorts of things.

We will share another story of Rebuild Globally with more information, but we just received these sweet smiling pictures of pregnant moms, and we just had to share them! Just look at the expressions on their faces as they receive a beautiful and “extremely durable” pair of sandals! All Haitian women wear sandals! They could never afford a well-made sandal like this in their lifetime!!!

Rebuild Globally has already sent us many sandals and shoes for our school children! What a blessing… it’s like “Christmas Came Early” in Haiti! We cannot thank Sarah and her team enough! She even sent in soap products! How awesome is that!!! God bless Sarah and her team, and you will be hearing more about them. Sherry

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“It’s Never Too Late for God…”

The Story of Madamn Marcelin Janique

Haitians often wait “until it’s too late.” But with God, He is always on time.

Today, the “Waiting Room” at our Jesus Healing Center Clinic was packed full. It was filled with patients. In most all clinics in Haiti, a person who has a really bad problem can sit and sit until they are called. But this clinic is different… It is because of our loving staff and our doctors, and especially Dr. Barthelemy. He is always “out front” in the street, waiting and watching everyone who comes in to see who is the worst case. He takes them back immediately and starts to solve their problem with love and care.

Among all these people came Madamn Marcelin Janique. She had a huge growth under her arm, which was bothering her for a long, long time. After trying many doctors and clinics, she gave up hope until a friend told her about the Jesus Healing Center! The best news was that “she would not have to pay a penny to see the Doctor or any charges for surgery.”

Madamn Marcelin came from a little area called “Rat Kadet!” This is in the high mountains of Tomazo. It had been a long time before someone came all the way from Tomazo, down to Fond Parisien, to Love A Child!

After examination, Dr. Barthelemy explained that the growth was called “Lipoma,” about 5 to 7 cm below the epidermis. It was really bothering her. It was removed, and with a thankful heart, Madamn Marcelin was to be able to go home. She had this problem for over a year! She left with a good surgery, and did not have to pay a penny!!

There is a Creole Proverb that says, “When it gets darker, that’s when it will be day.” That means “it’s never too late for God to move!!!”

This huge clinic was a great “step of faith!” But, we are thankful to those of you who gave to help build this beautiful clinic for the poor, and we are thankful to Hand of Hope – Joyce Meyer Ministries, who helps sponsor the operating cost of running this clinic each month. And we thank all our donors and partners who gave, to build and furnish the clinic and all the other needs. Just think, the Lord was looking “down the road,” ahead of time, and He knew, that one day, Madamn Marcelin would be coming for help, along with so many poor people! Thank you, those of you, who helped with other furnishings and supplies!!! It doesn’t matter who gives large or small, as long as God gets all the Glory!!! You who are reading this, are some of the best people on the earth!!

We love you,
Bobby and Sherry

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Serving Children & Saving Lives on #GivingTuesday

Sherry and I have lived in Haiti for the last 30 years. Our hearts are broken by the “cry of the poor” here in Haiti. The current political instability and deadly gang violence is the worst we’ve ever seen. Hunger is everywhere in Haiti, and little children are suffering the most. Your prayers, love, and support are invaluable to the work we do.

In the face of overwhelming poverty, natural disasters, and a country in peril, the mission of Love A Child has taken on the burden of the needs of children and their families spiritually, socially, and physically.

God continues to work in Haiti through our feeding programs, medical care outreach, schools, churches, and sustainability programs.

Together, we’ve impacted the lives of thousands of children with over 25,000,000 meals given out in 2021. We need your help to continue in reaching our goals to claim the country of Haiti for Christ.

We ask that you join us in prayer and action this giving season.

On Giving Tuesday, let your heart lead you into sharing a special, love-filled gift with children and families that are struggling to survive.

Please call the office today at 239-210-6107 or give online by clicking the following link and stand with us in our walk of faith to claim Haiti for Christ.


Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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