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A Busy Clinic…

There are no gas stations open in Haiti now. The gangs have confiscated all fuel trucks so all these patients either walked a long way or hitched a ride on a truck, etc.  Our Jesus Healing Clinic is a caring clinic! We have the best doctors, nurses, and staff possible!

This little one had to put an oxygen mask on, but all day long there are different kinds of cases.

Everyone comes because our doctors don’t rush them “in and out.” They take time with the patients. We have our own lab, which means that patients don’t have to travel a long way to get lab work done and bring it back to our doctor. Everything is here… lab and a pharmacy, everything.

We also have a full-time Pastor praying for those who need the Lord!

We are thankful to Hand of Hope – Joyce Meyer Ministries for sponsoring the monthly operating cost so that the poorest of the poor can be treated with great care!

Thank you, partners, for your prayers and love!

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“In God’s Time…Not Your Time…”

Do you ever notice how we try to “put God in a box,” and ask Him to do things “when we want it, and how we want it?” He never forgets our earnest prayers, but we run out of patience. The Bible says, “But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son…” Galatians 4:4

Jesus could not have been born a moment sooner or later, but in God’s time. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” You may be in the “season” of your answered prayer, but when God’s time clicks, it will be “your time.” Don’t try to hurry God up or help Him out. He knows what He is doing and when it should be done! Trust Him! Have a great day.


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Jonas… a Gift from God!

Jonas is such a sweet and funny young guy. He is now 18. For some time, he has been working and helping the mechanics. Vehicles are always breaking down, so there has been “plenty of work” for Jonas!!

We found Jonas during a Mobile Clinic in the mountains of Demesseau, where we had a Christian School. His mother had died and his father could not take care of him.

Jonas is sweet, funny, and mature. It doesn’t take much to entertain him… give him a “broken down piece of junk,” to work on, and he’s content. Jonas is now in a college that teaches mechanics. He will do well! And, he will always be able to find a job a Haiti! When he finishes his “Mechanic College,” he will, no doubt, volunteer at Love A Child and work under our great mechanics, “Joker Tony,” from the Dominican Republic and Caleb. We actually have quite a few… they have “lots of broken-down vehicles” to practice on!! Jonas is so sweet. He is a “gift from God.”




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Current News on Haiti

Current news: All the fuel terminals are still blocked by the gangs. Haiti is “locked down,” and coming to almost a standstill.

Thank you for praying!! Yesterday on our post I asked for everyone to pray we can find fuel for our 16 containers in customs at the port. 12 of those containers are our food containers. Our goal was to start distributing our Feed My Starving Children meals tomorrow to the villages that need food desperately. We had to have diesel for our semi and our food trucks to deliver the food to the villages.

Thanks to Casimi, our semi-driver, and others, I’ve just had several 55 drums of diesel delivered!!! Had to send our big truck to a village in the middle of nowhere and “there was our diesel!!” I can’t say anything more… “what happens in Haiti, stays in Haiti!” Know one thing about the Haitian people, they know how to DEGAJE. Which means “make do, or get yourself out of a bad situation!”

Tomorrow we will start pulling our food containers out of customs at the port and taking food to the villages!! BY FAITH, I know the Lord will supply the money to pay for all the shipping and customs, just like He did, supplying the fuel and money to buy it. Praise the Lord and thank you for your prayers!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“Love is Greater than All…”

“Now abideth faith, hope, and charity, (love), these three; but the greatest of all is love.” I Corinthians 13:13

Years ago, when we were doing evangelist work, we met an evangelist, whom I will just call “Evangelist Leonard.” He could preach “like a house on fire!” He knew all the scriptures in the Bible it seemed, but my, my, could he preach!!! He was from West Virginia. He preached so hard that his coat was always soaking wet!

His beautiful wife played the organ in the crusades, and she was a jewel. We just loved her so much. Once, when we were in a Gospel Tent meeting, we saw her playing the organ with a black eye. She looked so sad… He didn’t know his mic was still on and he walked over to the organ and said to her, “If you give me any trouble, there’s more where that came from.” We found out later that he had put his wife through a living hell! We were so thankful when she left him and married a kind and loving man.

Some pastors and evangelists, and even missionaries, can “look Holy.” But God sees everything. “Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not charity, (love), I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.” I Corinthians 13:1-13

When you are trying to figure out if “they really are a man of God, “look for love.” No matter how many scriptures they can quote, or even if you see miracles, the first thing to ask yourself is “do they have love?” Don’t let anything fool you… Look for love. Have a blessed day.


And oh, yes, the second thing, as far as I am concerned, “is how do they treat their wife?” My husband is “full of love.” He is so kind and gentle to everyone. He treats me sooo good. You can look at me, and you know that Bobby is full of love! (That’s “1st Sherry Chapter one!”)


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Lomene!! A Professional Cook!

Lomene!! A professional cook!

Just look at our little Lomene! Her dream is coming true!! We rescued Lomene from being a “restavek slave child,” taking care of two poor families… doing the cooking, carrying water, taking care of their babies, and washing clothes! She was just a little girl then, about 8 years old!

We brought her into our orphanage and gave her love and an education. When she was in her last year of school, 12th grade, she would cook breakfast for “Poppie Bobby,” each Sunday! She could never get his eggs right!! Bobby wanted them over medium, but not over and “stepped on!”

When she said she wanted to go to cooking school we didn’t think she would make it, but just look at her!! Doesn’t she look cute in her “chef outfit!” She will be in college for a year or more!! As soon as she is out, she’ll try those eggs again! Ha! Lomene is a sweetie and a devout Christian! We love her so much, Sherry

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Prayer Alert: Need Your Prayers

We have 16 “40-foot containers” backed up in customs, most of which is our Feed My Starving Children meals. We have two more FMSC containers on the ocean heading this way now. Each container contains 272,000 lifesaving meals. We are very thankful to FMSC this week, they agreed to give us 10, 40-foot containers per month! This is a lifesaver for so many children here in Haiti! Sherry and I have never seen hunger and conditions so bad here in Haiti since we moved here in July 1991.

We are thankful for each container of food of 272,000 meals; it costs FMSC $65,000. All the containers of food they ship us, there is no charge. PTL!

In return we, Love A Child, pay for the shipping down to Miami, putting it on a cargo ship across the ocean to Haiti. Then we have to pay all the many expenses at customs; then have our semi bring the container to our “Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center.” Then, we must distribute the meals in many different areas of Haiti, many over rough roads and rugged mountains to get the food to the children. All of this cost us around $10,000 per container to ship in. This is how we do it! We do it together! By faith, we never have the money, but the Lord provides. I got up early this morning, I caught myself beginning to worry about all the expenses and hard times in Haiti. The Spirit said, “don’t worry… the Lord will provide.”

We would love to buy our rice here in Haiti… but, Haiti does not produce near enough and it is expensive. It’s even difficult to find. The Feed My Starving Children meals have rice, carrots, peas, onions, vegetables, soy, as much protein as a chicken breast, plus added minerals and vitamins.

Thank you, everyone, who helps make all of this possible. By faith!

Missionary Bobby Burnette


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Word from the Mission Field

And departed without being desired.” 2 Chronicles 21:20

I almost cried when I read these words. We see the great “King Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah…and he reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem.” (2 Chronicles 20:31) He did so many good things to bring the people back to the Lord. When he died, he left his oldest son, Jehoram, to reign. But this son was evil. He killed all his brothers and made the people turn back to idols. God was so angry, He punished him by smiting his people, his children, his wives and everything he had. God sent all his enemies to war against him and God smote him with a disease so that “all his bowels fell out,” and he died in much pain. Then the Bible says, “And he reigned in Jerusalem eight years, and departed without being desired.” (2 Chronicles 21:20)

When we leave this world, we want to be remembered as “someone who loved God, who helped the poor, who shared what they had, and who put God first.” We never want to be remembered as one who departed (died) without being desired (missed or loved). This young king could have done “more than his father,” but instead, he was greedy, selfish, and disobedient to God, and he died without being desired. Someday, we will stand before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We want to hear Him say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant!” Make this day count for Jesus!


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Thankful for Help!

Here is Bryon Ray with our Haitian workers, Gilberson, and Nanel.

Bryon is putting in five new special attic air ventilators on top of our Jesus Healing Center. He is a blessing. Bryon usually comes in and works hard for 30 days, then he goes home for 30 days. Then returns for another 30 days… He attends Pastor Mark Ostrander’s church in Palm Bay, Florida, named “The Mission Church”

He now flies in through Santo Domingo, then travels to Haiti by land, crossing the border, which is very near to Love A Child. Too dangerous to fly into Port-Au-Prince then come out here. His daughter, Lauren, loves Haiti, just like her Dad!

We love you both…

Bobby and Sherry

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Country in Crisis – Anita Josile’s Story

Anita Josile is one of many Haitians who saw the home they’ve built up for years, crash down in a moment. It’s been over two months since the destruction occurred, but we need your support now more than ever as we try to help these precious people rebuild their lives.

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