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Haiti Updates

We have been looking so forward to traveling to Jeremie, taking the folks up in the interior 500 tents, tarps, and earthquake emergency supplies.

With much sadness, Sherry and I have decided to cancel our trip until the danger dies down.

More kidnappings are happening every day. I know some people who never leave their house. They are afraid to go out anywhere. All the fuel trucks are being blocked by the gangs leaving the port. No one has fuel…

We must take our tents and supplies to Jeremie by boat. The usual cost would be $5,000 – $7,000.

Now, the lowest cost is $20,000 because of no fuel, and the black-market fuel cost a fortune!

Gangs are now at the port of Jeremie. We have been feeling from the Holy Spirit to wait and then go when it is safe.

I feel so sorry for the people needing the tents, tarps, and the other brand-new emergency supplies we have for them.

I know Mayor Yvrose is disappointed and sad for her people.

I’m thankful Sherry and I were able to go last month to Jeremie and give them tons and tons of food through the Mayor.

We are thankful that in the Department de Nippes we were able to give them 1,500 tents and tons and tons of food.

We love you and thank all of you who have been helping.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. They are needed more than ever.

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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“One of the least of these my brethren…”

For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink:

I was a stranger, and ye took me on:

Naked and ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

“In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me…” Matt. 25:35, 36 & 40

Here is why we remember the poor… When we feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, take a stranger in, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in prison… we are actually doing this unto Jesus himself!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Update from Haiti

The 17 missionaries are still being held captive by the 400 Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang). They are the most notorious gang in Haiti. The mother and her eight-month-old baby have not been let go. This shows you what type of gang this is. We’ve dealt with them for two and a half years now, just down the road from us. Now, they say they have taken over Croix-des-Bouquets. They are growing in power and strength, along with BBQ G-9 and all the other gangs.

Our hearts are torn to pieces for the 17 missionaries. We are praying day and night. I personally believe they are not keeping them all together. They have been separated, moved to different locations. I’m praying for hope… I’m praying that if the gang is smart, they will negotiate for a smaller amount of money and let them go. They can still make everyone think they received what they asked for. When someone is kidnapped here, no one ever knows how much was paid. This is always a secret. I’m afraid if the Mennonites do not pay anything, the Papaya Gang may kill them. They are not playing. I’ve seen the Papaya Gang kill people right here on our road.

We’ve had a little baby die in our clinic, shot by the gang. Others come in “almost dead.” If the Papaya Gang members have been shot or hurt, some have come to our clinic. We minister the love of God to them. I’m sure their wives or girlfriends come to our Birthing Center to have their babies. We share the love of God with them…

I do believe the U.S. Embassy, along with the FBI, is doing all it can to negotiate. This is not an easy job. I do not believe the U.S. will send troops into Haiti to crush the gangs. I hope that I am wrong. Please, we need your prayers. Haiti is being destroyed, along with its wonderful people. No fuel is coming into the country. Gangs control all the routes. Out here, in Fond Parisien, we are at the brink of having “no diesel,” along with the people and missionaries of Haiti. Please pray for us and Haiti.

Thank you for your comments on Facebook, they are very encouraging. We feel all alone. This too will pass and I’m still optimistic for the future of Haiti. The SUN will shine through the storm.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Daniel… A Clean & Quiet Kid!

Daniel, and his twin sister, Daniella, are now 17 years old. It seems like yesterday when one of our employees drove up with two tiny twin babies in his arms. Their mother had just died in childbirth, along with baby number three.

Daniel was the smaller of the two babies left. He looked like a little “rat” for a long, long time. As he grew older, we noticed that he had a lot of trouble with his eyes. We sent him to all kinds of eye doctors, and nothing ever came from them. At last, we found a doctor that diagnosed him with “allergies.” We have so many trees here, but the doctors cannot figure out which tree or bush gives him allergies. In the meantime, he is on medication.

Daniel is so good with French and math!! He is always up, dressed nice, and clean! But he says he wants to be a mechanic! He is a sweet kid and loves his sister more than anything in the world! We love Daniel and we pray that he reaches his dreams in life!!

We love him so much!!


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More on Jasson (Jackson)

This just came from Jesse Ostrander, who is with little Jasson in Santo Domingo:

“We just finished with 1 vaccination appointment. We have 7 more doctors visits today. Viva the Dominican Republic! Appointments are just arbitrary numbers. WE WAIT EVERYWHERE, which will put us LATE EVERYWHERE. BUT WE WILL GET IT DONE. Poor Jasson has had 4 shots already. Almost finished at the Cardiologist. They ran a few tests. I will explain later. Next is the Pediatric Renal Nutritionist…”

Pray for Jesse and Jasson today. The Dominican Republic has wonderful doctors and staff.  Bobby

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An Update on Jasson (Jackson)

Dear Friends,

On Tuesday, Philemond, our driver, and Joker, our mechanic, took Dieuferly and Jasson (Jackson) to the Dominican Republic for checkups. They took Dieuferly first; he is the one who had surgery done on his club foot; both his feet were bad from botched surgeries here in Haiti.

Dieuferly is doing well. He can walk without his cast but has to do physical therapy.

Jasson has severe kidney problems. Jesse Ostrander, a Love A Child Missionary, has done a lot of work finding the right kidney doctor for Jasson.

She has told us that Jasson needs to be treated as a child, instead of an adult, when it comes to dialysis.

She had Jesse take him to the dentist to check for any infections and clean Jason’s teeth. Then, she sent Jasson for all his vaccinations, etc.

Today, she will send him to an eye doctor and lots more tests. Here is a report that came in “last night” from Jesse…

“I took Jackson to his pediatric nephrologist. She is amazing. I am very impressed by her thoroughness and her bedside manner. She is very kind and thoughtful. However, it was quickly determined that there are much more tests needed. Jackson has a long day of tests and doctor’s appointments tomorrow. In a nutshell, she has to determine a baseline for infection. It helps them know how the kidneys are functioning or if they are functioning at all.

They need to examine his teeth and gums, his ears, his eyes, his heart, and his nutritional intake. This all must take place while we are here. She also has ordered another ultrasound, urinalysis, and blood tests.

We were able to see a dentist today after our appointment with the nephrologist. Jackson had his teeth cleaned and a thorough examination of his gums. So far so good. He has no infection in his mouth.

Tomorrow morning, (Thursday) I will take him to a lab to get his urinalysis and his blood work.

I will then take him to a place that administers immunizations. He needs to be current on every immunization in order to be considered for dialysis. I will then take him to get an ultrasound of his kidneys. After these tests are done, he will then begin to see doctors. Following this appointment, he will have his eyes checked by an ophthalmologist. Then we will have his hears checked.

Following these tests and appointments, he will see a pediatric renal nutritionalist. I never knew there was even such a thing.

The idea behind all of these appointments and tests is to extend the time without the need for dialysis. I guess dialysis is really hard on the system. They are trying to maintain his quality of life as long as possible before putting him on the dialysis regime.

After all of the data is put together, the Pediatric nephrologist will determine whether or not to put him on dialysis now or wait. It is not a question of whether or not he needs dialysis, it is a question of how soon to start it.”

Thank you all for your prayers!! We have wonderful doctors, but “Jesus is always the Great Physician.”

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LAC TV Program “One Thousand Families” Begins Friday!

Watch this week as Love A Child provides hope to one thousand families scattered across the mountains in Haiti. Here, they rely on the land to survive, but relentless droughts have depleted their resources; their crops have withered to dust, there is no rainwater to drink, their livestock is starving to death. Parents labor in vain in the fields and return home unable to feed their families. Children fight to survive while everything around them is slowly dying. One box of food can change everything for them; it takes your generosity, our plan, and their resiliency!

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Love is something you do!

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Word from the Mission Field

“Give God Something Hard to Do”

In II Kings, three kings went off to battle… The king of Israel, the king of Judah, and the king of Edom. They had gone about a seven-day journey to fight the enemy, and they went with all their soldiers and their animals. But after seven days, there was no water at all! They were in the “middle of nowhere,” a desert, with no one to help and thousands of soldiers and their animals needing water. But there was not a drop of water for them, nor their cattle, nor their horses!

The hot sun was beating down on them, so they decided to call on the servant of the Lord, the prophet Elisha. God speaks through his servant and says, “Make this valley full of ditches [because…] Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts. And this is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord.” (2 Kings 3:16-18) Read that chapter to see the miracles… I know you have been praying and praying about something, but God wants you to ask for something “bigger than you!” God is saying, “Give me something hard to do!”

“This is but a light thing” in the eyes of the Lord! Go Ahead! Give God something hard to do!!! He will show Himself strong for you, His child! Things will get better!!! Look for God to do something bigger than you!


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Ti Mika’s Story… “A Poor Grandma and a Tiny Baby”

We were doing a television program in the village of Madamn Bauje years ago. We had been there to do a Food Distribution, and to talk about the need for food and how so many children in Haiti were hungry… how they had red, straw-like hair from malnutrition and that they had very little to eat.

As I was waiting on Bobby to do the Ministry segment, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw an old Haitian Grandma with a little baby in her arms. The baby had malnutrition and red hair, and she was sucking on her thumbs. Her Grandma had a small handful of rice she was feeding the baby and then, Grandma set her on the ground and walked away. The baby played in the dirt, and started eating the dirt! It was as if I heard the same voice speak to my heart, as I had heard so many times before… “If you leave her here, she will die…”

I picked her up and asked her Grandma if we could take her home, and she quickly agreed. Her stepmother told me that the baby, “Ti Mika,” was two but it was hard to believe… We brought her home and raised her here at our Children’s Home. Now, Ti Mika is a pretty young girl… She is now 12 and doing well in school. She loves to sing, loves church, and loves to “baby-sit.” She has a smile “a yard long.” A few years ago, I went back and visited Ti Mika’s Grandma and showed her a picture. She was laying on a mat on the ground in her mud hut… She looked at the picture, smiled, and said, “Now I can die happy because Ti Mika is well.” She has a smile like no other.  –  Sherry

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Food Distribution at Gwo Maché Mirak

We just returned from doing a Food Distribution at Gwo Maché Mirak. We felt so blessed to be able to share food with these vendors, and the women who sell at the market for their little families. We are in a gas and fuel crisis now. The gangs have taken over all the fuel trucks, so no one can get around. That means that fewer people can come to the market and buy, and this means that mothers who are working are not making as much as they used to. This one big box of Feed My Starving Children Food means everything to these families. Just look at the smile on this little girl’s face! We are so thankful for the two Love A Child Food Trucks that were donated by the Click Foundation. These trucks are named “George and Martha” after the parents of Donnie Click. These trucks have been a great blessing getting food to the hungry! God bless all our wonderful partners! Mr. Belleview, the Gwo Maché Mirak manager, and his team do a great job!!! Bobby and Sherry

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