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Word from the Mission Field

BROKEN FOCUS: “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” 2 Peter 1:10

So many things come up in our lives that try to break our focus from what the Lord has called us to do. Some of these things may be a bad relationship, losing your job, your friends talking about you, a financial setback, or discouragement. Others may be jealous of your ministry, but don’t let your feelings rest on your shoulder. Don’t let anyone or anything derail you; break your focus!

Let’s keep the focus on what the Lord has called us to do! The best is yet to come!

Bobby Burnette

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Fabiola… Always Helping

Fabiola is one of the best students in her class! But even at that, she loves to work! She is always ironing, taking care of the children, hanging up clothes, and cooking! She is just a “sweetheart!” When her mother died, her father could not take care of her and her brother. What a blessing to us! We love her and her brother, and they are both good students!!!

Fabiola is a tender-hearted young girl. She gets easily hurt and starts to cry. But she is always working, smiling, and happy! We call her “Minnie Mouse,” but the kids call her “Kok” which means “rooster!”

We just love Fabiola. She is a “zero stress” kid. (We only have a couple of those!!!)


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“Newest” News from Love A Child

We all just arrived home safe here at Love A Child around 3:00 PM. As we came in today and crossed the border into Haiti, no one was on the roads.

All our children were so happy!!! Thank you for your prayers. The first thing I heard was, “Dad we are almost out of diesel to run our water pump, Children’s Home, Jesus Healing Center, Birthing Center, Malnutrition Center… everything on our compound.”

PTL! Our new medical staff housing is solar! Our children’s home can run off of solar at night. In the future, we must have 100% solar here at Love A Child.

Any minute, any day we will lose touch with you. Many cell phone towers already have shut down due to no fuel. Many of our missionary friends… we can’t call right now. They have already lost all power and communication. The gangs have stopped the fuel trucks from delivering diesel and gas, again today!

The 17 Mennonite Missionaries have not been released yet. We are very sad and are praying for them, their families, and Christian Aid Ministries.

To tell you the truth, I don’t know how it can become much worse here.

The gangs are running Haiti. They control Haiti…


If you don’t hear from us, it means we are off the grid…

We love you…

Bobby and Sherry

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Feeding One Means Feeding Them All

Our Malnutrition Clinic is still serving the malnourished babies and children of Haiti. In spite of having no gas and few local tap-taps or transportation, mothers will find a way to get their starving, undernourished children to us. We have the best staff and they take excellent care of the children.

When the babies reach their specified weight, their mothers can take them home with special foods, but they must stay on and bring the children back every two weeks for check-ups. However, one problem we have had and other clinics have had also, is the mother will share that expensive formula and food with “all her other children.” As a result, she will bring the same baby back again… malnourished.

So now, we send a large box of FMSC food home with the mother so she can feed her other children, and keep the baby on the food and milk especially for him! That way, everyone is happy!!! Thank you, Feed My Starving Children, and thank you, partners, for sponsoring this food to get to us! The Haitians say, “You cannot eat okra with just one finger; it takes the whole hand!” So, thank you, partners! Let’s keep putting our hands together!  –  Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

The Haitian people and children are kind, humble, and everyone loves to joke and laugh. But in the last year and a half, their joy has been stolen. Gangs roam the streets terrifying the young and old. If you leave in the morning, you don’t know if you will be coming home that night. There are more kidnappings now in Haiti than in any other country. We can see the sorrow on the faces around us. They do not laugh and joke. Smiles are rare, but tears are abundant.

They remind me of the Jews taken captive and those that held them captive. They would make fun of them and tell them to play on their harps the songs of Zion. “We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song…” (Psalm 137:2-3) The Haitian people are so sad, it’s as if “they have hung their harps on a willow tree.” But the Lord, our God, is the only one who can deliver us, and soon, we must believe, that the Lord will deliver and that “joy cometh in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5) You too, in that struggle you are going through, it will not last! This too shall pass, and joy cometh in the morning! Let’s hang on!


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Latest News – UPDATE

Sherry, Bryon, Philimond, Joker, and I, will leave early in the morning for Haiti from the Dominican Republic. We will be driving for about seven or eight hours. We can’t wait to see our children. We live there with them, all 85!

Just a note… I know so many of you are asking us to take a break because of the great dangers. We love our Haitian children and the precious Haitian people. Our plans are to leave Haiti near the end of the second week of November. We will spend time with our family and all of us will be having Thanksgiving dinner together at the Grand Canyon on the rim. Just after Thanksgiving, Sherry and I will return to Haiti.

Attention: Because of the fuel blockades in Haiti, some of the cell phone towers have been shutting down one by one because of the lack of fuel. If no fuel can get through the gangs, we will lose all internet, phone, etc. We will be cut off from the outside world. I pray to the Lord that this does not happen. We hope this week that the Lord will give the Haitian people a miracle and all of this will change. I have not checked for the last four hours, but as far as I know, the gangs still have the 17 kidnapped missionaries. Thank you for your prayers and your financial support. It is needed more now than ever… We love you! Please pray as we drive back to Haiti tomorrow.

Bobby and Sherry

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“Grandpa” Wilguens (Jacque)

Wilguens (Jacque) is a hard worker but a “serious little guy!” Sometimes, he seems to look “too serious,” but he’s probably thinking about something.

Wilguens is the brother of beautiful “Fabiola.”

When his mother died, his father could not care for him and his sister. He would sometimes leave the children with no food or anything while he tried to find work, and as a result, both had malnutrition. He brought the children to Social Services and they contacted us to come and get them.

Wilguens is a hard worker and makes good grades in school. He is very shy but learns quickly. He is in 5th grade and loves to read the Bible and sing. The kids call him “Grandpa” because he seems older than he is!

We all love Grandpa!

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A Special Thank You, to Our Friends and Partners…

We wish to thank each and every one of you who have sacrificed large and small and the widow’s mite to provide tents for the poor, who suffered from the last earthquake.

We sent tents to Stephanie, from the Haiti Deaf Academy, who had requested tents. By a miracle, we had enough tents for her sweet people… Here is her note [below] and we wish to thank all you wonderful partners, for sharing and caring, and helping!!

We love you so much,
Bobby and Sherry

P.S. The pictures may not be too clear, but you can see the wonderful things your giving has done, Sherry… Here is Stephanie’s note…

“Sherry and Bobby,

Your love for others is a blessing and the Haitian people are greatly blessed by your life long generosity and program development.

We thank you for your swift response to our plea for tents. Our staff and students have much trauma and feelings of insecurity and deafness adds greatly to that. Our last rental home began to crumble last year, which necessitated a move to another two-story rental home for our dorm. Each small earth movement at night has caused them to run outdoors. These tents will provide security and lessen the trauma the students and staff are enduring.

I have attached some photos to show the Life Skills students putting the tents up (our phone camera is blurry). Our student, Jean Pardieu, who is hard of hearing reads French and some English and he started with the directions!! I did tell them tent rising is not easy.

Again, we are grateful and blessed by your love for others and your quick response to our request. Please send our gratitude to those who provided the tents. We have sent thanks to Real Hope for Haiti for their part in the delivery. Please let us know if we should send further documentation.

Each of you, the hands and feet of the Lord!”

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Latest Updates – Please Pray

We are here today in the Dominican Republic (DR) checking into expanding here. Today we are here looking into setting up a feeding/sustainability program for the Haitian people. Thousands of Haitians have fled here to the DR from Haiti.

Today, we will pick up Bryon Ray at the Punta Cana airport. It was too dangerous for him to fly into the Port Au Prince Airport.

He will drive back with us tomorrow to Haiti to help us.

Tomorrow we return to Haiti. Sherry and I are up every morning at 3:30 AM to start our day. Our hearts were so sad and broken this morning over the 17 kidnapped missionaries still held hostage.

Please pray for them, their families, and their organization, Christian Aid Ministries. These precious missionaries are Mennonites.

We heard this morning before daylight, about big guys shooting in different areas of Haiti. I think today through Wednesday in Haiti the nightmare will grow. No fuel anywhere. Gangs are in control… This week we will be completely out of diesel to run our generators. In the future, we must have 100% solar.

The whole country is in lockdown. Still can’t get our container from the port to Love A Child. Thank the Lord I saved back 55 gallons of diesel so our semi and container could make it to Love A Child. Now the boat to take our tents, tarps, and earthquake supplies has no diesel to make it to Jeremie.

I know everyone has been e-mailing, calling us to leave Haiti and take a break because of the danger. We know your advice is wise.

Soon, we will for about three weeks. It’s so hard… we have 85 children whom many we’ve had since they were babies. We are their Mom and Dad. We have 245 full-time workers just on our LAC property. The Birthing Center and Malnutrition Center is open 24 hours per day, never closes.

We have a big responsibility to a lot of people.

Praying we can get to Jeremie with the tents before we take our break. These poor people need somewhere to live – out of the rain.

Thank you to everyone who helps us financially to make all of this possible.

If we’ve ever needed your help financially, we need it now…

We love you.
Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Nothing to Live For.”

It’s hard to believe that in this day and time, there are so many people who feel like that… Some are on drugs, some are wealthy, and others are miserable with life… they have no friends. This is how a man felt in Mark the 5th chapter. Jesus had just been ministering to a large crowd when suddenly He made the decision to take the boat and “pass over onto the other side.” He did and the first person who came running up to him was a demon-possessed man, who had spent years among the tombs.

To say he had nothing to live for, would be an understatement. He was unloved and spent his life in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with rocks, until he bled. He felt that “he had nothing to live for,” until he met Jesus. Jesus cast the devils out of him and when he did, the man wanted to follow Jesus! Jesus told him to go home and tell his family what great things the Lord had done. But, the man was so excited, he became an evangelist, telling about Jesus everywhere he went! He now had “something to live for!”

When we know Jesus, we truly have “something to live for!!”


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