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The Story of Romaine Derissaint at the Jesus Healing Center (WARNING: Graphic Photos)

“When All Hope Was Lost.”

(WARNING: Graphic Photos)

Romaine Derissaint had been suffering for over ten long years with tumors caused by a condition called “Lipoma.” This is when fat under the skin causes tumors, on the shoulders, underarms, and thighs. For Haitians struggling to keep food on the table, finding a doctor or hospital to do this removal was out of the question… for ten long years. Like the woman in the Bible, he could not find a physician to help.

But, “When all hope was lost,” someone told him to go to “The Jesus Healing Center” because he had been suffering for a long time. Dr. Barthelemy is always outside the clinic, looking for the worst patients, to get them inside first. In fact, the doctor examined him right away. He told Romaine that he would need to do a lipectomy for him, which means, he would have to remove the growths from his shoulder. He was given IVs and then Dr. Barthelemy removed them and gave him medication for pain. Haitian Pastor Luckner, was there to pray with him. Romaine left with peace in his heart, knowing that God had directed him to Love A Child.

Among all the cases we always find in the clinic, this case was exceptional, but thanks to Doctor Barthelemy, our nurses, and their skills, the operation went well, and thanks to all those who made this Jesus Healing Center, staff, and Emergency Room available to the poor. Some may never attend church, but when they pass this way, they come in contact with the Great Physician! God bless our wonderful partners.

Bobby and Sherry

P.S. You will see our own little Roselyne, assisting Dr. Barthelemy in the surgery. She is now in college in Haiti, to become a “Love A Child doctor!”


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Word from the Mission Field

“Be Not Afraid.”

In 2 Kings 18, we find that Judah finally gets a righteous king, King Hezekiah. With everyone else around him serving false gods and idols and committing abominations, Hezekiah feared God. He destroyed all the idols and groves where people had worshipped false gods. He was almost “standing alone” with his kingdom, serving God.

One day, a fearful enemy, the king of Assyria, came to him with a warning. “Come out and surrender. Your God will not be able to deliver you out of our hands.” It put fear in the heart of the people, and in the heart of King Hezekiah. He tore his clothes, put on sackcloth, and humbled himself before the Lord. He sent for the prophet Isaiah for a “word from the Lord.” The Lord speaks through his prophet Isaiah and says, “Be not afraid of his words. Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall return to his own land, and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.”

What trouble do you face today? What storm are you going through? That court battle? That angry boss? The doctor with bad news? Your enemy? Your problem child? God is greater than any battle you are facing. He is still saying, “Be not afraid…” The same words Jesus spoke to his disciples, on the boat, during the storm. Matthew 14:27

“Be not afraid!” Have a great day! The Lord is still fighting your battles!


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Kenson… A Good-Looking Mechanic!

When Kenson was born, his mother died, and his father brought him to our Love A Child Orphanage.

He loves soccer and basketball and gets along well with the younger children. He is quiet and has a good personality. When he goes to Church, he tries to make sure that “everything matches!” He is always clean, even when he is dirty! Ha!

You will usually find him with his head stuck in a motor of one of our broken-down cars or trucks. But “he always looks good!!” He rarely looks dirty or greasy! He loves to dress up, and his sisters say, “he has a passion for fashion!” We love Kenson! We know he will pass this year and then go on to a Mechanic School in Haiti! We can always use “another good mechanic.” With all our broken-down vehicles, he will have “job security!” Sherry

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“Cows Without Tails…” A Haitian Creole Proverb

Finding work in Haiti is not easy. All poor mothers and fathers struggle to make an existence for their children… even feeding them one meal a day is difficult. Some are farmers, but the soil is not good and rainfall is minimal. Not enough for a harvest. Some ladies try to wash clothes for others, but the “others” are poor also.

When a mother leaves her hut to go and wash clothes for someone, in order to make money, she often has to leave her little ones at their hut and ask a neighbor to watch them.

Madamn Ellene has a two-year-old son, Watson. She had gone out to work in the field because if she did not, there would be nothing for her child to eat that day. Little Watson was playing at the neighbor’s hut. That woman had a pot of boiling water on the fire outside on the ground, “on three rocks.” He fell into that pot of boiling water, and it burned his whole arm! His mother tried to take him to a hospital, but they would not receive him because the mother had no money to pay. So, Watson’s mother tried putting leaves and mud on his arm.

It became infected…. but someone told her to “take her baby to Love A Child,” and she would not have to pay anything! She did!

Dr. Barthelemy and his staff had to scrub off the embedded charcoal and other things his mother had put on him. Then, he bandaged up the wound, gave her antibiotics, and lots of other medications, and told her to bring him back.

We are so thankful to Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for sponsoring our Jesus Healing Center each month, without fail. Watson and his mother are just a tiny few of the many, many mothers, fathers, and children that have been saved, and healed at our Jesus Healing Center! We are so grateful for our little Pastor, Luckner, who is always there to pray with the patients and tell them about the “Great Physician!”

The Haitian Creole Proverb says that “’Cows Without Tails,’ God will chase away the flies for them!”

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Haiti Update

PTL! Casimi was able to pick up our rice container at the Port yesterday! It was rough with the shooting and the gangs down there, but the angels were with him! Mission accomplished! Thank you for all your prayers.

Yesterday Sherry and I could not attend our Love A Child board meeting in Fort Myers. The board had a very good board meeting. Love A Child is well and strong. Thank you, Lord.

I had to rush Sherry to a dentist down in Naples for a dental emergency. She was in unbearable pain. I actually did this two days in a row, Wednesday and Thursday. This Monday, she will see another dentist for a follow-up.

We will hopefully return to Haiti this coming week. Sherry is doing so much better. No pain today!

We had to cancel our trip down to the Dominican Republic for tomorrow.

Jesse Ostrander will be taking our place.

He will be with the kidney doctor when he examines little Jackson for a possible kidney transplant. He will also be with Dieuferly when he meets with his doctor for his last appointments. Dieuferly is doing great!! Thank you, RL, for setting all of this up and for your perseverance. Philimond will be bringing little Jackson from Haiti to Santo Domingo (DR) to meet with the kidney doctor.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“How much is left over?”

Have you ever noticed that some of the most famous stories in the Bible are about people whose names are never mentioned… the Good Samaritan, the little boy who gave his last two loaves and fishes to feed a multitude, or the little woman who gave her last two mites? They are some of the unnamed heroes of the Bible. One of my favorites is the little widow woman with her two mites. It is a story about giving, and this is why Jesus taught us the story…

Years ago, some of our friends paid our way to Israel. What a trip that was! My favorite part of the trip was the story of the little widow woman. Our guide told us that in those days the widows were not supposed to be in the “giving line.” The widows were supposed to go to the back and receive a little money from the priest. But “there was a certain widow, and she threw in two mites.” (Mark 12:42) He took us to a place where they had those tiny little “widow’s mites.” They are about the size of a small fingernail! You would never be able to find it in the offering plate at your church!!

Jesus used her as a lesson on giving. He called his disciples and said, “For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want, did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” (Mark 12:44) She threw in “all her living!” The thought behind this is… “it’s not how much you give that determines the sacrifice; it’s how much you have left over after you give that determines the sacrifice.” A millionaire could drop $1,000 in a church offering plate, and that would be great, but that was not a “sacrifice.” But the little housewife with her five little children, trying to make a living without a husband, takes her two little crumpled $1.00 bills (all she has) and happily drops them into the offering plate. Who gave the most?

There is a place in heaven for the wonderful children of God who give all they have, even if it is “two mites!” Always be a giver! God is not “stingy with us.” He blesses us more than we can ask or think! Today, keep your heart open because God may speak to you to give to someone “you don’t even know!” Have a wonderful day! Sherry

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Saving Lives… Every Day

Someone once asked us why there are so many orphanages in Haiti. Haiti has many orphanages and many “restavek” children. When a poor mother is pregnant, she often listens to bad advice from some of the older ladies that believe in “old wives’ tales.” These young mothers have never had anyone teach them how to take care of themselves… they just listen to superstition and die.

One problem is that many young mothers drink a “tea” to speed up the delivery. This “tea” is made from peanut skin, bitter ginger, egg skin, and several other items. The tea will make their blood pressure go up. Many pregnant women have lost their lives because of this “tea.” We have even sent our “midwives” up the mountains to teach the young women what happens when they drink this tea. It will cause horrible pain and they will die and probably lose the baby.

Today, at our Birthing Centerwe had three babies born, healthy, with healthy mothers. Our dear friends make and send special “Birthing Kits” to these poor mothers, and this is such a great gift. Inside are baby blankets, diapers, safety pins, a small Birthing Kit, “booties,” a head bonnet, etc. They get the BEST of care… experienced doctors and midwives, sonograms, medicine, a beautiful birthing room, a beautiful recovery room, and food. And what’s more, if they come from the mountains and their relative must stay with them, we have little “rooms” for them to stay.

We are so grateful to our partners who make all this possible.


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Rice Container Update

Casimi was not able to pick up the rice we bought at the Port yesterday. I believe this was his 5th attempt. He will be trying again today. The gangs down at the Port and other areas are out of control.

They told me this morning the gangs are out of control shooting. They shoot at each other, the police, buildings, etc.

The gangs could very easily kidnap Casimi, take our semi-truck container and all of our rice in it.

I’m thankful we pick up our Feed My Starving Children meals at a different port. Mark Crea, the President of Feed My Starving Children, contacted me again yesterday, confirming they will be giving us 3 extra containers each month. Please pray the Lord will meet their need for the extra expense and our need to pay for all the expenses of shipping to Haiti… By faith!

Thank you for your prayers…
Bobby Burnette

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LAC TV Program “Healing Hands” Begins Friday!

This week, your heart will be moved as you see patients leave our Love A Child clinics in Fond Parisien, Haiti with tales of restoration and new life. A young man was discarded on a deserted road with life-threatening injuries; good Samaritans place his life in the hands of the doctors at The Jesus Healing Center. A young woman seeks a diagnosis after experiencing concerning symptoms post-partum, The Birthing Center is her only chance to make sure her baby isn’t left an orphan. The Malnutrition Center sees another one of their young patients return stronger, healthier, and happier; without their intervention, he would likely become part of the country’s startling statistic in which 1-in-5 children die before the age of five due to malnutrition. These lives are only made whole through your generosity; we cannot heal, we cannot strengthen, we cannot bring new life into the world without your support.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Thank you for all you do! Together we are saving lives!

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Word from the Mission Field

Sometimes we are in the valley, sometimes on top of the mountain. Some of you are in the valley and have been there for some time. Others receive criticism… Your family does not understand why you are serving Christ. Others may laugh at you and talk about you. Some of your friends may be against you, jealous of you, but that’s okay. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) The best is yet to come because the Lord is on our side! Bobby Burnette

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