The earthquake that struck South Haiti, didn’t care if it affected the crippled, the children, the blind, or the elderly. The earthquake struck the most vulnerable, anywhere and everywhere. While we were giving away the tents that you, our friends and partners purchased, it was such a joy to give tents to the elderly widows...
"Fear Hath Torment." We had just returned from handing out "family tents," to those who had gone through the recent earthquake in South Haiti. We had worked tirelessly and so had our Haitian workers. We left early for Fond Parisien, but it was a long drive of six hours. We could have taken the fast...
This is what one lady said to us, as they welcomed us to their village, destroyed by the 7.2 earthquake that shook southern Haiti, August 14th! Up until now, many of the earthquake victims had felt that they were forgotten... but the Lord had not forgotten them. After spending many days in the heat of...
Look at this big smile from Mackenson!! He just got his hair cut for school! (Well, at least he won’t have to spend a lot of timing combing his hair!!) Mackenson is now 15 and doing well, despite having a stroke about 8 years ago. He was just sitting in school, fell over, and was...
Sorry, we had no internet yesterday. Thank you for your prayers. Yesterday, Casimi made it through Martissaint with the second load of tents! Hubert and his guys unloaded the tents then Casimi got into his semi to return to Love A Child, traveling through Martissaint. He made it back home safe! We were at three...
Are you the tail or the head? “And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them.” Deuteronomy 28:13 Are...
This morning, while we are praying for Bobby and Sherry, and Jesse, distributing tents to the thousands of families who were left with nothing, deep in the interior of Haiti where the major devastation occurred from the earthquake, I want to share some of the ongoing work at our Agricultural Training Center (ATC). God spared...
This is for someone today. When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing! “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 The Lord has it all under control in your life. The best is yet to come!...
No internet all day until now. Thank you for your prayers. We had a 6-hour drive coming here to Anse-a-Veau. We are here safe. Pray for Casimi, he leaves before daylight in the morning with our second 40-foot container full of tents. He must drive through the most dangerous place, probably in all of Haiti....
Sherry, Jesse, Philimond, and I left this morning at 6 AM to travel to southern Haiti to meet our crew and help pass out tents. We will also be airing this on TV so you can see firsthand what all is going on. Thank you again to everyone who helped make all of this possible...