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Luckson… He’s Hired Already!

Luckson is older than he looks! He is actually nine years old now. He and his family lived on top of the mountain of Covant, high in the mountains. Many women in this area have died during childbirth because of complications and there are no doctors, or even a clinic up there! When his mother died, his father immediately brought him down to our Orphanage. He already had four children to feed, and could not find a woman to nurse the baby. Luckson is small but smart! He makes good grades in school and knows many Bible verses! He loves to sing.

“Yes Luckson, you are looking mighty fine in your nice Sunday shirt,” but he’ll peel that off when he gets home and he’ll go outside to play basketball. What does Luckson want to be? A teacher at our Love A Child School! He’s hired already! Sherry

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More and More Patients…

Lately, we have been seeing more and more patients at our Jesus Healing Center. The Emergency Room is always busy, and some days it is completely full! Thanks to our large and spacious waiting room, there are no more long lines with people fighting to get into our clinic! There is room for everyone!!

We are thankful that Pastor Mark Ostrander designed a LARGE Emergency Room! We need it! We always have motorcycle accidents, fires, gunshot wounds, leg and foot infections, etc. It seems that Dr. Barthelemy is always sewing someone up! (WE all think Dr. Barthelemy sleeps in the ER!! Ha!)

Dr. Barthelemy LOVES to help people in the ER! If we let him, he would sleep there! He is so patient and kind to the poor people! We love our doctors and nurses and our mid-wives!!!  Our sweet Haitian Pastor, Pastor Luckner, is always there to pray with the sick and wounded… God has blessed us so much!!! We appreciate all our Love A Child Partners who pray for us every day, and special thanks to Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for sponsoring the monthly operating cost of the Clinic so that we can take good care of the poor… consultation, lab work, medicines, and much more!!!

David Meyer says, “Together We Are Better,” and Bobby says, “Love Is Something You Do!”

We love all of you wonderful partners!!! Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

The God of “I Will Restore.”

Have you ever lost something? A job? A home? A car? A position? Just be patient… We not only serve a God of “more than enough,” but we serve a God of “Restoration.” We serve the “I will restore,” God.

I cannot count the things in our lives that were lost, mostly because we were poor. We could not see “God in these things” years ago, but as we kept on serving the Lord, we found out that He has restored everything that “the locust and palmerworm have eaten.”

The problem with most Christians is the “I want it right now,” attitude! I look back to the day when we had three checking accounts, and every one of them had “zero” dollars in them, and on that same day, Bobby got the message from his dermatologist that he had “six months to live.” Everything was gone, including our dreams of doing something for the Lord in Haiti! We were “below zero.” But, God wanted to test us, to see if we could still trust Him when things went down to zero! I cannot say it was easy, but I can say, “that the Lord restored everything the devil took from us.”

Today, if you are one of those many Christians who have “lost something” (it could be a husband or a wife, a job, or a child, health, or anything) the Lord is talking to you!

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.” Joel 2:25

Do not give up! We serve a God of “Restoration!” Have a blessed day!!! Sherry

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It’s a Joy to Bless the Poor!

What a day yesterday! We flew to Jeremie with our good friend of 43 years, Joe Hurston!! Joe has “Mobile Ministries,” which literally means that he goes around the world blessing the poor. He has a great water filter that he distributes around the world that will clean any water, no matter how dirty! I love to see him take dirty water, I mean dirty, and he drinks it!! He gave two of them to the mayor of Jeremie yesterday. He loves his airplane… He calls it his little donkey… “Ti Bourik”.

Thank you, Joe, for helping us yesterday.

Bobby and Sherry

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Everyone Loves Grandpa!

Wilguens (also known as Jacque) is a “different little boy.” You would hardly know he is here or there! Wilguens is now nine years old; he is the brother of Fabiola. He will be in the fifth grade in the fall. Wilguens is quiet and shy, and I don’t think I have seen him in a week or two! Ha! But he is here… He loves to play outdoors with his brothers, and he is also very intelligent. He loves to read the Bible and sing with the other children.

His mother died when he was young, and his father could not care for him. Sometimes he would leave the children alone for days, looking for work. Both children became malnourished. When his father came back to see them, he thought it best to take them to an orphanage. He brought them first to Social Services and they, in turn, brought them to our orphanage. Both children adapted very quickly.

Wilguens is looking forward to school. He is a good student. He really hasn’t decided what he wants to be in life. He never stresses over anything, he just “moves along!” The kids call him “Grandpa!” Everyone loves Wilguens!


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More Haitians Helping Haitians

This is our dear friend Pastor Claude. He came this afternoon to get help for a large group of families from Les Cayes. Their Catholic Church was destroyed, and like so many families, their homes were destroyed too.

Yesterday, our Haitian children from Love A Child, and our sweet friend Lauren Ray worked all day long packing bags full of sheets, blankets, clothing, toiletries, and other items for hundreds of families.

Today, Pastor Claude came and wanted to send relief supplies to Sister Monique from Les Cayes and the many families there. We loaded up his bus with a pallet of food from Feed My Starving Children and a pallet of beans from Hope Beans (which are packaged by disabled workers).  It brings tears to our eyes to see how missionaries all over Haiti are coming together to help, and the Haitian people are helping their own people.

When we all work together, we get the job done! Special thanks to Feed My Starving Children, Hope Beans, and everyone who gave to make this possible… but, we still have a lot of work ahead of us.

God bless you,
Bobby and Sherry
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Help for the earthquake victims

Yesterday early morning Sherry and I, Joe Hurston, and Watson took off for Jeremie, Haiti, to meet with Mayor Yvrose, a very strong Christian woman. We are thankful to Joe Hurston of “Air Mobile Ministries” for helping us with his plane.

We met with Mayor Yvrose, and when we told her how we wanted to help, she started crying fervently. She said we were the first outside group who came to offer food. She had already made a wonderful distribution plan to reach not only parts of Jeremie but up into the interior to help the forgotten ones. She knows all the churches and groups all over. She has very good connections and works well with everyone. Jeremie has some wonderful missionaries who have been working hard to do the best they can.

My observations from yesterday: Thankfully, the city of Jeremie, which is an old town, was in much better shape than I would have thought. There were many buildings down.

I thought down at the boat port I would have seen a lot of boats bringing in food and help. I did not see one boat at the port…

The mayor took us by and showed us where buildings were, which had fallen and killed children. This was very sad. She also took us to see where people who lost their homes in the earthquake were staying. They were frantic, to say the least. It was a very touching and emotional day.

Update: Thank you, partners, for all your help. This weekend we have a large boat bringing 6,000 bags of rice, along with cooking oil and condensed milk for the children. For this area, we have spent $139,680.00.

Hopefully, Tuesday will be distribution day. Sherry and I will be there in Jeremie.

Update on Nipps Area and Other Areas: We are now believing the Lord for the funds to reach the Nipps area and all the many areas in the interior. We have already bought some beans, rice, and cooking oil. We have much more to go. The first 40-foot container load of rice will leave tomorrow for the Nipps area. These areas were in the epicenter of the earthquake…

Thank you for your prayers and help.

Bobby and Sherry


P.S. These are pictures of three of the buildings which fell in Jeremie during the earthquake.

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LAC TV Program “Be Still” Begins Friday!

In this week’s Love A Child television program, “Be Still,” join us as we bring a Mobile Medical Clinic to Savaan Pit, a poor, remote village high in the mountains of Haiti. Your heart will be moved as you see Jovanie, who was raised in the LAC Children’s Home and is now a nurse, caring for a little girl with a terrible infection. You will see Dieuferly, also raised in the LAC Children’s Home, meet a boy who suffers from the same condition he had as a child – clubfoot. A desperate mother brings her baby, who is suffering from a severe case of malnutrition to the mobile clinic as her last and only hope. Join us and watch as these and many other lives are saved thanks to God’s healing hands and the generosity of Love A Child partners.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Together, we are changing lives!

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Word from the Mission Field

“Every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.” John the Baptist, Luke 3:9

He looked like a crazy man living in the desert alone with God, eating locusts and wild honey, and having his loins gird about with camel’s hair. Who would ever believe this “strange man?” But he was the one that was sent to prepare the way for Jesus. After he preaches and tells everyone to repent and “bring forth good fruit,” they ask him, “What shall we do then?” John replies, “He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise.” Luke 3:11

The first fruit we should bear after receiving the Lord is to “give to the poor.” Very few churches preach this message today. They have a “form of godliness,” but deny the power thereof. But as soon as we accept the Lord, we are commissioned to “give.” Giving is showing the love, and “Love Is Something You Do.” Sherry

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Earthquake Emergency Update: Les Cayes and Jeremie

I just got a brief but urgent call from Bobby and Sherry who said they have been trying to get information out to us since 6:30 am this morning, when they left Port-au-Prince by small private plane to fly into the affected area of Haiti, the “forgotten area,” around the earthquake and hurricane destruction in Les Cayes and Jeremie.

They are seeing unbelievable damage and despair among the Haitian people. Even though today is Bobby and Sherry’s wedding anniversary, they are serving God by flying into the desolate parts of the interior of Haiti, planning the logistics for getting a huge food aid response exactly where it is needed most.

They are putting together a large relief response to send into this area as soon as it is possible. They hope to be back at the Children’s Home at LAC this evening. Please pray for their safe travels.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director



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