Widlene and her sister, Esther, were brought to us by their mother, Madamn Jesula. Their father had died and Madamn Jesula was so sick, she thought she would die. She wanted us to take care of her children when she died. I told her, “Your name is Jesula. It means ‘Jesus is here,’ and if...
Sherry and I want to thank you for praying for little Jackson and Dieuferly. It means a lot to us. The power of prayer works! The Story of Jackson: Little Jackson, we found when we were doing a Mobile Medical Clinic in a very remote part of Haiti called "Savaan Pite." His stomach was extremely...
As many of you know, Jackson is being prepared for dialysis in Haiti. He came to a point where he just could not continue without some major change in his healthcare. Dr. Barthelemy says that Jackson has no pain, but he is waiting for his last exam (kidney, complete blood count, etc.) before the dialysis...
“I set my face as a flint.” “For the Lord will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded; therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed.” Isaiah 50:7 This prophecy came forth out of the mouth of the Messiah through the Lord’s prophet, Isaiah....
Christian's mother died when he was a small child, perhaps two, or three. His mother was put in prison. The Department of Social Services brought him to us. From the moment we saw him, we fell in love with his bright eyes. When he was about six, we found out he had a "great talent" for...
Thank you for your prayers, we are here safe and have checked in to our hotel rooms here in Santo Domingo. Please continue to pray that Dieuferly's surgery on both feet will be better than even expected. There is power in Prayer! Mark Ostrander comes in tomorrow to work on the dorm medical staff housing, among...
To the Dominican Republic... We left early this morning to go to the D.R. As some of you know, Dieuferly, one of our older children, has had severe problems with his club feet. He had some "botched surgeries" when he was a child and has been in constant pain. We found a really good orthopedic...
The calling of God. “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” 2 Peter 1:10 A missionary asked me a question today. He knows someone who may want to come and be a missionary in Haiti. What advice could I give? Does he have the...
There’s almost water for Fond Parisien!!!! Nothing is easy in Haiti. It’s been a long hot day. Everyone worked so hard. God bless all the guys from Blue Ridge. They are the experts. The pump and all the pipes are deep in the earth. All was completed today. At the end of the day, one...
His mother died and his father could not take care of him. When we received Mikael, he was in poor, poor health. He came to us with malnutrition. Mikael... What can I say about Mikael? He is a very unusual young man. First of all, "he loves to work!" (How many kids in the U.S....