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Word from the Mission Field

“What if God Gave Us His Leftovers?” How would you feel if someone “prosperous” invited you to their house for Thanksgiving dinner, and when you arrived, they said, “Glad you came over, we’re going to have ‘leftovers,’ just for you!” I’m sure you would be gracious but maybe just a[…]

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Our Future Pediatrician!

Jolina was born in Savaan Roche, high in the mountains of Haiti. Her father was shot and killed, and her mother could not take care of her since there were nine children in the family. Her mother brought her and her cousin, Daphline, to our orphanage to live! They were[…]

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Building by Faith

We welcomed Jesse Ostrander to Haiti. He is working along with the Haitian crew on the Jesus Healing Center and Malnutrition Center; we hope to open both soon! The painters you see are our older children. Elizie has taught them well. Notice the Haitian workers have started digging the foundation[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God’s law of sowing and reaping… “… He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you;[…]

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Jean Edwouard is Going to Community College

To look at this wonderful, handsome, young man, you would never have thought that he was raised to be a “restavek slave.” I first noticed Jean Edwouard when we were in the village of Old Letant. We were by the lake and we had a Feed My Starving Children team[…]

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Preparing the New Malnutrition Center!

We are preparing and moving into the new Malnutrition Center. We are putting down gravel and just unloaded the last load of all the Malnutrition Center furnishings. It’s all very exciting! We are hoping to open by the end of the month! Many little babies’ lives will be saved. They[…]

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Sending Love From the Girls to You!

We are so proud of our young teens and older girls here at Love A Child! They all study hard for their school tests, keep their rooms clean, and are very respectful to the workers and their teachers. Their favorite hobby is “cooking!” You can be sure that they will[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“For the Thing Was Done Suddenly.” Some people are so slow to make a decision or get things done for the Lord… We knew a lady years ago who always so, so slow to make up her mind. If we had a team going to Haiti, she would keep everyone[…]

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Like King David in the Bible…

Wiggins (Jacque) is nine years old and in third grade. He loves to play soccer and basketball. He loves school and his favorite subject is math. He is the brother of Fabiola. He is not a child who smiles all the time but, rather, is more serious. When his mother[…]

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Gourmet Cooks!

Just look at all these dishes our Haitian daughter cooked up! Widlene’s high school class, Rheto, had a party at our school. Our girls did all the cooking and wow!!! Their food trays looked great! As I have said before, “our girls love to cook… because they love to eat![…]

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